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Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

If I am not mistaken, the MIG-29 has a good ejection system. I am surprised as well by the fact they didn't eject. Bizarre incident.

@People saying MIG-29 is junk:
It isn't. It has some of the lowest crash rates among other aircraft in its class. Even compared to Western ones. My country has been using them for over a decade. Not a single crash. Although not as maintenance friendly as the F-16, its basic combat and aerodynamic capabilities are superior in many aspects.

just depends in whose hands they are.....i think every Mig starting from the bison (except the 23, which in my opinion was junk from the factory) are great aircrafts for their respective roles....it just seems that certain air forces just never knew how to keep them fly-worthy

nevertheless, ít's silly to keep on bringing up P-3s and P-8s here as they are unrelated. Though the fact that many navys are replacing their Orions could be even more good news. In actuality, the Orions meet our requirements. Our navy isnt so large at this time. Anti-sub warfare and naval recce wont be limited to just fixed wing aircrafts. The Chinese Z-9s are capable of the former as well. PN is not endowed by funds, so when they like something (based on a rubric) they go for it. Some of the Orions were EDAs if im not mistaken, so we didnt pay too much of a premium for them and yet you get a good bang for the back (especially with the upgrades)

how many of these naval version Mig-29 are the bhartis having on order at this time?
please quote the source..where our news channel is crying...

ohhh.. u don't have any mishap in ur history ?? that s terrific

you forgot all that drama about the orions hahaha

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Oh come on now you guys!Stop bashing each other with these bs!The thread is about a Mig 29KUB that got crashed,not about P 3C or P 8Is.Please stick to the topic.
it was the troll brigade belonging to your country that brought up the Orions and P-8s...but yes, lets steer back on topic.

im still waiting for my question to be answered
it was the troll brigade belonging to your country that brought up the Orions and P-8s...but yes, lets steer back on topic.

im still waiting for my question to be answered

And how did such a senior member like you fall in their trap?By the way,can you please repit your question??
it was the troll brigade belonging to your country that brought up the Orions and P-8s...but yes, lets steer back on topic.

im still waiting for my question to be answered

As a profesional use words like pro man.. its bhartiya ,bharti is usual name 4 gal child or u want me to put some sissy words 4 pakistani here..
how many of these naval versions of the Mig-29 does bharaat intend to induct

We plan to get around 45. The aircraft is potent. Mistakes do happen; only difference is, it always comes out in the open while others' don't.
how many of these naval version Mig-29 are the bhartis having on order at this time?

Around 45 units if I am not mistaken. Although, its odd that a brand new jet would crash like that.

I prefer Western or even Chinese jets more. Most Western birds have better BVR capabilities coupled with better avionics packages compared to the Russian ones in my opinion. Not sure about the new Chinese ones.

The Russian ones are too...maintenance unfriendly. Great looks and dog-fighting capabilities, but fails at maintenance. BAF winded up with high bills just because of that. Waste of foreign exchange :coffee: The F-7s were a lot better in terms of maintenance.

Its just hard and costly to take care of Russian birds from my country's experience. Not a single of my country's Fulcrums crashed during its 10 year service.

PAF pilots flew the MIG-21s during the Arab Israeli wars. Did well against the Israeli F-4 Phantoms and Mirages :D
Around 45 units if I am not mistaken. Although, its odd that a brand new jet would crash like that.

I prefer Western or even Chinese jets more. Most Western birds have better BVR capabilities coupled with better avionics packages compared to the Russian ones in my opinion. Not sure about the new Chinese ones.

The Russian ones are too...maintenance unfriendly. Great looks and dog-fighting capabilities, but fails at maintenance. BAF winded up with high bills just because of that. Waste of foreign exchange :coffee: The F-7s were a lot better in terms of maintenance.

Its just hard and costly to take care of Russian birds from my country's experience. Not a single of my country's Fulcrums crashed during its 10 year service.

PAF pilots flew the MIG-21s during the Arab Israeli wars. Did well against the Israeli F-4 Phantoms and Mirages :D

the MiG-29k is not a complete Russian system.
The MiG-29k has a mixture of Russian,French,Indian and Israeli components .
The russian components of the Mig-29k are the FBW System ,the passive radar and air-to-surface guidance system along with the Engine health monitoring system the OLS-32 IRST Suite and the Phazotron NIIP Zhuk-ME slotted planar array PESA Radar.(630mm dia.)
The french components include the MFDs and HUDs manufactured by Thales along with Sagem-95 ring laser gyro and Totem INS.the HMS used is the Thales Topsight-E.
The Indian components include the Radio comms suite made by BEL,the Data Link made by DRDO along with the defensive aids like the Tarang RWR,IFF.
The Israeli parts include the EW suite along with the Elta Jammers and the Litening-3 laser designating pod.
So its not a technologically inferior jet.
Never really said that in my previous posts ;)

Both Western and Russian aircraft have their own unique advantages.

That's mainly because of their different combat doctrine, US relies on AWACS support while Russian pilots prefer to fight solo.
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