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India displaces Japan to become third-largest world economy

Do you even understand Economics kid?

I've humiliated you on economics and you can only rant about once new regime comes everything will be fine.

India is a joke as an economy because of its anti-business climate in India. Indians have very anti-business sentiment.

Debt doesn't matter to the US because the dollar is the global reserve currency. When they print money, their money has demand worldwide so domestic inflation stays low in the US. India can't print money to buy your own bonds as the Rupee is not international so all the Rupees the RBI prints stays in India causing massive domestic inflation and destroying the purchasing power of Indians.

US can run CAD because the status of its currency. India cannot. Thats why Indian economy is collapsing due to high inflation caused by the CAD deprecating the Rupee.

Learn some basic economics kid.
I've chewed you up and spit you out even though you've apparently done economics :lol:
How embarrassing man.

Indians beg for toilets.
Lol,a Chinese is talking about humiliating an IIM(Kanpur) alumnus on Economics:lol:.It's absolutely hilarious:omghaha::haha:
Isnt that funny that in World Bank's one of prime position there is an indian national, hence it is claiming something so bizarre?
Conspiracy theory. Ha Ha. Typical loser rant. all this BS works in country like Pakistan.

U think that the Indian is in prime position and hence he can do whatever he wants and his other colleuges and subordinates are illiterates to not understand anything. Sorry Dude, this must be typical of Pakistan but not outside it.

So plz, do calculate ur rant before blabbering.

Purchasing power parity doesn't mean much.

Anyways, congratulations to india
Seems u dint refer my posts on 1,2 page of the thread. Still, do u simply say certian sentences or do u have any logical explainations too behind ur assertions?
Seems u dint refer my posts on 1,2 page of the thread. Still, do u simply say certian sentences or do u have any logical explainations too behind ur assertions?

Don't be a tool.

I have studied economics in elite U.S schools. I know what I am talking about

PPP isn't a good measure to judge your economy in global market place. india's nominal GDP is what counts in global market place..So to be an influential power, india will have to dominate *global* market place.

PPP is for local market. Which doesn't count much in geopolitical context.

Tell me where I am wrong?
Don't be a tool.

I have studied economics in elite U.S schools. I know what I am talking about

PPP isn't a good measure to judge your economy in global market place. india's nominal GDP is what counts in global market place..So to be an influential power, india will have to dominate *global* market place.

PPP is for local market. Which doesn't count much in geopolitical context.

Tell me where I am wrong?

What? Where are u bringing all this? Where has anyone said India being a global power and all that? Dont divert.

Binging u back to the topic, it simply talks bout GDP of a country in local terms. Who has said that local version for the GDP be used to show world position?

The point that we r making here is, PPP unlike Nominal is measured and not converted or calculated. Real growth in todays world carries maximum importance compared to nominal growth. WHY?

Real Growth is calculated on PPP GDP and thats what is important for us. We want true growth. ie. Real Growth and not some converted on current currency value.
U frm US. Hence, it shud be natural for u to understand that Nominal GDP is a matter of tym. Currency never remains constant. With more Investor confidence and FDI, currency will get stronger. Hence, Nominal GDP start to grow drastically more coz Real Growth was already there and with strong
currency, calculations shoot up the Nominal GDP.

As explained above, All GDPs are important. To keep track on real stuff, PPP is needed. For international normalization, nominal is needed. We are net importer thats why we faced fall in currency. Now post elections we r gonna catchup. But bottomline is, its foolish to so confidently say which is not imp n what is. There r different applications for diff versions. Nothing is so laymanly important n better.
What? Where are u bringing all this? Where has anyone said India being a global power and all that? Dont divert.

Binging u back to the topic, it simply talks bout GDP of a country in local terms. Who has said that local version for the GDP be used to show world position?

The point that we r making here is, PPP unlike Nominal is measured and not converted or calculated. Real growth in todays world carries maximum importance compared to nominal growth. WHY?

Real Growth is calculated on PPP GDP and thats what is important for us. We want true growth. ie. Real Growth and not some converted on current currency value.
U frm US. Hence, it shud be natural for u to understand that Nominal GDP is a matter of tym. Currency never remains constant. With more Investor confidence and FDI, currency will get stronger. Hence, Nominal GDP start to grow drastically more coz Real Growth was already there and with strong
currency, calculations shoot up the Nominal GDP.

As explained above, All GDPs are important. To keep track on real stuff, PPP is needed. For international normalization, nominal is needed. We are net importer thats why we faced fall in currency. Now post elections we r gonna catchup. But bottomline is, its foolish to so confidently say which is not imp n what is. There r different applications for diff versions. Nothing is so laymanly important n better.

You really are clueless on Economics kid. The fact that you say nominal exchange rates don't matter when India is extremely reliant on that shows you're an Economic noob. No country on this planet has the full production supply chain to grow isolated from the world. India imports all the goods it needs to grow its economy from energy, raw materials to affordable manufactured goods to components to industrial tools and equipment.

Growth in your own currency is irrelevant if you're getting poorer relative to the global economy.

Zimbabwe was growing in their own currency but they were getting poorer in nominal exchange rates. Iran was growing in their own currency but was getting poorer in nominal exchange rates.

Indian economy is structurally flawed due to its Hindu bureaucracy and incompetence. Plus the political system is incredibly flawed and corrupt to the point that its detrimental to the economy and the society. Then you have very jingoistic population and anti-business sentiment among Indians which further complicates things.

Sorry to tell ya but Modi won't be your saviour. The country and system itself is flawed which one man cannot solve.

Lol,a Chinese is talking about humiliating an IIM(Kanpur) alumnus on Economics:lol:.It's absolutely hilarious:omghaha::haha:

I've already made a complete mockery of him.
You really are clueless on Economics kid. The fact that you say nominal exchange rates don't matter when India is extremely reliant on that shows you're an Economic noob.
Misquoting me is the best thing u can do. Its u who say Nominal is imp and PP is not. I said both r important depending on what aspects u want to find out. U are only bullshiting on irrelavant topic but dont care to answer me what I cross ask u. TELL ME, HOW CAN U CALCULATE NOMINAL WITHOUT PPP. Do u even know how do u calculate Nominal GDP? What is the relation between Nominal and PPP? Coz after this process itself its gonna be clear what is the application of which GDP. Temme the process Mr. Economic Champ. This is the basic 1st Chapter stuff. Lets all see. :)

Fool is someone who compares 2 stuff for greatness of one without even understanding the 2nd stuff.

No country on this planet has the full production supply chain to grow isolated from the world. India imports all the goods it needs to grow its economy from energy, raw materials to affordable manufactured goods to components to industrial tools and equipment.

Ya So? How is it relevant? Or have u learnt to make irrelavant comments to make a mockery? And only a Chinese can talk bout greatness of Manufacturing dismissing all others. India is a different model. We are executing our requirements uniquely. IF what u said was such a big issue then we wud have faced balance of payments issue like ur great frnd Pakistan. Are we? No. We do import so called everything but we do export a lot too. Do look into our Exports and Imports. Ur blabbering is such that India Imports ALL and Exports NONE.

Growth in your own currency is irrelevant if you're getting poorer relative to the global economy.
Actually its not. It will be if we become more and more Net Importer which is not happening against ur wish. U r such a laymen which is proved by seeing u call a country relatively poor just coz its currency weakens. CHINA NEVER ALLOWED TO STRENGTHEN ITS CURRENCY. U MEAN IT TRIED TO REMAIN POOR? What BS? :D

Weakening ur currency are also Govt acts, to strengthen Exports. U think so so Unidirectional. Economist ? My balls. :rofl:

Zimbabwe was growing in their own currency but they were getting poorer in nominal exchange rates. Iran was growing in their own currency but was getting poorer in nominal exchange rates.
How can growing in ur currency make u poor? Excellent Logic.

Nominal GDP = PPP GDP / P(e).

P(e) is function of currency which when increases against Dollors lowers Nominal. If u say CURRENCY IS GROWING which means its strengthening against dollor and hence shud increase the Nominal GDP. How do u say in next sentence that The are becoming poor? CHINESE LOGIC? :D :D :D. Again this is in 2nd chapters. Read 1st 2 chapters then we wud talk.

Indian economy is structurally flawed due to its Hindu bureaucracy and incompetence. Plus the political system is incredibly flawed and corrupt to the point that its detrimental to the economy and the society. Then you have very jingoistic population and anti-business sentiment among Indians which further complicates things.
And still we sustained our Nominal GDP rank of around 10. So as per ur worshiping of Nominal, India is in par of the world. Hence, cut ur Corrupt, Bureaucratic, political Bullshit.
Sorry to tell ya but Modi won't be your saviour. The country and system itself is flawed which one man cannot solve.
Ha Ha. Goldman Sachs, PwC, all such consulting companies has done a detailed analysis and say exactly ur opposite.

WHY IS IT THAT 2 penny losers try to be bigger than multi billion entities. I respect such entities. Chinese are special kind. :)

I've already made a complete mockery of him.

A person who has his concepts of 1st n 2nd chapters weak, trying to make mockery without albe to respnd to basic questions. @Chinese members muct be so proud of u. :rofl:
To all you people who love using PPP as a measure, just keep it in forums ok? If you make the thread claim that "India surpasses Japan as number 3 economy", people you talk to will laugh at you. In worse case they may put you in a mental institution.

Then you need to tell this to your compatriots in that thread quoted below.

China tried to undermine economic report showing its ascendancy

"China fought for a year to undermine new data showing it is poised to usurp the US as the world’s biggest economy in 2014 based on purchasing power, according to people who helped compile the report."
Japanese are better off in comparison to us. OR EVEN Chinese. They live the most luxurious lives which we 3rd world countries can just dream of.
Misquoting me is the best thing u can do. Its u who say Nominal is imp and PP is not. I said both r important depending on what aspects u want to find out. U are only bullshiting on irrelavant topic but dont care to answer me what I cross ask u. TELL ME, HOW CAN U CALCULATE NOMINAL WITHOUT PPP. Do u even know how do u calculate Nominal GDP? What is the relation between Nominal and PPP? Coz after this process itself its gonna be clear what is the application of which GDP. Temme the process Mr. Economic Champ. This is the basic 1st Chapter stuff. Lets all see. :)

Fool is someone who compares 2 stuff for greatness of one without even understanding the 2nd stuff.

Ya So? How is it relevant? Or have u learnt to make irrelavant comments to make a mockery? And only a Chinese can talk bout greatness of Manufacturing dismissing all others. India is a different model. We are executing our requirements uniquely. IF what u said was such a big issue then we wud have faced balance of payments issue like ur great frnd Pakistan. Are we? No. We do import so called everything but we do export a lot too. Do look into our Exports and Imports. Ur blabbering is such that India Imports ALL and Exports NONE.

Actually its not. It will be if we become more and more Net Importer which is not happening against ur wish. U r such a laymen which is proved by seeing u call a country relatively poor just coz its currency weakens. CHINA NEVER ALLOWED TO STRENGTHEN ITS CURRENCY. U MEAN IT TRIED TO REMAIN POOR? What BS? :D

Weakening ur currency are also Govt acts, to strengthen Exports. U think so so Unidirectional. Economist ? My balls. :rofl:

How can growing in ur currency make u poor? Excellent Logic.

Nominal GDP = PPP GDP / P(e).

P(e) is function of currency which when increases against Dollors lowers Nominal. If u say CURRENCY IS GROWING which means its strengthening against dollor and hence shud increase the Nominal GDP. How do u say in next sentence that The are becoming poor? CHINESE LOGIC? :D :D :D. Again this is in 2nd chapters. Read 1st 2 chapters then we wud talk.

And still we sustained our Nominal GDP rank of around 10. So as per ur worshiping of Nominal, India is in par of the world. Hence, cut ur Corrupt, Bureaucratic, political Bullshit.

Ha Ha. Goldman Sachs, PwC, all such consulting companies has done a detailed analysis and say exactly ur opposite.

WHY IS IT THAT 2 penny losers try to be bigger than multi billion entities. I respect such entities. Chinese are special kind. :)

A person who has his concepts of 1st n 2nd chapters weak, trying to make mockery without albe to respnd to basic questions. @Chinese members muct be so proud of u. :rofl:

You really have no idea about basic economics. You don't even know how currencies work kid.

Let me teach you some basics...

First, an economy grows on savings and production. Savings are used to build factories to produce goods. These goods are exported and consumed domestically.

A country like China runs a current account surplus which means the yuan increases in value and gives China greater purchasing power. A country like India runs current account deficits which means its currency weakens and thus causes inflation. This inflation erodes the purchasing power of consumers.

Indian inflation is extremely high due to the weakening currency. This makes it very difficult to run a domestic consumption economy. Why?
Because India don't have the production supply chains so it has to import nearly everything. That's why it imports affordable consumer goods from China because Indian consumers are diet poor to afford expensive goods.

As your currency weakens you lose your importing power. This weakens your entire domestic consumption based economy that's based in consumer debt.

Indian regime can't increase investment because it's already in massive debt and it's budget deficits are already too high. Since the Rupee don't have global demand, the RBI cannot print Rupees and hope inflation remains low.

A country cannot increase its economy domestically and call it growth. Because that's not growth, that's inflation. You are counting inflation as domestic growth.

Growth depends on nominal exchange rates because in a global economy no country can produce everything itself. This is why PPP is irrelevant for a country like India that can't produce anything

The problem is you lack a basic understanding how an economy grows. You consider inflation as growth. Growth is an increase in nominal GDP.

You lack common sense. Typically Indian. This is one of the main reasons India is a dirt poor country full of illiterates.

India has major structural flaws as the supply of infrastructure has not kept up with the demand for infrastructure. This creates bottlenecks which has stagnated the Indian economy. Infrastructure is only one of the problems. The main problem is the staggering regulations that are very anti-business. This red tape is very difficult to remove as most of these are politically sensitive in India.

In addition, corruption in India are the worst in the world.

This is why I say that the Indian growth miracle has come to an end. It was decent while it lasted but India is back to the Hindu rate of growth.
You really have no idea about basic economics. You don't even know how currencies work kid.

Let me teach you some basics...

First, an economy grows on savings and production. Savings are used to build factories to produce goods. These goods are exported and consumed domestically.

A country like China runs a current account surplus which means the yuan increases in value and gives China greater purchasing power. A country like India runs current account deficits which means its currency weakens and thus causes inflation. This inflation erodes the purchasing power of consumers.

Indian inflation is extremely high due to the weakening currency. This makes it very difficult to run a domestic consumption economy. Why?
Because India don't have the production supply chains so it has to import nearly everything. That's why it imports affordable consumer goods from China because Indian consumers are diet poor to afford expensive goods.

As your currency weakens you lose your importing power. This weakens your entire domestic consumption based economy that's based in consumer debt.

Indian regime can't increase investment because it's already in massive debt and it's budget deficits are already too high. Since the Rupee don't have global demand, the RBI cannot print Rupees and hope inflation remains low.

A country cannot increase its economy domestically and call it growth. Because that's not growth, that's inflation. You are counting inflation as domestic growth.

Growth depends on nominal exchange rates because in a global economy no country can produce everything itself. This is why PPP is irrelevant for a country like India that can't produce anything

The problem is you lack a basic understanding how an economy grows. You consider inflation as growth. Growth is an increase in nominal GDP.

You lack common sense. Typically Indian. This is one of the main reasons India is a dirt poor country full of illiterates.

India has major structural flaws as the supply of infrastructure has not kept up with the demand for infrastructure. This creates bottlenecks which has stagnated the Indian economy. Infrastructure is only one of the problems. The main problem is the staggering regulations that are very anti-business. This red tape is very difficult to remove as most of these are politically sensitive in India.

In addition, corruption in India are the worst in the world.

This is why I say that the Indian growth miracle has come to an end. It was decent while it lasted but India is back to the Hindu rate of growth.

Oh truth.. the truth cannot be twisted no matter how painful it may sound. Remember when many people mocked the Chinese during the mid 2000s for being the world "sweat shop" and how India or ASEAN would be more innovative and be an electronic software power? And how they chanted the mantra of how outdated mass industrialization was? The Chinese were wise because they knew being an large impoverished nation they could not just depend on their strengths and leave their weaknesses behind like India did after their post-1990s economic reforms and miracle. Chinese needed foreign direct investment because they didn't the cash needed to forward and progress the nation and need financing. Manufactured goods and commodities is hard earned money and it created an surplus thanks to stable revenue (even if global demands declines, it hell beats an consumer based economy with low GDP per Capita) and can be used in massive infrastructure overhaul to help facilitate economic mobility and manufactured goods moving around the nation to the ports of HK, Shenzhen, Shanghai etc. Because of infrastructure upgrades it create an thing called 'Multiplier Affect', and this allows domestic Chinese industries to grow and encourage FDI and foreign firms to move into China despite having dozens of nation with even lower wages because Chinese the infrastructure to move those cheap goods around without delays or crossing non-existent dirt roads and crap rail-line system making the produced goods even more cheaper. China thus creates MORE surplus which then it saves in the National Reserves to be used for national emergencies or buying commodities around the world to fuel its expanding economy. China as results not only grows faster, but unintendedly created roads, highways, dams and power-grids which were supposed to mainly power and facilitate growth of the manufacturing sector but now Chinese civilians have better living standards than most nation at similar stage of development.
Lol,a Chinese is talking about humiliating an IIM(Kanpur) alumnus on Economics:lol:.It's absolutely hilarious:omghaha::haha:

hilarious? chinese doesn't brag about it's top universities in global top 50 where no indian universities are in the top 200, and now you are jumping up down bragging? You want play this stupid game, well let's play, how about "lol, a 82 iq indian talk about humiliating 106 iq chinese?" or "lol, $2000 average salary indian talk about humiliating $6000 average salary chinese on wealth calculation?", next time you try to put down the chinese, use your brain first, chinese have a much larger arsenal to get back to you. so instead of throw your whatever school around (you can say you are from Harvard for god sake, and there's no way to verify), so stick with fact, things we can easily verify online, when arguing with the chinese, so it won't make you look like a stupid shithead.

chinese doesn't even care about it's being number 1 in GDP, in fact we discredit it. it's hilarious to see these indians jumping up and down over this, talk about huge inferiority complex and insecurity.
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hilarious? chinese doesn't brag about it's top universities in global top 50 where no indian universities are in the top 200, and now you are jumping up down bragging? You want play this stupid game, well let's play, how about "lol, a 82 iq indian talk about humiliating 106 iq chinese?" next time you try to put down the chinese, use your brain first, chinese have a much larger arsenal to get back to you. so instead of throw your whatever school around (you can say you are from Harvard for god sake, and there's no way to verify), so stick with fact, things we can easily verify online, when arguing with the chinese, so it won't make you look like a stupid shithead.

LOL....chinese are well know for their bragging. :lol: ...... and their fake goods ..... and their weird eating habits .. and a lot of other uncomplimentary stuff.
LOL....chinese are well know for their bragging. :lol: ...... and their fake goods ..... and their weird eating habits .. and a lot of other uncomplimentary stuff.

lol, yes we all know indians aren't capable of making anything, with wage at 1/4 of chinese, they still can't compete with china on manufacturing... leaving majority of indian starving, lol, lol.
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