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The Economist - GDP 2013

Who told you that rupee will appreciate to 45?
it will take a decade to reach 5th position....
But we can reach at6 easily by 2020.....

India is going to attract record FDI in next two years.

Plus India is going to do a lot more exports, as the world economy should pick up.

I see INR appreciating next two years. Should be below 50 by end of 2015.
India is going to attract record FDI in next two years.

Plus India is going to do a lot more exports, as the world economy should pick up.

I see INR appreciating next two years. Should be below50 by end of 2015.
Are you an economist?
I dont think it wwill happen....
Are you an economist?
I dont think it wwill happen....

there is no surety this would happen. but lets wait. the macros are turning.

rupee was under 45 till July 2011. So it has gone from 45 to 69 and come back to 62 now. all this happened very quickly. It has scope to move back to 45 if things stabilize.
if you take USD/INR at 45. Indian GDP nomial jumps to 2951200.

that's number 5 on the list.

so seems like this nominal data is not very useful. PPP seems more better.

Depends on the application. For example, if the country is complete or almost self-sufficient on certain items (food, weapon, etc), then PPP is a better measurement since most of the product used would be domestically made. On the other hand, if you heavily depend on imports, then nominal GDP is a better indicator.
India could have over taken Brazil and Russia if it wasn't for that pesky currency devaluation

Even UK & France too, If we had sustained our growth rate and controlled the fall of rupee, then we could have been close to $3 Trillion mark by now and at the 5th Position.

But, things will drastically change once the change of power in the center this year. I hope the growth and development oriented Shri Narendra Modi Ji will help in boosting our growth rate back to 8-9% in 3 or 4 years from now.

According to World Bank data.

India Home

So how did India manage to jump from 1.84 to 2.14 Trillion $$? When even the INR depreciated.

May be the Economist has not taken into the account the fluctuation of rupee? And appreciated the Indian Economy with 4% Increase per year ?
Australia has the best GDP per-capita within 16 biggest GDP countries, your country GDP per capita (USA) is also less than Aussie. It has huge resources and has had its GDP only 500 Billion USD in early 2000, and tripling into current data because of China and India demand on coal and others. In term of Manufacturing out put, Indonesia is much better than Aussie...Two or three times bigger...we are number 11 in the world in term of manufacturing output..and very close to India out put even though India has more than 1 billion people.

Indonesia spends only 1% of it's GDP on defence.

It should think about gradually increasing this to between 2.5-3% by 2030.

Increased defence spending with be necessary for Indonesia to safeguard it's prosperity.
According to World Bank data.

India Home

So how did India manage to jump from 1.84 to 2.14 Trillion $$? When even the INR depreciated.

The data posted by op is not credible, there is no link to the economist website. Indian economy has most probably shrunk a bit, given the depreciating rupee and slow economic growth.

According to the IMF economic outlook, Indian economy was around 1.75 trillion in 2013.
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I don't know about other countries, China's GDP figure is not out yet.
India is going to attract record FDI in next two years.

Plus India is going to do a lot more exports, as the world economy should pick up.

I see INR appreciating next two years. Should be below 50 by end of 2015.

Too much should be about India. How about India should work hard and stop crime in its own country. Also, follow the law of other countries.
Indonesia spends only 1% of it's GDP on defence.

It should think about gradually increasing this to between 2.5-3% by 2030.

Increased defence spending with be necessary for Indonesia to safeguard it's prosperity.

Yup, you are true, but we want to have that increase in line with our defense industry. Too many import can hurt our currency. Now, we are developing cruise missile, tanks, submarine, large war ship, stealth jet fighter, etc. If those war machine can be made during 2017-2020 insyaALLAH, I hope that increase on military spending can be realized. It can benefit our economy as well. So for now on, the focus is still on economy and defense industry.
The data posted by op is not credible, there is no link to the economist website. Indian economy has most probably shrunk a bit, given the depreciating rupee and slow economic growth.

According to the IMF economic outlook, Indian economy was around 1.75 trillion in 2013.

Nominal GDP growth = Real Growth + Inflation.
India is going to attract record FDI in next two years.

Plus India is going to do a lot more exports, as the world economy should pick up.

I see INR appreciating next two years. Should be below 50 by end of 2015.

Not when your country‘s inflation is running at annual rate of over 10% and economy expanding at a snail'space of under 5%。
Indian economy has shrunk in dollar terms. India has inflation over 10% and it's currency collapsed 11% last year.

The Indian economy is a mess.
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