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Iranian Sunnis to be executed for their religious beliefs

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Big difference. Here terrorists/militants/individual extremists are killing them whereas in Iran the Iranian State is kiling sunnis

The same terrorist are part of the government are they not?, ssp lej etc etc so tell me how are they individual?.
The same terrorist are part of the government are they not?, ssp lej etc etc so tell me how are they individual?.

And how's that even related here..We have like Dozens of threads about these groups,please bother to posts your facts there...
In the last 30 years about 20 I think.

No in Iran, it's the same like Pakistan, The extremist Sunni militants plan suicide attacks on Shia civilians or Shia mosques.

HOw many shia mosques have been attacked in Shia Iran?

what investigation found?

The same terrorist are part of the government are they not?, ssp lej etc etc so tell me how are they individual?.

NO they are not part of govt
alleged terror suspect who has already spent five
years in jail on murder charges and had known
links with a slain al-Qaeda linchpin Amjad
Hussain Farooqi is running for a National
Assembly seat from Gujrat on a PML-N ticket.

One of many, i haven't the time to highlight them all, you are most welcomed to your opinion and belief but reality is very different.

hang them, they are takfiri salafists/terrorists.

We don't want ttp/lashkar-e-jhangvi/al-qaeda animals operating in our country.
HOw many shia mosques have been attacked in Shia Iran?

what investigation found?

In the last 10 years attack against Shia mosques and civilians have gone up.

About 3 major attacks, but many other minor ones, and many Terrorists groups are arrested before they carry out attacks. We have good security in Iran and because these terrorist groups don't enjoy support from the Sunni people in Iran.

Their major terrorist group Jundallah was disbanded, but now they created another Al-Qaeda inspired group.... called HAI.

They have a twitter account, you can follow them.. They announce when they will strike again..

Suicide bombing at Iran mosque kills scores during Shia holiday | World news | The Guardian
BBC News - Iran: Many die in Zahedan mosque bombing

hang them, they are salafists/terrorists. We don't want ttp/lashkar-e-jhangvi/al-qaeda animals operating in our country

They are not Just "Salafis" . Not all "Salafis" are terrorists. We should make that distinction.

These are terrorists.

They get money and training in foreign countries. So, I don't even consider them Iranian.

I think they should be given life sentences, that way they will suffer way more, before ending up in Hell!
In the last 10 years attack against Shia mosques and civilians have gone up.

About 3 major attacks, but many other minor ones, and many Terrorists groups are arrested before they carry out attacks.

Their major terrorist group Jundallah was disbanded, but now they created another Al-Qaeda inspired group.... called HAI

Suicide bombing at Iran mosque kills scores during Shia holiday | World news | The Guardian
BBC News - Iran: Many die in Zahedan mosque bombing

:) but thats Jandullah supported by US. So what has done wrong by the sunnis mentioned in this news in opening post which have been sentenced by Iranian court
look shia sunni divide always existed. but these have been politicised only recently. and its sad! because both communities should coexist like they did for more than a 1000 years. BUT SADLY the problem is external forces exploit the differences and booth sides fall into the trap!

hope some sense prevails on both sides.
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