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Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman provide PM Imran Khan His private Jet

I said western nieghbours give Pakistan KBY lollipop and Saudi Arabia has given private jet still you are unhappy
I don't care what party you support
all of them are same and some similar people are found in PTI too
Sauds are illegitimate king of arabia and theit kingdom is in trouble so they will hand out lollipops to anyone and everyone and find someone to serve them!
Sauds are illegitimate king of arabia and theit kingdom is in trouble so they will hand out lollipops to anyone and everyone and find someone to serve them!
Who are you to decide whether they are legitimate or illegitimate you should care only about Pakistan don't spread mullah's propaganda
Jallnay wallay ka monn modi ……. jallnay wallay ka monn kala ………
@Khafee , thanks for hospitality gesture …..
ever tried reading history bibi?
ohh i am sure ignorance is bliss for you!
Why should we care
For us they are legitimate some people are using this forum to spread anti arab propaganda and want Pakistan to side with Iran but idiots don't know policies are not made at PDF
Why should we care
For us they are legitimate some people are using this forum to spread anti arab propaganda and want Pakistan to side with Iran but idiots don't know policies are not made at PDF
lols okay smarty! everyones against Pti and Pakistan!
thank you KSA . its not about IK its about Pakistan. they respect our PM means they respect our country
. Thank you so much for hospitality .
We should never accept favours as we don't know the price at which they will need to be returned.

Yes but at that time us had pupoet govt know everything has changed erdogan openly on live criticesed israeli PM in davos must see that
Then why khalifa Erdogan cutt the ties??? State affairs with other nations are not based on emotions but based on interests simple
I don't know why this is a newsworthy item.

The people don't care if Imran Khan flies on a magic carpet or a donkeycart or a stealth bomber. This is nonsense and just optics and illusion.

You know what the public really cares about? The price of electricity, petrol, the fees of school and colleges and universities the graveyards like condition of hospitals, the ever increasing taxes, the safety of their children from pedophiles, the law and order situation.

Imran Khan can fly in a plane made of Diamonds and fly the whole Niazi clan if he gives relief to public. If he doesn't give relief to public then even if he rides on a donkey cart is meaningless and hypocrisy.

And another hypocrisy is Pakistanis can't get a visa to US yet he flies every other day to America. If he's such a honorable and great leader, he should've rejected going to US until US removed the visa restrictions.

As for Kashmir, we all know it's just bullcrap. For 70 years, UN hasn't done a thing, suddenly they will be moved by the speech of the Azeem Imran Khan and do justice? It seems like Pakistanis are deluded and hallucinating on a massive scale.

But if IK has such magical powers then he should speak for Palestinians too and Uighurs and Rohingya and all Muslims oppressed all over the world.
We have the money to maintain Nuclear arsenal, but can't afford a B737 or a a318 (ACJ - airbus Corporate Jetliner).

It's not a matter of affordability... it's matter of requirement?
Are we going to buy it for luxury purpose or Imran Khan have to run the world affairs from air?
Imran Khan draw his authority from the vote which amounts <25% of total population, and most of it is gift of Iran.
Sauds are illegitimate king of arabia and theit kingdom is in trouble so they will hand out lollipops to anyone and everyone and find someone to serve them!

No wonder you are ill informed. King in Saudi is more popular among their own populace, than Khmenai in untied Iran and Pakistan.
If it's loli pop, why pinky didn't advised IK to reject it?

Why doesn't IK use PIA flights to travel to US?
Is there a PIA to US?

BDSM (consented) isn't haram
hadees number?
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