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Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman provide PM Imran Khan His private Jet

” آپ کمرشل فلائٹ سے امریکہ نہیں جا سکتے“ سعودی ولی عہد نے وزیر اعظم عمران خان کو روک دیا
Sep 21, 2019 | 19:10:PM

جدہ (ڈیلی پاکستان آن لائن) سعودی ولی عہد محمد بن سلمان نے وزیر اعظم عمران خان کو کمرشل فلائٹ سے امریکہ جانے سے روک دیا اور انہیں اپنا ذاتی طیارہ فراہم کردیا۔

ضرور پڑھیں: بھارتی ریاست اتر پردیش میں خوفناک دھماکہ، اتنی ہلاکتیں کہ پورا بھارت سوگ میں ڈوب گیا
وزیر اعظم عمران خان دورہ سعودی عرب مکمل کرنے کے بعد امریکہ کیلئے روانہ ہونے لگے تو سعودی ولی عہد نے وزیر اعظم سے سوال پوچھا کہ آپ امریکہ کیسے جائیں گے؟ جس پر انہیں بتایا گیا کہ وزیر اعظم عمران خان کمرشل فلائٹ سے امریکہ جائیں گے۔

سعودی ولی عہد محمد بن سلمان نے وزیر اعظم عمران خان کو کمرشل فلائٹ سے امریکہ جانے سے روک دیا اور کہا ’آپ ہمارے مہمان ہیں اس لیے کمرشل فلائٹ سے امریکہ نہیں جاسکتے۔‘

ضرور پڑھیں: مرکزی جمعیت اہل حدیث سعودی عرب نے بھارتی فوج کے کشمیریوں پر ظلم و بربریت کی شدید الفاظ میں مذمت
نجی ٹی وی جی این این نے ذرائع کے حوالے سے دعویٰ کیا ہے کہ سعودی ولی عہد نے وزیر اعظم عمران خان کو امریکہ جانے کیلئے اپنا ذاتی طیارہ فراہم کردیا۔ وزیر اعظم عمران خان پاکستانی وقت کے مطابق صبح 11 بجے سعودی عرب سے محمد بن سلمان کے ذاتی جہاز میں امریکہ کیلئے روانہ ہوئے ہیں۔

خیال رہے کہ وزیر اعظم عمران خان 28 ستمبر تک امریکہ میں موجود رہیں گے اور اس دوران پی آئی اے کے ہوٹل میں قیام کریں گے۔ وزیر اعظم 27 ستمبر کو اقوام متحدہ کی جنرل اسمبلی سے خطاب کریں گے جبکہ اجلاس کی سائیڈ لائنز پر 15 سربراہان مملکت سے ملاقاتیں کریں گے۔

مزید : Breaking News
Friend, UAE/KSA are the gangsters who started the war with Yemen, then ganged up on Qatar. Now things get a bit hot under the pants and they are now in panic mode. Those drones should have gone on Clown Salmans' home. As far as I can see, it was a preplanned attack by these people to set up Iran and curry favour by TIT to get freedom to engage with Iran - good luck to KSA. They could not win in Yemen and they want to take on Iran. Getting too big for their boots.

Bro again i agree but is Iran a less criminal ? Arent houthis proxy of Iran and KSA attacked them with the permission of democratically elected president of Yemen ?

Both of Iran and KSA are equally gangster and if i have to choose between 2 gangster then i will always choose the one who do not have any evil plan against us.

Do u know Iran was officially hiding one of the biggest gangster of Karachi involved in murder of thousands of people in our economic capital and when UAE arrested him during his short visit of UAE on Iranian passport and Irani dipolmats held him in UAE claiming him to be irani citizen.

They r officially supporting terrorist and smugling activities in Pakistan and therefore its better for us to either remain neutral or side with KSA ... but in this particular case Iranians are at fault ... they should not have directly attacked KSA
Was a gift to modi when he landed in lahore for a special visit to the sharif tolaa

No one can match gifts from Imran Khan:

-Release of Abhinandan within the time frame of given dead line by modi.
-Withholding permission to shoot Indian military depots.
-Withholding permission to take shots at Indian jets, in the process risking lives of pilots.
-Withholding permission to sink Indian subs in Pakistani waters.
-Helping modi win elections.
-Sinking Pakistan's economy.
-axing CPEC
-giving rise to corruption in an already corrupt society.
-giving rise to money laundering.
-shutting down industry same way his partner in crime zardari did.
-misuse of authority and police.
-extorting money from poor people of Pakistan.
-Resurrection of dengue virus, which was well controlled.
-turning Pakistani cities to a large sized trash bin.
- Appointing economic hitman in finance ministry.

List is loooooooooooooong.
thank you KSA . its not about IK its about Pakistan. they respect our PM means they respect our country
. Thank you so much for hospitality .
i don't know why he decide it . he went on PAF gulfstreamIV to jeddah he can use that gulfstream further to USA too with one refueling stop as that saudi b737 did . why he keep his jet in jeddah and go further on saudi jet?any logic ?
Probably because he knew that the Opposition would make a big deal about it (too).

Besides, that jet is property of the Air Force, and wouldn't fair well if were parked for so long in the US. Even VIP's have to pay charges.

Flying it back and forth would be Fuel Charges and so on.

Frankly speaking, the Govt. of Pakistan seriously needs to consider buying a new Aircraft just for these type of travels.

It shouldn't be hard picking a (cheap) Boeing 737-800 (NG) from China configuring it as a BBJ.
Frankly speaking, the Govt. of Pakistan seriously needs to consider buying a new Aircraft just for these type of travels.
What's wrong with business class? Imran use Qatar right, i can tell on Doha to Europe, Qatar operates latest aircrafts. even business class has private cabin!
What's wrong with business class? Imran use Qatar right, i can tell on Doha to Europe, Qatar operates latest aircrafts. even business class has private cabin!
Look, there is nothing wrong with Business Class.

And it was kind of MBS to offer one of his many Private Aircraft/Jets to IK, but seriously it looks a bit...cheap.

We have the money to maintain Nuclear arsenal, but can't afford a B737 or a a318 (ACJ - airbus Corporate Jetliner).

How many more trips does he (IK) or any other future PM plan on getting free rides from Foreign Governments?

The US Air Force One are both B747-200's from the 80's - so they are old as sh!t. Getting an old B737 & having it overhauled won't cost all that much.
Look, there is nothing wrong with Business Class.

And it was kind of MBS to offer one of his many Private Aircraft/Jets to IK, but seriously it looks a bit...cheap.

We have the money to maintain Nuclear arsenal, but can't afford a B737 or a a318 (ACJ - airbus Corporate Jetliner).

How many more trips does he (IK) or any other future PM plan on getting free rides from Foreign Governments?

The US Air Force One are both B747-200's from the 80's - so they are old as sh!t. Getting an old B737 & having it overhauled won't cost all that much.

Give the man a private jet. Pakistan wastes enough money as it is, why not put it to good use.
why are you adamant that i support nawaz and hate IK
I said western nieghbours give Pakistan KBY lollipop and Saudi Arabia has given private jet still you are unhappy
I don't care what party you support
all of them are same and some similar people are found in PTI too
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