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'Sikhs are not Hindus’ campaign finds support in Pak

Sorry, your quota for question is over. You had a chance and you blew it...
never ask a question from a bhakt ...........they are proggramed for one way communication
Or may be stop asking rhetorical questions... that would do too.... oh hell, how can a "bhakt" ask sickulars to do anything.. they are so high and beyond reach, morally...
Yet they still keep coming as refugees to India - with nothing but their sorry lives.

Update your facts about how many Indian Sikhs took asylum in other countries or were killed (Don't bring killings and migrations at time of partition because more Muslims were killed and migrated from East Punjab than Sikhs) and baring some exceptions almost all who went to India are Hindus (which still matter of shame for me), so don't club Pakistani Sikhs with Hinduism as per Indian definition.
no.............I dont understand what u meant ................Sikhism is not part of whatever u are calling snatan dharma .....thats so typical sanskrit name:coffee:

I am not including myself in "Bhakt" category ....so i am not measuring "entire" Indians with that benchmark.

only so called "NATIONALIST"

BJP is a bad bad party ................look they even saved "their" govt. in punjab .............they voted against no-confidence motion that was bought against their hugely hated govt in punjab.....If Punjab has to be saved ....Make it BJP free zone .:toast_sign:

Now dont told me that Congress would help you in Punjab.
@Sidak is also a nationalist and she also hateCongress.

But where is that @he-man
Pakistani Sikhs aren't Hindus, while majority of Sikhs on other side of border consider themselves part of santan dharma or Hinduism, so Useless effort by Pakistani Sikhs

This is perfectly in line of Ahamadias are not Muslims , Mujahirs are not Pakistani etc. The logic is extended to Hindus and shikhs now as expected.
Update your facts about how many Indian Sikhs took asylum in other countries or were killed (Don't bring killings and migrations at time of partition because more Muslims were killed and migrated from East Punjab than Sikhs) and baring some exceptions almost all who went to India are Hindus (which still matter of shame for me), so don't club Pakistani Sikhs with Hinduism as per Indian definition.
5 dozen Sikh families sought refuge in India, just two weeks back.

Anyway, Sikhs are not considered as following the Hindu religion according to the Indian Constitution.
Indian Constitution does not recognize Sikhs as Hindus. :coffee: Only Hindu places of worship are nationalized. Sikh Gurdwaras are not.
Article 25B only clubs Dharmic religions and nothing else.

"...providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus
Explanation I The wearing and carrying of kirpans shall be deemed to be included in the profession of the Sikh religion Explanation II In sub clause (b) of clause reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly"

Legal speak - Religions are recognized as different. It clearly states that reference to Hindus would include reference to Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. Analogous to "reference to South Asians would include reference to Indians, Pakistanis etc". Does not mean South Asians are all same.

Thank you for post.
I don't know where some Sikhs come up with the theory that Sikhs are Hindus or Constitution says that Sikhs are Hindus. Trying to raise a pointless issue that has zero resonance or affect to the lives of anyone in India including Sikhs or Hindus - political power play.

Update your facts about how many Indian Sikhs took asylum in other countries or were killed (Don't bring killings and migrations at time of partition because more Muslims were killed and migrated from East Punjab than Sikhs) and baring some exceptions almost all who went to India are Hindus (which still matter of shame for me), so don't club Pakistani Sikhs with Hinduism as per Indian definition.
Here is the answer to your question.
Pakistani Sikhs are coming to India as refugees ie fleeing Pakistan.
Indian Citizenship, Visas Made Easy for Minority Refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh
"The Centre has set up a task force to expedite pending citizenship requests from nearly one lakh Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan and Bangladesh."
@Judge Explanation II – In sub-Clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly.

Now dont told me that Congress would help you in Punjab.
@Sidak is also a nationalist and she also hateCongress.

But where is that @he-man

He wants AAP Sarkar in Punjab. :sick:
@Judge Explanation II – In sub-Clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly

Only to be brief rather than mention all religions everywhere the law is deemed to apply.

A closer reading makes that clear.

" the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion"

Clearly Buddhists, Jains & Sikhs are being treated as belonging to separate religions.
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