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Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook

Bro if you if you read the story of our prophet and his family then you would know these wahhabis and Islam are 2 different things.
I absolutely know what you are saying....My very close friend "Nawab of Arcot"..Asif Ali who pretty much is the mouth piece for Islam in Tamil Nadu..has been very active in the community in education the same....I know Islam is peaceful religion..so are all other religions...
yes its true and he the one who catch him was indian in saudi arabia then they call the police
this is the pic

this is the video after an indian workers find him before calling the cops
the police say they will send him to india

Why did you share the pic? Remove it
He will come to India along with separate head very soon.

An anther feather in your cap hey? what happened to a fair trial and humane treatment, seem alien to barbaric people doesn't it.
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If Indians hate Islam so much why do they go to Arab countries to make a living? There's like tens of millions of Indians working in the Middle East.
If Indians hate Islam so much why do they go to Arab countries to make a living? There's like tens of millions of Indians working in the Middle East.

Why do so many Muslims veer off the wrong path and become radicals? it's the same effect. You will always have a few rotten eggs in the same basket.

Religious practices are interpreted incorrectly people are misinformed and then everything else falls into place for anarchy.

We are talking about 1 Indian in comparison to the millions your talking bout. They go about their business, earning a living; decently, peacefully and inclusively.

According to statistics that is minuscule, on the other hand do you have any idea how many offences committed by Pakistani's in Saudi Arbraia, they surpass that of the Indians.

Google it for yourself!
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I don't see the big deal here, I doubt he hates Islam/Muslims, and is just having fun with instagram or friends. It doesn't offend me, it's just a picture. The more immediate concerns for the people in that region should be the state of the region, and the instability in it. Also spreading religion for influence/business purposes, through many clerics, some overseas, to keep influence over them, not allowing Muslims to evolve. Countries like Saudi Arabia, unfortunately pour lots of money in the West to fund scholars to teach the youth certain teachings, keeping them in line with Saudi Islam POV, and also political POV. They leave many Western Muslims with identity crisis's, some of them become Salafist. And that community which should be a more Westernized community that can be so capable, no longer gives off that image.

So that should be more important first, these countries, Saudi, Qatar, Iran, etc... need to stop trying to influence Muslims in the West, with teachings they don't even follow, and world views that are not compatible with reality or Western culture/ideology. All for the sake of trying to be more powerful by using religion for mind control on millions of people. That is much more disturbing than this photo that was done for fun or being childish.
I don't see the big deal here, I doubt he hates Islam/Muslims, and is just having fun with instagram or friends. It doesn't offend me, it's just a picture. The more immediate concerns for the people in that region should be the state of the region, and the instability in it. Also spreading religion for influence/business purposes, through many clerics, some overseas, to keep influence over them, not allowing Muslims to evolve. Countries like Saudi Arabia, unfortunately pour lots of money in the West to fund scholars to teach the youth certain teachings, keeping them in line with Saudi Islam POV, and also political POV. They leave many Western Muslims with identity crisis's, some of them become Salafist. And that community which should be a more Westernized community that can be so capable, no longer gives off that image.

So that should be more important first, these countries, Saudi, Qatar, Iran, etc... need to stop trying to influence Muslims in the West, with teachings they don't even follow, and world views that are not compatible with reality or Western culture/ideology. All for the sake of trying to be more powerful by using religion for mind control on millions of people. That is much more disturbing than this photo that was done for fun or being childish.

Hello my Palestinian friend, how was your day?
Kick all paleed Indians out, Pakistanis are much better workers.

Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook
November 22, 2016, 12:13 pm

Web Desk

RIYADH: Saudi authorities have arrested an Indian immigrant here on Tuesday (Today) in Riyadh for insulting the Holy Kaaba on Facebook.

According to the sources, the person allegedly posted a picture disrespecting Holy Kaaba on social media. Which is why, Saudi authorities tracked him down and arrested him.

A Riyadh police spokesperson spoke to a TV channel and said,"The region's investigative department was able to capture and arrest a suspect, in his forties and who works in agriculture, who insulted our holy site," he said.

The Kaaba is the most sacred site for Muslims and it has been mentioned in the Holy Quran numerous times and every year, millions of Muslims flock to Makkah to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage.
Poor idiot. He should know better than doing that while being in Saudi Arabia.
I hope the Indian government will at least try to save this guy's life. It probably won't go unpunished as it is the law of the land but then I am sure Indians can find a similar bargaining tool.
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