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Saudi police arrested an Indian for disrespecting 'Holy Kaaba' on Facebook

Our media should spread this news all over the M.E.
Remember indians in the US are desperately trying to make life difficult "not just for Pakistanis but for other Muslims as well" and for no reason at all. It's about time we do the same.
Islam is definitely not all about Beef for Muslims but for Hindus Hinduism is all about Beef and Cow. Muslims are just fighting for their religious right to sacrifice Cow on their Religious Events.
Bro,again you are assuming without facts .
India is one of the largest exporter of beef in the world.stop reading those jihadi websites and assume,always verify,those websites are there for recruits.and some fall for them without verifing.
This guy messed up big time. You dont disrespect the religion of more than billion and that too living in center and making mockery of house of Allah and get away with it. Should be prosecuted and punished accordingly
To be honest, I agree. Why go to the heart of Islam and put lord Buddha on Islamic holy place on Facebook. ? He should know which countries he can do that and get away with. instead he went to KSA of all places to do that. This dude definitely has a death wish. KSA will can only oblige. :butcher: Lol

I think he has gone to hell with out head.
I know it's a sad event, but just couldn't help it, it was funny. .lol
It was stupid of him to try that in an Islamic country.

This guy messed up big time. You dont disrespect the religion of more than billion and that too living in center and making mockery of house of Allah and get away with it. Should be prosecuted and punished accordingly


But then you should also not cry about the beef lynching that happened in India some time back.

Every culture has sensitivities.
It was stupid of him to try that in an Islamic country.


But then you should also not cry about the beef lynching that happened in India some time back.

Every culture has sensitivities.

There is a difference between breaking laws and facing the state aparatus and mobs lynching people to death over beef rumours..
Sorry, their country, their rules.
True. It was stupid of him to do that in an Islamic country.

Problem is that we grow up very different than what people consider sensitive in SA. Religious cartoons are common here. And a crime there. Indians should be thoroughly discouraged by the Indian Government and society to travel to any countries with Shariah Law. If they have to, they should read some of the penal provisions and punishments so that they can avoid them.

There is a difference between breaking laws and facing the state aparatus and mobs lynching people to death over beef rumours..
Yes. One is organized state terror and the other is ... ONE mob lynching.

It's about time we do the same.
By chopping heads off in Chop Chop square?

But this was coming. The general jubilation over an Indian's beheading here is also normal.

I have been waiting for this news. This man lives in saudia andtalking bad about holiest place.
We don't insult anyone other religion he sud be punished accordingly
That is highly subjective. Religion falls in the domain of faith. And faith is by definition illogical.

For example, I as a Hindu or Buddhist or Sikh can take offence in the slogan - 'La ilaha ilallah'
Something that we hear everyday from mosques five times each day. What if we non Muslims decide that our God/Gods are insulted by the openly supremacist statement that 'there is no God but Allah'?

Why should we NOT take offence at the belittling of our faiths and NOT take counter-action?

why NOW?
if this incident wont have happened then you would have allowed them to do "Love Jihad" on Indian females?
Do you really think BJP or any party cares about infants being 'bought' by rich Sheikhs in the Gulf?

Okay, may be some do. But there are enough who are happy to get some 'gifts' to stay quiet and look the other way while children are carted off. In Kerala and Hyderabad, it is extremely common.
To be honest, I agree. Why go to the heart of Islam and put lord Buddha on Islamic holy place on Facebook. ? He should know which countries he can do that and get away with. instead he went to KSA of all places to do that. This dude definitely has a death wish. KSA will can only oblige. :butcher: Lol

I know it's a sad event, but just couldn't help it, it was funny. .lol

I have a feeling they will not chop off his head but will be put in jail. As we know one must pay for his/her action . My little mind still not able to compute WTFish WAS HE THINKING was he that dumb
Every now and then hidus ask indian muslims to leave india and go to arbistan. Wondering how millions of mushrik cow and Baal worshippers all over SA and gulf. Measenger eradicated pagan worship of idols but millions of expat hindus bring small hindu god statutes to the land Hijaz and woship idols.
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