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Sunnis in Iran

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Palao Eater


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Mar 21, 2014
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I found this website:


And what I read about the oppression of our Sunni brothers in Iran was heartbreaking. I wanted to get the views of Iranian members. How can your country be so heartless and snatch innocent sons from their mothers' arms? Are Sunnis in Iran not human? Even shias in Pakistan are treated better and do not live in fear of their lives.

Imam threatened and Mosque shut down – Iran continues persecuting Sunnis

The prayer of Sunni prisoners in Iran who are on death row – VIDEO

Passports of Iranian students of the Madinah University have been confiscated

Petitions for over 20 Iranian Kurdish Sunni political prisoners in Iran sentenced to death

Another Iranian Sunni scholars along with 11 Sunni activists are going to be executed in the Shia Republic
Unfortunately its not true.
These articles are quoted from Persian papers.

Mullahs couldn't care less if you're Sunni or Shia, you gonna end up dead if you break their rules, and I'm using the term "rules" loosely. Overall I could tell you that Sunnis enjoy more freedom in Iran than Shias do for example in Saudi Arabia! In Saudi Arabia children are systematically brainwashed to hate Shias, whereas in case of Mullahs I didn't observe such an issue, even if there are, its less widespread compare to Saudi.
(At least) yhree years in a row now, Sunnis of Tehran are prevented of holding major gatherings like ‘Eid prayers in their Namaz Khaneh (these are not Mosques, but rather private rented flats and houses). It is just about two months ago when we reported in detail about the latest intervention of the Iranian state that prevented the Sunni community of Tehran of holding their ‘Eid Al-Fitr prayer, a must read:

So just about two months later i.e. this ‘Eid Al-Adha (Qorban) the Iranian regime AGAIN prevented the Sunnis of Tehran to pray according to their own beliefs and customs! A right that ‘Israel’, America and even communist states give to Sunnis (and Shias) around the world. imagine how hateful this regime is that it cannot even stand that Sunnis offer their prayers in buildings that from the outside do not even reflect a Mosque. This is how scared they are of orthodox Islam, they are scared that the Iranians, especially the youth get in contact with an Islam other than the wailing one, the heretical one, the Rafidi Safavid one.

Although reformist President Mohammad Khatami (2 August 1997 – 3 August 2005) promised during his election campaign to build a Sunni mosque in Tehran, none was built during his eight years in office. The president explained the situation by saying Supreme Leader (Taghoot) Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (the ally of the Mushrik Russian, China and the Alawite of Syria, the butcher of the Ahl Al-Sunnah) would not agree to the proposal.

These are all (uknown to most Muslims, especially those who have fallen for the Rafidi treachery of ‘unity’ and other bullocks) facts, and major Sunni figures (and even MP’s!) in Iran have repeatedly demanded their rights, basic rights (that Jews, Zoroastrian and even SIKHS enjoy in Tehran!) such as having a proper places of worship.

So this is anything but propaganda by the ‘Zionists/Wahhabis’ or any other excuse the Rafidi regime and its adherents want to make you believe. Their enmity towards the Ahl Al-Sunnah is a plain reality, if they only were as sincere as the so callled ‘Wahhabis’ of Saudi Arabia who by far never treat Shias as bad as the Iranian regime treats Sunnis.The Saudis never ever claimed that Shiism is part of Islam in the first place, let alone calling to ‘unity’ with the Rafidi Shia. So if only Iran and the majority of the ‘Ayatollahs’ would just stop this old and expired game of ‘Sunni-Shia unity’ i.e. claiming ‘unity’ but preventing the Sunnis of their capital of basic rights. So the hypocrisy of this regime is to CLAIM Islam AND Sunni-Shia unity, and the whole purpose behind it is to fool the gullible ones amongst the Ummah who have no clue about Shiism and its treachery throughout history, let alone the reality of the Iranian regime that is only good at chanting slogans (against the west/America/Israel, but in ACTION their ‘death to America’ resulted into nothing but ‘death to Sunnis’, see how they are allied to the bathist, secularist Alawite Kafir Bashar, Russia and China in their Sunni killings i.e. suppression of the Syrian people and their revolution).

As for the latest case, then it is no one but the Iranian Sunni community of Tehran itself that reported that as usual they have been prevented of holding their ‘Eid prayers in their OWN rented flats. Islah.web (official online representation of the Sunni community of Tehran) reports that on Wednesday the 16th of October Iranian security forces surrounded a house in Sadeghiyeh Square, Tehran, and barred Sunnis from entering.Quoted by The Sunni Human Rights Committee in Iran (SHRCI), Dr Jalal Jalalizadeh, an Iranian Sunni politician, described how police and security forces stood “outside the entrance and obstructed us from holding the Eid prayers.”. Islah.web reports tat raids took also place in the Saadat Abad district. With alot of pressure, the Sunni community of Tehran could finally (at least this time) hold their ‘Eid prayers in a few other small prayer houses in Tehran, but as you can see, the Iranian regime tries hard to suppress them as much as possible. Here some pictures showing the police next to the rented houses:

The Iranian security forces reportedly said that they ‘did not have the right’ to hold the prayers. Al-Hamdulillah the real face of the Iranian regime and their hatred for the Sunnis, even Iranian Sunnis is getting more and more publicity and more and more Muslims are aware of the true reality of the Iranian Shia state that fooled thousands if not millions with their empty slogans of ‘Sunni-Shia unity’. Even ‘The Guardian’ and other mainstream media are reporting more and more about the Sunnis of Iran. ‘The Guardian’ reported that Sunnis in Tehran were banned from holding Eid prayers to mark the end of Ramadan. Hundreds of security forces were deployed to block access to houses rented by Sunnis for prayers.

The restrictions on Sunnis in Tehran are part of a wider culture of discrimination by the Iranian regime against Sunnis and ethnic minorities in Iran. The publication of Sunni materials is restricted and Sunni beliefs are banned from being taught at public schools, even in Sunni-majority areas. Those who openly preach Sunni beliefs risk persecution and arrest. In 2011 the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said “there were reports that 19 Sunni clerics had been arrested for spreading Sunni teachings in several parts of the country, including Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Baluchistan, West Azerbaijan, Ahvaz, Tavalesh, and Khorassan provinces. Their whereabouts are unknown.”

Numerous Sunni mosques in Iran have been shut down by the authorities. Earlier this month on October 4th, a mosque was closed down in the town of Alek, Kurdistan province of Iran. The Imam, Mamousta Abdul Ghaffar Mohammadi had been threatened by Iranian officials, and the congregation was prevented from entering the mosque.

Outspoken Sunnis face discrimination in Iran, particularly Sunnis from a Kurdish or Baloch background, who face a double burden of persecution due to being both religious and ethnic minorities. Numerous Sunni scholars and teachers have been imprisoned or executed for vague charges. In 2011, the USCIRF stated that “Sunni Muslim leaders regularly are intimidated and harassed by intelligence and security services and report widespread official discrimination.”

There are currently at least 30 Sunni political prisoners facing execution in Iran. The men were all active in propogating Sunni Islam within their communities, and it is alleged they were arrested due to their open criticism of the Iranian regime. The men were all tortured, with many forced to ‘confess’ to false charges. Two of the men have been missing since Sunday 29th September 2013 when they were removed from Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj and taken to an unknown location. Fears for their welfare are growing.

Iran’s Sunnis, Saudi’s Shias; a Fair Comparison
June 19, 2011 § 4 Comments

4 Votes

Saturday, 18 June 2011 10:59

Some national media sources have been publishing articles to compare the situation of both Sunni community of Iran and Shiite community of Saudi Arabia. These elements claim that Sunni community in Iran has more civil rights and liberties than Shiites in Saudi. Dear readers, the following article is a brief comparison of the two communities, the situation is being presented, you can analyze the matter from a different side. We only provide some credible information; final judgment is up to you.

Republic & Kingdom:
“Republic” and “Kingdom” are two well-known types of governing around the world. In republican states, masses elect their rulers, policy makers and chiefs of states; in other words, people, regardless to difference of language, skin color, religion and race independently cost their votes and give approval to leaders, eventually those who get vote of majority have right to hold the government.

“Islamic Republic”:
When the title “republic” appears with affix of “Islamic”, it means that the rules of that state are based on Islam. The Islamic laws and jurisprudence urge on taking care of the civil and religious rights of minorities, it prohibits from injustice actions.

On the other hand, “kingdom” system of governing means rule of royal family on a country, they hold key posts and make mostly the interior and foreign policies.

The Islamic Republic of Iran came into existence after a long nation-wide protest and struggle which succeeded to defeat the ex-kingdom regime of Iran, the world saw the victory of a public revolution in February 1979 in Iran. The Iranian nation, Shiites and Sunnis, backed the anti-Shah movement due to its motto “Islamic Republic”.

In short words, key posts are distributed in kingdom system by SELECTION and in democratic and republican regimes by ELECTIONS.

After knowing these details, it looks very amazing to compare “Islamic Republic” of Iran with the “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. It astonishes more to analyze the situation of Iran’s Sunnis in the light of Saudi’s Shiites.

Jobs distribution in Iran & Saudi:

It must be kept in mind that in the KSA, only high offices and important appointments are under the control of royal family, king Abdul Aziz; while for lower posts nationality is the only required point not sect like Shia and Sunni. As Saudi Shiites have been working in various departments side by side of their Sunni country-fellows. They can get jobs in armed forces and security services without any obstacles; even till recent time, the chief of police in Medina Munawwarah was a Shiite citizen. The Saudi ambassador in the Iranian capital, Tehran and Saudi Consul in Mashhad, the second largest Iranian city, were Saudi Shiites.

Besides, there are five Shia members in “Selective Chamber” or Consultative Council of Saudi Arabia among 150 members.

Unlike Saudi Arabia, Sunni citizens are questioned about their sect and school of thought in each step when they apply for a job. Important offices are ‘Prohibited Tree’ for Sunnis in Iran, rather the rulers have been neglecting Sunni citizens at distribution of low and small posts. While they claim the ruling system is based on ‘democracy’ and ‘republic’.

The Sunni community of Iran is the second largest majority of Iran. The community played an important and active role to bring revolution against the Shah’s regime along with the rest of public. After victory, Sunnis remained favoring the new regime, warm welcome of officials in Sunni-majority areas is an evidence of this continuous support. Despite all of this, since the victory of the Revolution none of Sunnis has been appointed as a minister, vice minister, ambassador or member of any Iranian embassy, vice president or governor of any province even with 90% Sunni population. In armed offices Sunnis are present only as common soldiers and constable not more.

Take the example of Sunni-majority province, Sistan Baluchistan where Sunnis take 5% of key offices out of one hundred high offices. There is no a single Sunni member in the Provincial Security Council. From 170 members of Provincial Internal Council just 13 are Sunnis. As well as, there is no any Sunni member in the Upper Council (Shura Negahban) and other Supreme departments.

“Are you a Shiite or Sunni?” this question is in front of oppressed citizens in most of the official departments even in some hospitals this question is asked from patients.

Problems in religious affairs:
It was the case in distribution of posts; Sunni citizens have been suffering from discriminative official treatment in their religious affairs as well. Ban on the constitutional civil and religious rights, interference in the religious and educational matters of Sunnis, prohibition of building a mosque for more than one million Sunni citizens in Tehran, forbiddance of Sunnis to offer Eid and Jum’ah prayers in mega cities as well as offering five-time prayers in congregation in some other cities are the matters which have made the Sunni community anxious.

On the other hand, Shiite citizens of Saudi Arabia have a grand mosque in Riadh where they establish Friday prayers. In all areas and cities where they live, they have separate worship places. Even Shias have a “Husainiah” (Imam Bargah) in Medina Munawwarah which was inaugurated by ex-president of Iran, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Apart of this, unlike Saudi Shiites, most of the Iranian Sunnis live in border areas and they are so weak and vulnerable economically. Where Saudi Shias are strong in this regard and own big trade companies, they do not face discriminative acts in this field.

If somebody takes out the glass of partiality and prejudice from his eyes, he will judge that Shias of the KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia are in quite better condition than Sunnis of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of Iran.

It is better for pro-regime elements to compare the conditions of Iran’s Sunnis to Shia minorities of a democratic/republic state if they are eager to do so. It seems more logical to look at the situations of Shia minorities of Iran’s neighbors, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Shias in Pakistan and Afghanistan:
An eye-reach shows that Shias enjoy an absolute freedom in these two countries; as vice president, some governors and ministers are Shiite in Afghanistan. The president of Pakistan belongs to Shia community, there are some other important public figures belong to Shia community in Pakistan even in Army and intelligence services. Religiously, Shias enjoy full freedom, as there are many Shiite worship places in Kabul and Islamabad and wherever they live from small to big cities.

Finally, the Iranian rulers and their defenders should try to be ideal for other states in dealing with religious and ethnic minorities instead of comparing minorities. They should prove that “Islamic Republic of Iran” believes in justice and equality among different sects and races.

Sunni community of Tehran demands BASIC rights!
November 1, 2011 § 1 Comment

2 Votes

Monday, 24 October 2011 12:09
TEHRAN- A member of the Majlis, parliament of Iran, asked the Iranian officials to remove barriers of the Sunni community of Tehran regarding daily five-time prayers and other religious affairs.”SunniOnline” has reported that Muhammad Reza Sajjadian, representative of Khaaf and Rashtkhar cities in the parliament addressed the members and speaker on Wednesday, 19 October, 2011 in an observable meeting where he criticized the officials over illegal halt on Sunni citizens.Citing the 12th article of the constitution, he called on the government to remove obstacles from the way of Sunnis in offering daily prayers.Mr. Sajjadian pointed, ‘the government should stop interfering in religious matters of the Sunni community; appointing members for mosques’ Boards of Trustees by governments is contrary to the 12th article of Iranian constitution. Sunni schools and madaaris must remain independent as they have been saving their independence since beginning in the Islamic history.’

It must be noted that Sunnis of Tehran are not permitted to build separate mosques. Recently, the security authorities forbade them to offer prayers in congregation. Ahmad Shaheed, special reporter of the UN on human rights for Iran has mentioned the problem in his first report about human rights’ conditions in Iran.

Another Iranian Sunni scholars along with 11 Sunni activists are going to be executed in the Shia Republic
March 11, 2013 § 1 Comment

Lately there are so many arrests and even executions of Iranian Sunni activists and scholars going on, we seriously have to apoligise first and foremost to our brothers in Iran and then to our dear readers, it is hard to keep you updated keeping in mind that we are a very small team. The latest case is quite shocking and reveals the evil policy of the Iranian Rafidhite Safavid regime which aims to extinguish the very existence of an academical Sunni community of Iran by getting rid of the major Sunni scholars of Iran, it’s really befetting to quote an exiled Iranian Sunni scholar (we posted an Interview with him HERE):

‘I still recall what the Iranian secret service said vengefully to some of the imprisoned Muslim activists: “You are like the large room with large spotlights (the more eminent scholars) and smaller lights (the general scholars), and candles (the general activists); we will first extinguish the large spotlights.” This stage has been accomplished as they have killed most of the prominent scholars. “Then we will extinguish the smaller lights”; in this respect many activists have been killed and many others exiled. “Then we will turn the fan to put out the candles.” This is an indication of the final stage of forcing people into Shi’ism against their will.’

Recently the regime has arrested Molavi Fathi Mohammad Nakshbandi who is the Imam of the …

Friday prayer and Sunni scholar of Raask city located in Sarbaaz, province of Sisitan & Balochistan in Iran. He has been in jail since March of 2012, and reports state that the charges “have not been proven in a fair and official court” and it warns against highlighting sectarian divisions in Sistan-Baluchistan Province. He along with 11 other Sunni activists are going to be executed.


He is going to be executed under the pretext of having assassinated (!) another other ‘Sunni’ scholar, the infamous Molavi Mostafa Jangi Zahei, an open stooge of the Iranian regime, a Basiji (!) who openly not just worked for the Shia government but even joined the paramilitary volunteer militia (Basij) of the Shia Mullah regime. Molavi Nakhshbandi under the usual unjust and brutal interrogation of the Iranian regime ‘confessed to his crime’, of course these forced confessions are worth nothing under no court whatsover let alone an Islamic one.

‘Sunni’ Basiji, Molavi Jang Zehi, one of the biggest Sunni stooges of the Iranian regime one of the HEADS of the Basij paramilitary of Balochestan!



These non-proven accusation that are usually thrown at Sunni activists to get rid of them. It is worthy to note that Molavi Fathi Nakhshbandi was a thorn in the regime’s eye for unlike other sell-out ‘Sunni’ scholars he was never ready to be a stooge of the regime, his religious centre too was a thorn in the Iranian regime’s throat since it did not comprise when it comes to traditional Sunni beliefs which are of course in contradiction to many Shia practices which are deemed heretical in traditional Islam (Sunnism).

The southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan has a large Sunni community, which has often voiced concern about the lack of state support for its needs.


The Zahedan Imam of Suunis, Molavi Abdul-Hamid, dismissed claims that the Sunni community is subversive. In a meeting with Sunni university students, Molavi Albolhamid said: “We do not ask for too much but we believe that in the 34 years since the Revolution, the Islamic system has had many opportunities to meet out justice and recognize the dignity of the Sunnis. And still some officials are asking for more time… until when?”


The Iranian Sunni channel ‘NOUR TV’ dedicated a number of shows in support of Molavi Nakhshbandi (in Farsi only):
Well, I already told you, propaganda, I personally don't have any love for Mullahs, but I could tell you this much, you would prefer to be a Sunni in Iran rather than a Shia in Saudi. I honestly have nothing else to say and you're free to believe in whatever you desire as it doesn't make any difference anyway.
Over 20 Sunni prisoners in the notorious Rajahie Shahr prison, near Tehran (near the city of Karaj where a good number of Sunnis live) are going to be executed by the Rafidi regime simply due to the fact of being Sunni activists. We remind you to keep them in your prayer and sign the petitions (and really do an effort and pass them and make them viral as much as you can) that we have put in our previous article. The following video is from the Sunnis inside the prison who praying in congregation, remember that over 20 of them are facing execution, including the Imam, the brother who is leading the prayer:

Kaveh Vaisi

  • Age: 29
  • Hafidh of Qur’an (memorised the entire Qur’an by heart)
  • Hafidh of thousands of Hadeeth and poems
  • Has not committed any crime
  • Conviction: Accused of being a “propagator of Wahhabism”
  • Sentence: Execution
He (like most of the prisoners) hails from a well-respected religious family of scholars, in the following clip you can see him (leading) and other brothers praying in the midst of Shirkistan, the Rafidah Republic

_زندانيان اهل سنت كردستان در زندان رجايى شهر كرج_‎

NOTE: Although the Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does suppress and has executed a number of ethnic Persian Sunnis (Larestanis, Khorasanis, Hormozganis like Shaykh Zia’ie etc.), yet the regime is known to be extra harsh towards any Sunni activity among the Iranian Kurds, this phenomena probably roots in the teachings of Shi’ism itself that portrays Kurds (similar like Arabs) in the worse way possible

Passports of Iranian students of the Madinah University have been confiscated
September 1, 2013 § Leave a comment

4 Votes

Two Iranian students of the renowned Sunni university of Madinah in Saudi Arabia have been harrassed and their passports being confiscated by the Iranian regime. Both students are ethnic Persians from Shiraz and Lamerd (Shiraz has a Sunni minority and Lamerd is in south Far/Larestan, a Sunni stronghold of ethnic Persians). They came back to Iran to enjoy the summer break not expecting to be deprived of continuing their studies. It is worthy to mention that the confiscation of passports of Iranian Sunni studies (doesn’t matter where they studied, be it Syria, the Emirates or Saudi) became very frequent during the Ahmadjinejad reign and as it seems this policy is being continued in the current Mullah regime of Rohani.

URGENT UPDATE 06/10/2013 (stay ALWAYS UPDATED by following the news from this blog HERE, a blog dedicated to all Muslim prisoners of Ahl Al-Sunnah):

To all those who thought that the petitions and all the projects that were raising awareness about the case of the brothers will have no or little impact, then know that (at least) the execution of the brothers has been delayed by the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Innocent political prisoners who have never been convicted of violence, rather their convictions include ambiguous charges such as “acting against national security”. Many ‘confessed’ after being brutally tortured.

The situation of Sunnis in Iran is well known, with many living in secrecy due to fear of persecution for their beliefs. Sunni Muslims are a minority in Iran, and they live under continuous oppression from the Shia government. Preachers and well-known Sunnis are persecuted by the authorities, and are often charged with being a ‘Wahhabi’, a ‘crime’ that carries the death penalty in Iran. Although the Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does suppress and has executed a number of ethnic Persian Sunnis (Larestanis, Khorasanis, Hormozganis like Shaykh Zia’ie etc.), yet the regime is known to be extra harsh towards any Sunni activity among the Iranian Kurds, this phenomena probably roots in the teachings of Shi’ism itself that portrays Kurds (similar like Arabs) in the worse way possible (we have covered this topic in THIS ARTICLE HERE>>>).

Sunni prisoners in Iran are subject to horrific levels of torture and neglect, and are discriminated against solely due to their beliefs. A source, who cannot be identified due to security reasons, testified about the shocking treatment of prisoners in an interview with the human rights group ‘International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran’ (ICHRI).

Rajahie Shahr prison, near Tehran (near the city of Karaj where a good number of Sunnis live)

The Shia regime is brutal in its repression of prominent scholars and activists, with torture and execution a common occurence. Any ‘unpleasant’ (even if he’s a Sufi) found to be challenging the status quo in Iran or daring to openly propagate defend his belief (against Shia accusations) can be labelled a ‘Wahhabi’, a crime punishable by death in Iran.

The current case of over twenty prisoners is particularly worrying, given the fact that none of the prisoners have been charged with violence. Their convictions range from ‘crimes’ such as “acting against national security” to the equally vague charge of engaging in “religious activities”. Two of the prisoners are facing execution merely due to distributing CDs and materials about Sunnis. Many have been tortured repeatedly and forced to ‘confess’.

“When we are arrested, we are severely tortured.”

On the picture below, two brothers smiling, even though they know they are about to be brutally separated. Bahram Ahmadi was executed in December 2012. His charges included ‘membership of a Salafi group’! He was severely tortured until he ‘confessed’. His brother Shahram Ahmadi will be executed soon. He was also tortured in prison.

The scholars were arrested in recent days in the mainly Sunni town of Mahabad, Iran. They are being held in an unknown location, and have been forced to comply with the authorities in their campaign to execute the prisoners. Statements supporting the execution of seven prisoners were signed by the scholars, providing a political justification for the execution. The prisoners have been detained for the past five years, and the Shia-led government has recently stepped up it’s efforts to sentence them to death.

How shameful that a recent petition to save badgers reached over 300,000 signatures, yet when it comes to saving the lives of our dear brothers we sit mute! The very least we can do is speak out against this injustice, in defense of these innocent men.

We need to act now to save their lives. Your signature could make the difference between life and death for these men!

If we all make a small effort, in signing the petition and raising awareness, we could help save the lives of innocent people.

I am crying as I read this.
u r
I found this website:


And what I read about the oppression of our Sunni brothers in Iran was heartbreaking. I wanted to get the views of Iranian members. How can your country be so heartless and snatch innocent sons from their mothers' arms? Are Sunnis in Iran not human? Even shias in Pakistan are treated better and do not live in fear of their lives.

Imam threatened and Mosque shut down – Iran continues persecuting Sunnis

The prayer of Sunni prisoners in Iran who are on death row – VIDEO

Passports of Iranian students of the Madinah University have been confiscated

Petitions for over 20 Iranian Kurdish Sunni political prisoners in Iran sentenced to death

Another Iranian Sunni scholars along with 11 Sunni activists are going to be executed in the Shia Republic

right, its true, specially our baloch, arabs & Kurds and some persian brothers their, who are following the sunnah are in big danger, The iranian govt blame them for any thing, make serious case. and hang them publically.
they have their history to betray the Ahl-Al-Sunnah.
please see the lecture of Mollazadeh al balushi. he tells everything about the cult in iran

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