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Ship-borne MiG-29KUB jet for Indian Navy crashes in Russia

Now that is what I call an ASAL UTTAR(definitive answer).By the way if they really sends F 22(which we all know is impossible)I don't think IAF or MoD will be able to reject it.lol.
it will not come to me as surprise if IAF reject tht too...i mean i don't think their is any need for us to go for a 322 million jet...wen we already hve two fifth gen Jet Program on track...and too be frank i don't think we r going to see any american jet in IAF evr...
Any fighter,no matter how much advanced crashes sooner or later.F 22 is the best fighter currently on earth,yet it has crashed.Does that makes this brilliant birds of pray junks?No.Similarly Mig 29 is one of the most successful fighter designes.In the hands of an experienced pilot with proper spare supply this things can give a very tough times to the F 15s and F 16s in WVR combat even without a FBC system.IAF Mig 29s has negligible attrition rate.So a few crashes won't make it junk.
it will not come to me as surprise if IAF reject tht too...i mean i don't think their is any need for us to go for a 322 million jet...wen we already hve two fifth gen Jet Program on track...and too be frank i don't think we r going to see any american jet in IAF evr...

Yeah,that too may be right because IAF will start to receive its PAK FA/FGFA from 2017/18 which will definitely be on par(better in agility,payload,power to thrust ratio,higher super cruise,max speed and greater range)with the F 22 at almost 3 times lesser expence.So at this point of time the IAF may even reject the F 22 if offered(will never be offered).
Yeah,that too may be right because IAF will start to receive its PAK FA/FGFA from 2017/18 which will definitely be on par(better in agility,payload,power to thrust ratio,higher super cruise,max speed and greater range)with the F 22 at almost 3 times lesser expence.So at this point of time the IAF may even reject the F 22 if offered(will never be offered).

Carrier based aircrafts are used to assert air superiority away from homeland. For countries bordering us we would use the IAF Sukhoi 30 MKI's and other IAF squadrons.
Naval aircrafts would help assert air superiority in case of a limited war scenario away from the mainland. Mig 29's are multi role strikers designed to provide the required air superiority supplemented by Naval LCA's would do the job sufficiently well.
F-22 or F-35 would be overkill!
I'm amazed why didn't pilot ejected????

If I am not mistaken, the MIG-29 has a good ejection system. I am surprised as well by the fact they didn't eject. Bizarre incident.

@People saying MIG-29 is junk:
It isn't. It has some of the lowest crash rates among other aircraft in its class. Even compared to Western ones. My country has been using them for over a decade. Not a single crash. Although not as maintenance friendly as the F-16, its basic combat and aerodynamic capabilities are superior in many aspects.
Carrier based aircrafts are used to assert air superiority away from homeland. For countries bordering us we would use the IAF Sukhoi 30 MKI's and other IAF squadrons.
Naval aircrafts would help assert air superiority in case of a limited war scenario away from the mainland. Mig 29's are multi role strikers designed to provide the required air superiority supplemented by Naval LCA's would do the job sufficiently well.
F-22 or F-35 would be overkill!

Right.But an overkill capability sometimes can finish the war even before start.F 35 for navy could have been good choice for IN future bigger carriers if it had a better range.But IN has already shown interest in a naval AMCA and FGFA for its future carriers.
Right.But an overkill capability sometimes can finish the war even before start.F 35 for navy could have been good choice for IN future bigger carriers if it had a better range.But IN has already shown interest in a naval AMCA and FGFA for its future carriers.

Hmm..maybe. But I suspect the fact that the current Indian carriers do not have catapult capabilities to launch heavier aircrafts like f35 or Su 30 is the reason we went for Mig29k. Else I'm sure Su 30MKI's would've been modified for the job.
Besides,I'm Mig 29K's would be a lot cheaper to buy in numbers and without worry of future sanctions.
If I am not mistaken, the MIG-29 has a good ejection system. I am surprised as well by the fact they didn't eject. Bizarre incident.

@People saying MIG-29 is junk:
It isn't. It has some of the lowest crash rates among other aircraft in its class. Even compared to Western ones. My country has been using them for over a decade. Not a single crash. Although not as maintenance friendly as the F-16, its basic combat and aerodynamic capabilities are superior in many aspects.

We are all crying futile mate.People who do not want to understand how can you make the understand?
Hmm..maybe. But I suspect the fact that the current Indian carriers do not have catapult capabilities to launch heavier aircrafts like f35 or Su 30 is the reason we went for Mig29k. Else I'm sure Su 30MKI's would've been modified for the job.
Besides,I'm Mig 29K's would be a lot cheaper to buy in numbers and without worry of future sanctions.

Ak of your thoughts are right bro.That's why I used the term 'future' aircraft carriers.Current IN carriers can not launch F 35 except the VTOL version.
Is it the VTOL version or the STOVL version?

STOVL. There are three variants.

One on the right is the carrier variant. STOVL is for Marines.
why Indian navy choose mig-29kub
when they have option of naval tejas Saab gripen naval version of euro fighter even USA offer f-35b/c variant to India
then choosing mig-29 shows corruption at high level
2nd when china can use j-15 and j-10c carrier base for yaryag than why Indian cant use naval tejas
3rd iaf point out 14 defects in mig-35 during mmrca selection than why Indian navy selects mig 29 which is 40 year old design and Russian air force already withdraw it from active service
why Indian navy choose mig-29kub
when they have option of naval tejas Saab gripen naval version of euro fighter even USA offer f-35b/c variant to India
then choosing mig-29 shows corruption at high level
2nd when china can use j-15 and j-10c carrier base for yaryag than why Indian cant use naval tejas
3rd iaf point out 14 defects in mig-35 during mmrca selection than why Indian navy selects mig 29 which is 40 year old design and Russian air force already withdraw it from active service

Read post #92.
P.S.:Naval LCA has yet tp complete all trials and be given operational clearance. However it is expected that future carriers will have both Naval LCA and Mig 29k.

Also once again you are confusing the Mig29k with the Mig 29. Mig 29k was never inducted to the Russian force. It is to be inducted into Russian aircrafts in the future.
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