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Sikhs in the US Warned by FBI about Death Threats

That still does not prove that deep in their hearts they have no hatred for India because of the Bluestar, If that was not the case India would have called for a referendum and gotten done with it. Also, lots of Indian Punjabis joined the army because of bread and butter. By ratio vast number of India migrants are also Punjabis, In the West they can speak their minds in India they cannot.

There's no insurgency in East Punjab. Also, 40% of East Punjab is Hindu.

Canada already has a strong base of Sikhs, the first South Asian migrants there were Sikh and majority of Indians there are Punjabi. UK they also have a significant amount in places such as Southall, but the majority of Indians in UK are Hindus.

In the US, there were also one of the first South Asians to migrate there. There is a big community in California. Matter of fact, they have a pretty long history here that they started to mingle with other groups such as Mexicans and create a Punjabi-Mexican community in California.

That's why Khalistan is strong with diaspora because of the structure and base in Canada, USA, and UK. But it doesn't change the fact that there isn't that much of support for it in East Punjab.

There's no insurgency in East Punjab. Also, 40% of East Punjab is Hindu.

Canada already has a strong base of Sikhs, the first South Asian migrants there were Sikh and majority of Indians there are Punjabi. UK they also have a significant amount in places such as Southall, but the majority of Indians in UK are Hindus.

In the US, there were also one of the first South Asians to migrate there. There is a big community in California. Matter of fact, they have a pretty long history here that they started to mingle with other groups such as Mexicans and create a Punjabi-Mexican community in California.

That's why Khalistan is strong with diaspora because of the structure and base in Canada, USA, and UK. But it doesn't change the fact that there isn't that much of support for it in East Punjab.

In that case, instead of going around the world killing Sikh leaders and risking the wrath of the West India can find the easy way out, If there is no support in east Punjab Just hold a referendum and tell the Sikhs to shut up... But that will never happen because India is a democracy if you know what I mean.

And Pakistani leaders played a major role in damping the Sikh movement.
When the orgs in Pakistan that are meant to safeguard us internally and externally focus more on politics and self-monetary enrichment then expect the enemy state to take full advantage. Our intel agencies should reflect. The few top people in the establishment are killing the Nation for their personal power and interests.
Please help the Sikhs settle in their historical homelands of Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Faislabad and Peshawar and establish Khalistan for them there with Lahore as its capital.
Chutiya comment, by that definition the whole of Northern India has a bigger claim to be historical lands of Afghans and Turks.
Please help the Sikhs settle in their historical homelands of Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Faislabad and Peshawar and establish Khalistan for them there with Lahore as its capital.
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Nah. Thousands and thousands of Sikhs join indian military every year. I can recall dozens from past few years who died in loc firing or in militant attacks in iok. Much higher than their population proportion in India

Sikhs today are official canon fodder of India
They are fighting on China's border too:

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Does it violate any forum rule ? If so, which one ?
Does it violate any forum rule ? If so, which one ?

Ethnic / political / nationalistic hate

Needless to say, PDF wishes to be a productive exchange of ideas and not a place of spreading communal, national, political or religiously motivated hatred. Members found involved in such activities would be severely penalized.
Does it violate any forum rule ? If so, which one ?

@LeGenD is a very level headed mod who gives a long rope and a second opportunity.

Don't abuse the opportunity.
Imagine an army invades holiest place of your religion and then you join same army to become its cannon fodder

Unreal cuckness
If that is to be the measure of cuckness, you'd get into hot water. History describes the same happenin during the second fitna. The holy kaaba was also damaged during a siege

Great historical figures, revered in hadiths would be marred by the same brush.

Were you absent during History lessons?
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Do you have anything on Abdul Rehman Majeed? I would look into him.
India holds free and fair elections at local level, province level and national level. People get to choose governments of their choice. Even now Punjab has a non-BJP government. Shows a lot about fairness of these elections in a country claimed to be under the unfair grip of BJP.

Few Pakjeets keep demanding referendum every other day. These Pakjeets, probably have no idea about the concept of referendum. No self respecting nation goes around conducting referendums based on discontent or some kind of unrest within it’s boundaries. The democratic concept has enough room to allow disagreements and right to protest if anyone has any issues.

ALL entities also have the option of approaching courts to obtain redressal, even against the federal government. There are enough examples in India, where the Supreme Court has overturned the Central Government’s decisions and policies.

The bottomline is that, everyone has to follow the Indian constitution. If anyone tries to do anything to subvert that, would get the stick.

Enough number of people have got the stick in the past and it would come out again in the future.

Meanwhile, Pakjeets have the choice of conducting a referendum for so many ethnic unrests within their borders. Let them lead by example, rather than shedding crocodile tears for others.
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