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In Iran: “We will kill you like a dog, because you look like a dog.”

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They may have legal rights, but in Iran there are no suicide attacks against minorities, nor any inter-communital violence, unlike in Pakistan.

Also we don't shake hands with the enemy of a friend country.
Good job Iran, we should crush the skulls of all of these Wahhabi mofos and muuullahs who are pretending to be Sunni Muslim and promote Saudi bedouin beliefs and "culture" in our beautiful country. :guns:
So you mean you buy this bullsh!t post coming out of *** of a Wahhabi?

You always talk about Wahabi Salafi fitna etc. It is hard to explain to you what is right and wrong.

You guys don't have Pepsi in Iran, I remember it was Zam Zam coke, right?

It is Zam Zam Cola mate


You always talk about Wahabi Salafi fitna etc. It is hard to explain to you what is right and wrong.
Idiot, the post says "Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does ...." so what about that?
Idiot, the post says "Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does ...." so what about that?

Is this what you are talking about?

Preachers and well-known Sunnis are persecuted by the authorities, and are often charged with being a ‘Wahhabi’, a ‘crime’ that carries the death penalty in Iran. Although the Iranian Safavid Rafidite regime does suppress and has executed a number of ethnic Persian Sunnis (Larestanis, Khorasanis, Hormozganis like Shaykh Zia’ie etc.), yet the regime is known to be extra harsh towards any Sunni activity among the Iranian Kurds, this phenomena probably roots in the teachings of Shi’ism itself that portrays Kurds (similar like Arabs) in the worse way possible
Very trustful documents always depicting the wahabit beheaders car bomb makers fake muslims as victims

MOSSAD crotales never post pictures










I have many Shia friends in Pakistan. Also I have Christian friends. They do not think like you. Now you want this thread closed because you have no arguments.
Anyone with such beard in Iran should be hanged, on the highest tree.

So you will hang people because they have specific type of beard?? very pathetic!
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