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Is Iran engaging in sectarian discrimination against its Sunnis?

Dude, did you watch the video? the debate between one of your mullah and one of our amirs? He's the amir of the Palestine jamaat ahmadiyya. He's not from England.

I don't care even if the penguins declare ahmadis kafir. I don't want anything to do with your terrorist religion anyways.

Well you people are not recognized as Muslims by the biggest Muslim groups anyway and you are clearly heretics that belief in a false "Prophet" that claimed to be the last messenger. You are not allowed to perform hajj and never will. You can try to go to Makkah and Madinah and see what happens.

It is true that we Muslims do not have anything to do with your pagan believes and false prophet.
Well you people are not recognized as Muslims by the biggest Muslim groups anyway and you are clearly heretics that belief in a false "Prophet" that claimed to be the last messenger. You are not allowed to perform hajj and never will. You can try to go to Makkah and Madinah and see what happens.

It is true that we Muslims do not have anything to do with your pagan believes and false prophet.

You make the Christian God your last messenger, we're at least better than you. And your claims of barring ahmadis from hajj are laughable. You can only stop Pakistani ahmadis from going to mecca and medina. There are more ahmadis in western Africa than wahabis lol. Thousands of them go to hajj every where. All you can do is make up things up. typical.

Anyways im out of here. before those bias mods come in here. they like banning people who don't agree with their views.
Firstly I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i fiqh and moreover a Hashemite. As you might know then 90% of all Muslims are Sunnis. Besides you must be referring to the adherents of the Hanbali fiqh (Sunnis).

Yes, sure they do. The fact still remains that they are banned and recognized as heretics by all major Muslim groups. Sunni and Shia. Including all the most eminent scholars.

Anyway keep making lunatic claims about "Christian God last messenger" and stick to your cult. But I tell you if you ever attempt to pollute the Arab world with that sect the response will be short and heavy.

You gave me a new initiative to try and bust so-called "Qadianis" if they ever indeed perform hajj.

Besides you are a tiny sect founded in 1889.




If your Iranian and you know what this is , like!!!:smitten:

Taking Omar's life didn't revive the Persian Empire, In fact, Persians hate Omar for that reason. I think we meet at a very senstive moment in our history, Islam doesn't suit Iran or Iranians it's better for Iranians to revert back to Zoroastrianism, and let go.

All Ahmadis are welcome in the Holy Land :smart:
You make the Christian God your last messenger, we're at least better than you. And your claims of barring ahmadis from hajj are laughable. You can only stop Pakistani ahmadis from going to mecca and medina. There are more ahmadis in western Africa than wahabis lol. Thousands of them go to hajj every where. All you can do is make up things up. typical.

Anyways im out of here. before those bias mods come in here. they like banning people who don't agree with their views.
Eh, Ahmadis are not welcome, Khalifa. They are heretics and a cult. We do not allow them to perform hajj nor does the Pakistani government and unfortunately nearly 75% of all Ahmadis are from Pakistan. But they are a tiny cult.

Nor are they recognized as Muslims by the Muslim groups. Or any eminent scholar be he Sunni, Shia etc.

They must be removed from any Arab land. We don't want that cult around us. And lastly in Makkah and Madinah of all places.


We salute the stance of the Pakistani government.

Ahmadis and others can belief in what they want, I don't have a problem with that, my problem is their association to Islam. That's where the border needs to be drawn sharply.
No it's the MOSSAD crotales dividing to conquer

We see that the war against the shias in Syria is an opportunity for the salafists dogs of the JEWS

They kill arabs everywhere and make wars everywhere: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt

No it's the MOSSAD crotales dividing to conquer

We see that the war against the shias in Syria is an opportunity for the salafists dogs of the JEWS

They kill arabs everywhere and make wars everywhere: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt


Fix your identity bro, Pakistanis are not arabs

No we are not, and nor do we want to.We are who we are our identity is
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
And that is what bounds us to our brothers who share the same identity, there are retards every where they can rot in hell with you grave worshipping fools.
The Pakistani government and the Saudi government and nearly all major Muslim schools if not all recognized have deemed you people heretics which you unfortunately are.

Do you care to show me a clip of an Ahmadi cult member in Makkah and Madinah?

Well it is not rooted in the Arab world. Maybe a few hundred Arabs in the West (after all the Arab diaspora is 50 MILLION strong) have been caught by this disease.

Yes, you said in England. In the Arab world they do not exist. Only in countries where you people exist and can give them this disease.

They are a cult . created by Britishers to malign Islam.

BUT Their lies are too exposed ones that they cant harm Islam at all.
I love shias, who never make car bomb attacks, and never behead

Only Al Qaeda anti-arabs sect, created by JEW USA behave bad to dirty Islam (beheading arabs & screaming Allah Ackbar), and never attack Israhell


********.com - alqaeda protetsers in benesh, idlib calling for Caiphate rule and killing of all shias/alawis
Saudi jihadist from Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) sings about getting Syrian girls - YouTube
Syria UN Rep: Syrian Women Raped by Terrorists; Jordanian Cleric's Fatwa for FSA to Enslave Girls - YouTube
Promise of Mass Beheadings: Message from Abu Hafs, the Sword-Waving Jihadist in Syria - YouTube

GRAPHIC Two Christians, One a Priest, Beheaded Translated) - YouTube
Türkiye;4752265 said:
"Islamic Republic" of Iran is not a Islamic republic has nothing to do with Islam they should rename their country to "Shi ite Republic of Iran"... Iranians are not real muslims in Iran SUNNIS have ZERO rights and are heavily discriminated against everyday. All Iranians care about is there Shiaism nothing else . In Iran NON-MUSLIMS such as gypsy Armenians have more rights and freedom than Sunni Muslims do.

If you are a Sunni in Iran your considered a number one terrorist or person of interest and everyone is very suspicous of you. Sunni MUSLIMS have no representatives in Iranian politics because they are all banned from participating in politics however again NON MUSLIMS like Armenians and Zoroastrians are able to participate in politics they are freely able to go to worship in there churches whereas Sunnis are banned from going to Friday prayers in sunni mosques.

During the Nagorno Karabag war between Azerbaycan and armenia the Iranians fully supported the christian armenians against Muslim Azeris. And Iranians call themselves Muslim???!!! How can a Muslim support a Non-Muslim fighting against a fellow Muslim?? Because of Iran Armenia defeated Azerbaycan and the armenians slaughtered butchered raped millions of innocent Muslim Azeris... And we know Iran is not honest over the Kurdish issue they are supplying PKK... PJAK branch was formed by the Iranian government all your dark secrets are out in the open we know everything.

Iran does nothing in the Palestine issue all Iran does is bash Israel by words but everyone knows Iran ıs secret agent of Israel this is all plan to manipulate the Arabs. Only the Shia Arabs support Iran because of there Shiism nothing else the rest of the Arab and Muslim population knows that Iran is an agent of Zionists. Iran doesnt care about Palestine..Only Turkey supports Palestinians.

Iran is no different from Israel!

True brother, they always bark about israel ans yet the jews have more rights almost as much as a majusi then a Sunni in iran. After all taqiya is the call of the day. They cant be trusted, they say something else and their actions are completely opposite to their words.
Firstly I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i fiqh and moreover a Hashemite. As you might know then 90% of all Muslims are Sunnis. Besides you must be referring to the adherents of the Hanbali fiqh (Sunnis).

Yes, sure they do. The fact still remains that they are banned and recognized as heretics by all major Muslim groups. Sunni and Shia. Including all the most eminent scholars.

Anyway keep making lunatic claims about "Christian God last messenger" and stick to your cult. But I tell you if you ever attempt to pollute the Arab world with that sect the response will be short and heavy.

You gave me a new initiative to try and bust so-called "Qadianis" if they ever indeed perform hajj.

Besides you are a tiny sect founded in 1889.




They are NOT a sect. They are a cult.

even Shias don't change the Quran whereas these qadyanis have made up false things.
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