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India displaces Japan to become third-largest world economy

Don't hide behind copy right.... Read this

India not in the worst IPR classification of US
Do u even know what this issue is? Bas bolna hai. :D

It is specific to pharma sector where Americans want to sell their drugs at American price which we get in India at low prices. This is no violation but just change in terminology. We see them here as generic drucgs otherwise no patient in Pakistan will ever be cured coz he simply wont afford it.

We r a poor region and as per UNO law, life is the fundamental right of a human and these American greedy businessmen want to trade lives of poor human.

Temme, Now u agree?
Nominal GDP matters, because currency matters.

Why do you think the USA has such incredible buying power? Because of the dollar, which is the world's reserve currency.

They can print a few dollars and buy a product which your countryman put his effort and skill into, they can buy resources all over the world with their "almighty" dollar.

When the Indian Rupee was created, it was 1 Rupee for 1 USD. Now it is around 60, do you think it is fair that the dollar is so strong?

By weakening the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency, the USD will become like any other currency, and their nominal GDP will fall to more natural levels, along with the value and buying power of the dollar.

Russia, which has the world's number one largest gas reserves, and which is also the number one oil producer in the world, is no longer going to use the USD for their resource sales. Others will follow, and the hegemony of the dollar will be worn down over the coming decades.
What did u just say? :rofl:

U talked bout inflation account deficit. India importing frm China and poor population needing cheap stuff. Right?

But how are all these related to Nominal or PPP? Did u even understand the simple difference?

Infact, the above mentioned points are used even to calculate PPP GDP (Real) which for India was still 5 % odd. As per ur rants India shud have been in negetive. :D

Ok. add to ur pea brain. NOMINAL GDP = f (PPP GDP, currency value)

So its simple that currency value is the biggest factor for Nominal GDP which Chinese have been tampering for past decade to BETTER THEIR NOMINAL VALUE.

Now currency value is a lot dependent on outside cashflow towards inside. Thats called Investment and FDI.

We all know because of current POLITICAL scenario in India investments have freezed and are waiting for new govt. Its a norm when govt seems to be changing. Dont bother trying understand but thats normal in a Democracy.

But again, the freezed investemnts cover up the pace with a huge influx of stalled money and economy again gets back to norm. This is not a fundamental economic issue. Its completely political.

And dont simply play with economical theories to satisfy ur agenda.

Kid you are utterly clueless about basic economics and your own country's perilous situation.

The Indian economy is crashing due to massive current account deficits causing the Rupee to collapse causing massive inflation.

This causes dirt poor Indian consumers to stop spending as the value of their wages are being devalued. This means consumption in India is not strong. With net exports not contributing anything, investment are low due to massive red tape and regulations and sheer incompetence of Indian political system. You only have consumption which is now slowing.

India imports everything, so India is extremely reliant on nominal exchange rates. Thats why your regime even cut back military deals because the crash in the currency. A strong exchange rate allows you to buy goods and services on the cheap bringing down costs and domestic inflation.

International economies run on international trade be it for trade, investment, consumption. No country has the full production chain by themselves so nominal exchange rates is extremely important.

Watch what Jimmy Rogers says about India at 17:00
There is nothing which we can't produce in India (respecting copy rights) which China can produce. Wait and watch buddy we don't have concentrated labour camps like China does. (I strongly believe to put beggars from the streets into concentration camps or labour camps) beggars can be productive so can illegal bhangideshis.

India has cheaper labour than China for decades yet Indian incompetence means India can't produce anything by itself.
Kid you are utterly clueless about basic economics and your own country's perilous situation.

The Indian economy is crashing due to massive current account deficits causing the Rupee to collapse causing massive inflation.

This causes dirt poor Indian consumers to stop spending as the value of their wages are being devalued. This means consumption in India is not strong. With net exports not contributing anything, investment are low due to massive red tape and regulations and sheer incompetence of Indian political system. You only have consumption which is now slowing.

India imports everything, so India is extremely reliant on nominal exchange rates. Thats why your regime even cut back military deals because the crash in the currency. A strong exchange rate allows you to buy goods and services on the cheap bringing down costs and domestic inflation.

International economies run on international trade be it for trade, investment, consumption. No country has the full production chain by themselves so nominal exchange rates is extremely important.

Watch what Jimmy Rogers says about India at 17:00

By ur great logic, only China shud be stable and all other economis shud collapse coz all run on equal debt as equal to their GDP. America runs on 13 Tn debt and their GDP is 14 Tn. As I said, dont blatantly bullshit.

India is facing growth problems only for of lack of investments. Once doors open after new govt, things will be normal.

The video u showed only talks bout unexpected decreace in growth. Where did he talk bout fundamentals of Indian Economy? For past century, all countries have been living on debt and not self boasted real money. This is Indian model and this been fruitfull for many years. Which shows ur rants are illogical. Its all bout investments and hence currency.

For past cen

What u smoking?
India has cheaper labour than China for decades yet Indian incompetence means India can't produce anything by itself.
We believe in freedom to live the way we want to live, if some fucking beggar wants to live by begging he does it with liberty in India, in China he old be put onto jail irrespective of for what he is begging for. Most of the Chinese beg for 2nd child.
you can not buy OIL from PPP it has to be from GDP. cuz trade is in USD not the effectiveness of rupee and services in India.
By ur great logic, only China shud be stable and all other economis shud collapse coz all run on equal debt as equal to their GDP. America runs on 13 Tn debt and their GDP is 14 Tn. As I said, dont blatantly bullshit.

India is facing growth problems only for of lack of investments. Once doors open after new govt, things will be normal.

The video u showed only talks bout unexpected decreace in growth. Where did he talk bout fundamentals of Indian Economy? For past century, all countries have been living on debt and not self boasted real money. This is Indian model and this been fruitfull for many years. Which shows ur rants are illogical. Its all bout investments and hence currency.

For past cen

What u smoking?

Do you even understand Economics kid?

I've humiliated you on economics and you can only rant about once new regime comes everything will be fine.

India is a joke as an economy because of its anti-business climate in India. Indians have very anti-business sentiment.

Debt doesn't matter to the US because the dollar is the global reserve currency. When they print money, their money has demand worldwide so domestic inflation stays low in the US. India can't print money to buy your own bonds as the Rupee is not international so all the Rupees the RBI prints stays in India causing massive domestic inflation and destroying the purchasing power of Indians.

US can run CAD because the status of its currency. India cannot. Thats why Indian economy is collapsing due to high inflation caused by the CAD deprecating the Rupee.

Learn some basic economics kid.
I've chewed you up and spit you out even though you've apparently done economics :lol:
How embarrassing man.

We believe in freedom to live the way we want to live, if some fucking beggar wants to live by begging he does it with liberty in India, in China he old be put onto jail irrespective of for what he is begging for. Most of the Chinese beg for 2nd child.

Indians beg for toilets.
Do you even understand Economics kid?

I've humiliated you on economics and you can only rant about once new regime comes everything will be fine.

India is a joke as an economy because of its anti-business climate in India. Indians have very anti-business sentiment.

Debt doesn't matter to the US because the dollar is the global reserve currency. When they print money, their money has demand worldwide so domestic inflation stays low in the US. India can't print money to buy your own bonds as the Rupee is not international so all the Rupees the RBI prints stays in India causing massive domestic inflation and destroying the purchasing power of Indians.

US can run CAD because the status of its currency. India cannot. Thats why Indian economy is collapsing due to high inflation caused by the CAD deprecating the Rupee.

Learn some basic economics kid.
I've chewed you up and spit you out even though you've apparently done economics :lol:
How embarrassing man.

Indians beg for toilets.
HA HA. More than ur knowledge I am sure u are such a desperate kid. U cant even explain me difference between all types of GDPs and their significance. For starters, tell me why is PPP GDP even measured if its of no use? :D

In China, the official statistics of GDP is measured in terms of Nominal GDP.

Both cant go together.
When working with international comparisons and buying power on the world markets, PPP means shit all.

Purchasing power parity is only useful when calculating the internal purchasing power of the economy.
No one cares about PPP kid. Apparently China is going to overtake the US economy in PPP within the next couple of years. But no one in China gives a damn. We care about nominal where we have the purchasing power to buy internationally. We buy our energy and raw materials internationally.
first understand the basic principle that is the power of an economy relies on its capacity of production..
the definition of gdp ppp in world fact book is " GDP (purchasing power parity) compares the
gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final
goods and services produced within a nation in a
given year. A nation's GDP at purchasing power
parity (PPP) exchange rates is the sum value of
all goods and services produced in the country
valued at prices prevailing in the United States"...

I will explain simply... gdp ppp of USA is 16.5 trillion, China 13.3, India 5, UK 2.3 trillion USD... This means india's production capacity is one third of US economy..
for eg.. suppose India can produce one ferrari , US can produce 3, China can 2.5 and UK can produce 0.5...gdp ppp gives exact capacity.. but look at gdp nominal.. Ferrari produced in indian costs only 10 rupees in india but same costs 35 rupees in UK.. then in nominal terms UK goes ahead of India.. but actually UK's production capacity is just half of INDIA..
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