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Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

American Junk really? If American weapons were junk why would you buy any product from the USA? Stop fooling yourself kid. Sad day, Indians have become quite arrogant because economy is good......yet they show poor performance like 26/11 in which they lacked tech and poor training. Let me guess the same evaluation process that bought extra T 90 tanks after Arjun is to be used....then is should be wuite easy to bribe once AK Anthony leaves office lol..some process.

hello dejected US salesman why r u worried there r many products which u hav in ur bag which we may cosider 2 buy, u shudnt talk 2 ur customers like tat orelse u wil lose ur contracts.
why Indian navy choose mig-29kub
when they have option of naval tejas Saab gripen naval version of euro fighter even USA offer f-35b/c variant to India
then choosing mig-29 shows corruption at high level
2nd when china can use j-15 and j-10c carrier base for yaryag than why Indian cant use naval tejas
3rd iaf point out 14 defects in mig-35 during mmrca selection than why Indian navy selects mig 29 which is 40 year old design and Russian air force already withdraw it from active service

They wanted a light combat aircraft, and quickly. The SU-33 (AKA J-15) is heavy. If I am not mistaken, there is already a naval variant of the Tejas in works.

The MIG-29 is still in active service within the Russian Air Force.
lol i remember there were lots of reports in operation desert storm of iraqi pilots crashing their mig29s. seems like it must be something with the plane
will russia replace this loss to the IAF?
lol i remember there were lots of reports in operation desert storm of iraqi pilots crashing their mig29s. seems like it must be something with the plane

They crashed coz they don't know how to fly the damn things in combat.

The Arab-Israeli wars serves as more than enough evidence. We were the topguns in that conflict...remember ;)
well , Russia will replace it

but acc to my info , replacement aircraft will be delivered in 2013 , unless Russia decides to transfer an aircraft intended for Russian navy to the Indian navy
Will ground MiG-29 if needed: Indian Navy chief News

Will ground MiG-29 if needed: Indian Navy chief

New Delhi, June 24 (IANS) Against the backdrop of a twin-seater MiG-29KUB combat jet meant for the Indian Navy crashing in Russia, the navy said Friday it will consider grounding the planes it already has if there was a technical reason to do so.

Indian Navy chief Admiral Nirmal Verma told reporters here that the force was yet to get feedback from the Russians on the air crash involving the MiG-29KUB plane in south Russia’s Astrakhan region Thursday.

The aircraft is the trainer version of the MiG-29K that the Indian Navy fleet will operate from the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (erstwhile Admiral Gorshkov) when it joins the fleet in 2013. The navy has purchased 16 planes, of which 12 are single-seaters and four are trainers.

‘We did get this input (air crash) yesterday (Thursday). So we have sought a clarification from the Russian company…because this aircraft was still with the company and was being flown by its own pilots. At the moment, we have not got the feedback,’ Verma said.

‘If they (MiG Corporation) feel there is a technical reason to do it, which demands grounding, that would be done,’ he said.

Verma said an Indian Navy team was present in the MiG Corporation factory to oversee the aircraft’s manufacturing and the naval headquarters here was in constant touch with it.

‘So if there is any reason to believe that there is some technical reason, we will address it at that time. At this point of time, that is not the case,’ he said.

Both pilots were killed in the Russian crash. The Russian defence ministry has already grounded its entire MiG-29K fleet till the investigation into the crash was over.

Of the 16 MiG-29s India has purchased, 12 are single-seater fighters and four are twin-seater trainers. India has already got delivery of 11 aircraft, including two trainers.

These aircraft are operating from the Goa Naval Air Station till the time INS Vikramaditya is delivered to the Indian Navy by Russia’s Sevmash shipyard, which is carrying out a refit on the warship.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) also operates a variant of the MiG-29 and these too have been plagued with problems, with nine aircraft crashing since 1997. The IAF currently has some single-seater MiG-29s and 10 twin-seaters.
This is what happens when you buy Russian junk......BUY USA F35

US fighters are great and russian junk??
lets compare - mig 29 and paf f16s have been in both the countries since the 80s..... and in all that time equal number of both the planes have crashed - 9 (despite paf operating fewer f 16s than iaf the mig 29s)
russian fighters have bad reputation cause
a) US publicity
b) beaten in battle due to extremely bad pilots flying those crafts
c) high maintenance
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