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Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook

Why this intolerance?
Why? Saudia Arabia needs to offer another million jobs to Indian's. Anything less would be intolerance.

Saudia Arabia/GCC are India's biggest cash cow. Indian's keep milching the Arab camel and least you could do is show respect to them.

Do as Rome does even more so when it is feeding you ....
There are millions of Indians of different religions in Saudi Arabia and GCC where most of them respect our country and our culture more than many other Arab/Muslims who have been living in SA like forever.
I hope the Gov just put this guy in jail for a period of time then send him back to India, some idiots like this guy make it hard for many respectful Indians to live and work in the future.
Hang that bastard
Don't go towards extreme . No wonder world call us intolerant and extremists. Why give him extreme punishment for just posting Buddha picture on kaba. I wish Saudi authorities release him and give warning which is enough.
Beheading is not solution otherwise It will give another evidence of Muslims as intolerant society.
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There are millions of Indians of different religions in Saudi Arabia and GCC where most of them respect our country and our culture more than many other Arab/Muslims who have been living in SA like forever.
I hope the Gov just put this guy in jail for a period of time then send him back to India, some idiots like this guy make it hard for many respectful Indians to live and work in the future.

A sane voice, in the field of many anarchists.. Top down bro hat's off!
Don't go towards extreme . No wonder world call us intolerant and extremists. Why give him extreme punishment for just posting Buddha picture on kaba. I wish Saudi authorities release him and give warning for not to do again.
Beheading is not solution otherwise It will give another evidence of Muslims as intolerant society.
Sir I would like to tell you that SA is not Pakistan to change the law of the country for some one.
This Budhist was not extremist that he keep the picture of Budh over the Kaba?
He will come to India without his Head InshaAllah.
It was stupid of him to try that in an Islamic country.

It is always stupid of people not to mind their own business and stay away from mocking other's beliefs for fun. This idiot may have thought just because we could demolish Babri so lets do this too. The craving to mock Islam couldn't be resisted by his stupid extremist genes.

Just to give you an idea I went to a centuries old Buddhist site here sometime back, I admired the site, the statues and the construction were awesome............... but no where in my mind I had this urge to hang Kabbah's picture on one of the Budha's statues there, because I had no intention of disrespecting it neither I had this slightest thought I hate Buddhism and consider it inferior so lets do something funny.

If he is guilty please rid Earth of an extremist.
র, ২০১৬ ১৫:৩২:৩৪

Md Shamsul Alamto Bangladesh Military Discussion Group
12 hrs ·
উচিৎ শিক্ষা দেওয়া দরকার যাতে ভবিষ্যতে কেউ করতে দশবার ভাবে।
আপনাদের কার কি মতামত। এই বেটাকে কি করা উচিৎ

কাবার ছবিতে বৌদ্ধমূর্তি, সৌদিতে ভারতীয় গ্রেফতার

মুসলমানদের সর্বোচ্চ ধর্মীয় কেন্দ্র পবিত্র কাবা শরীফের ছবিতে বৌদ্ধমূর্তির ছবি সংযুক্ত করার অভিযোগে একজন ভারতীয়কে গ্রেফতার করেছে সৌদি পুলিশ।

সোমবার সৌদির রাজধানী রিয়াদের আল মাজমাহ শহর থেকে ওই প্রবাসী ভারতীয়কে গ্রেফতার করা হয়। তবে তার নাম পরিচয়-প্রকাশ করা হয়নি। খবর আল-আরাবিয়ার।

ওই ভারতীয় নাগরিকের ফেসবুক অ্যাকাউন্টে কাবা শরীফের প্রতি অবমাননামূলক ছবিটি দেখার পর পুলিশের তদন্ত বিভাগ তাকে শনাক্ত করার পর গ্রেফতার করে বলে জানিয়েছেন রিয়াদের পুলিশের মুখপাত্র।

তিনি জানান, অভিযুক্ত ভারতীয় কাবা ও বৌদ্ধমূর্তিকে সুপারইমপোজড (বিকৃত করে জোড়া লাগানো) করে তা সামাজিক মাধ্যমে পোস্ট করেন।
Why? Saudia Arabia needs to offer another million jobs to Indian's. Anything less would be intolerance.

Saudia Arabia/GCC are India's biggest cash cow. Indian's keep milching the Arab camel and least you could do is show respect to them.

Do as Rome does even more so when it is feeding you ....
Exactly the point we want you guys to ponder !!
I eagerly await his presence on this thread and his views. :victory:

What if i tell you that i give a shit about Saudi Arabia?

Not my country, not my interest. They can do what they want as long it doesnt bother us. I would never go there, so why should i care?
What if i tell you that i give a shit about Saudi Arabia?

Not my country, not my interest. They can do what they want as long it doesnt bother us. I would never go there, so why should i care?
I know, nor do I care much for Saudi Arabia. Still good to hear your thoughts on this topic, thanks buddy :victory:
I know, nor do I care much for Saudi Arabia. Still good to hear your thoughts on this topic, thanks buddy :victory:

Just came home from a horror flight. Calama (Atacama) to Santiago de Chile (2hours). Then one hour transfer time in Santiago...then flight Santiago de Chile to Madrid...12 hours. In Madrid 2h transfer time and then flight Madrid to Milano Malpensa 2h...then train to my hometown Lucca...im dead.
Just came home from a horror flight. Calama (Atacama) to Santiago de Chile (2hours). Then one hour transfer time in Santiago...then flight Santiago de Chile to Madrid...12 hours. In Madrid 2h transfer time and then flight Madrid to Milano Malpensa 2h...then train to my hometown Lucca...im dead.
Do not die, we will all miss you here Markus!!
How was Chile though?
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