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Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook

So you are a Trump supporter. Explains your blatant hate of all things Muslims and Islam.
Hardly. However, you are certainly invoking hatred in an effort to pull other Muslims to rally to your side. That's both deceptive and shameful. Are you proud of yourself for being so dirty?
There are certain type of Blasphemy which can be tolerated but there are certain type of Blasphemous acts which really are beyond the line of tolerance

I have seen such a photo in question on Facebook and it really burned me from inside out
Good work by Saudis to act against the Insect

The insect acted against the national interest of Saudi Arabia and billion + Muslims , and we expect a harsh punishment inline with the laws on the nation

Quoted for posterity.

There are certain type of Blasphemy which can be tolerated but there are certain type of Blasphemous acts which really are beyond the line of tolerance

I have seen such a photo in question on Facebook and it really burned me from inside out
Hello? Do you remember who was so excited to have an Zionist American Jew posting here at PDF?

:) I am fine with your posting. I believe you have as much right as we have to post opinion no matter one likes it or not.

I was just telling him about your pattern of posting.

Oh BTW I do not know if you are a Jew or a zionist :)
But some sect in hindu they believe kaba is their religious place and they wanted to put idol back in their. Which offend Muslims and when they see strong reaction from Muslims then they sudnt cry.
Not just that. I hope Muslim and non Muslim people and lands are totally partitioned so that neither side interacts with the other. Such incidents can easily be avoided. Two Civilization Theory - One Islamic and other - the rest.

Seriously. Not intending to taunt or anything. I think this can bring an end to this conflict. The Muslim world can be on its own and the rest of us can be on our own. An India Pakistan partition for the world for example. With complete population transfers.
Laws and regulations are there for reason if someone disobeys them they they open themselves to consequences
Now who adviced the "insect" to go about breaking laws inside Saudi Arabia ?

Obviously the man was there on a VIsa Or Illegally , therefore the authorities had to track down the man , and these days it is really very easy with facial recogniztion software etc.

Now he is in Prison rotting away for breaking the laws against a Nation , who granted him great respect by allowing him to visit in kindness but what can you do when someone breaks a law in that country , and decide to become a INSECT

So why on god damn earth would we sympathize with a Law breaker?

If Saudi FBI caught that criminal for obviously breaking their Secred law

Certainly tragic , and we hope that Criminal rots in Jail for breaking a law in Saudi Arabia

He literally begged Saudis to give it to him

Now he must be rotting in a prison , sub hero bazi nikal gai Mr Facebook ki

This little piece of organ in your body is called the human brain it is there for a reason to not be stupid
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Pakistanis keep calling Saudis as Wahhabi extremists but when they see an Indian being caught by them then they cheer for his blood.
Come on guys it was just a FB post, couple of months in prison is more than enough.
Killing him will not hurt India. It will be loss for his family and will just put Islam in poor light.
And its not like then you guys follow proper Islam. So many Pakistani women are without Burqa or hijaab which ever is mandated by Islam. What next, you will kill them for not following Islam.
What kind of Idiot migrates to Saudi Arabia then insults the Religion? If you are that stupid then you deserve to be punished.

I swear some dumbasses act like they can't be touched. If you want to Insult Islam go to some alt-right meeting in America or India but definitely not Saudi Arabia.
Why insult even in India US or any other country muslims do not insult any other religion.. they insult islam and then claim it freedom of speech. When on other side Jews don't even tolerate if u side lill bit of nazi's.
They sue u punish u like Mel Gibson and many more.. freedom of speech sud be in limits.
He sud be punished accordingly.
Not just that. I hope Muslim and non Muslim people and lands are totally partitioned so that neither side interacts with the other. Such incidents can easily be avoided. Two Civilization Theory - One Islamic and other - the rest.

Seriously. Not intending to taunt or anything. I think this can bring an end to this conflict. The Muslim world can be on its own and the rest of us can be on our own. An India Pakistan partition for the world for example. With complete population transfers.
Bud this world is becoming global village u can't Nat isolate anyone giving each other respect is more imp weather u agree or not.
Partition was muslims right like how other maharaja and mahranis wanted to have their own country in India. But they didn't have strong leader and goray didn't let them.
Bud this world is becoming global village u can't Nat isolate anyone giving each other respect is more imp weather u agree or not.
Partition was muslims right like how other maharaja and mahranis wanted to have their own country in India. But they didn't have strong leader and goray didn't let them.
True. Chances of isolation are remote.

In reality the only alternatives are
i. Total Islamization of the world
ii. Stupid Religious Conflicts/Religion inspired conflicts to the end of humankind between two very opposite world views.
Look ........

You go on top of Statue of LIberty and pee freely = You will be slapped by police and sent to prison
You meet the pope in Rome and then give him bag of shit as gift and run = You will be slapped by police and sent prison
You go see Indian Pundit , and then break the idol = You will be slapped by the people and sent to prison
You will go on top of Eifile tower and then decide to leave your scent marks - You will be slapped and sent to prison

So rules are rule ... you Break it ......be ready to get slapped by law authorities

Hardly. However, you are certainly invoking hatred in an effort to pull other Muslims to rally to your side. That's both deceptive and shameful. Are you proud of yourself for being so dirty?

Really? Because I am quoting the proof. While you seem to fall back on assumptions and go on about how everything is aligned against you, I have been one of the people to use proof. You posted a picture that was misguided and blatantly anti-Islam and Anti-Muslim. I hope you don't forget your other posts on "Quotes" In the member forum.

Freedom or Islam. You cannot have it both ways.

Tsk,Tsk,Tsk :disagree: you are a very Naughty boy. I could have slammed you and corrected your bigoted point of view then and there but I decided to take pity on your pathetic soul.

Surprising that you are quoting the man who wanted to ban Mosques and the Quran(actually not that surprising knowing Israel's apparent stance on Mosques and the call for prayer). So no I am not invoking hatred, I am merely stating facts if you cannot deal with those facts being thrown in your face zionist or not then I suggest you go to Israel where that IDF chief rabbi will allow you to rape gentile women and allow you to call anti-semite when people criticize you for it.


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