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Pakistan hopes MBS will make brief stopover

MBS and Saudis care about the public sentiments, unlike the military here.

And unlike the military generals, zardari and sharifs, they have invested all the oil income in their own country compared to Pakistani politicians and Army crooks.
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Another Rumour:

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman will be leaving India on Monday night at around 8:30pm. Pakistan’s Information Minister Murtaza Solangi has said that the crown prince may visit Pakistan ‘at any moment’.

"Expects??" - I mean - seriously - MBS should give Pakistan the middle, and fly straight on home - I would if someone was going around saying expects some of me ....
So MBS is coming or not?

Asim better wait sporting his khaki and 257 medals.
So MBS is coming or not?

Asim better wait sporting his khaki and 257 medals.

No he isn't. Cherry blossom boot polish Asim Munir is crying in a corner. These Generals are stupid POS!

As stability returns to Pakistan, after the mayhem of the last 16 months, the State of Pakistan will again start to focus on geopolitics.

The trajectory is right now is in the opposite direction with no indication of "stability"..... the Corrupt Generals haves F'd this nation over forever.

Since his removal from power, Khan has continued to gain ground against the current government, with a recent poll putting his popularity at 61 percent, compared with just 32 percent for the incumbent prime minister.

BS... it's not a 61% approval rating... I think it's over 75% to almost 80%. The Jahil Corrupt Terrorist Pakistani Military Generals have committed treason.
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I guess he did not come !!!!!!! Wonder how the dumb dumb duffer Whiskey Raja regime will explain this one now ?!?!?!
Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I was right. I believed then and I believe now that Pakistan has its own significant utility in the region and this economic initiative between the Arabs and India, backed by America, doesn't necessarily take away from Pakistan's geopolitical advantages.

You should not underestimate Pakistan's importance for a mighty power like China and that, no thanks to Modi's 'muscular foreign policy', decades of India-China rapproachment has been undone. You should not underestimate that, with a mere investment of a few dozen billions $$, Pakistan can be used to cause enormous pain to India by Americans.

As stability returns to Pakistan, after the mayhem of the last 16 months, the State of Pakistan will again start to focus on geopolitics.

Added comments: @PakFactor : I had also mentioned to you many weeks ago that Pakistan may be asked to play a significant role by the West in case the Russia-Ukraine war gets out of hand and become a regional, if not a global war. And I had said that I hope Pakistan never ever gets involved in yet another American NeoCons' war. But that is not in my hands. The folly of the 1979 involvement in the USA-USSR proxy war still haunts Pakistan. To Americans, Pakistan is still a potential and potent resource in the region. I had a chanced encounter with an American from Boston--a big Biden supporter--in a restaurant a few weeks ago. He seemed well educated and informed about global politics. He stunned me by saying that Pakistan will be asked to help America's effort in the Russia-Ukraine war when that war gets out of hand. He apparently knew of Pakistan's geography, its large population, and the powerful military. I wanted to say something like 'Absolutely Not!' but the conversation veered off to something else.
When a regional or a global war happens, then geopolitics change rapidly and in big ways. It remains to be seen if the Russia-Ukraine war turns into a regional war or even another World War--which would be the 3rd World War originating in the Eurasian continent of which Pakistan is, unfortunately, an integral part.
Stability is not going to return ti pakistan for a long time. Afghans want a piece and i think they are going to get it
So MBS is coming or not?

No we do not want him.

Pakistan is not a rest area for people to just drop by when it pleases them.

Let them schedule a proper visit.

I guess he did not come !!!!!!! Wonder how the dumb dumb duffer Whiskey Raja regime will explain this one now ?!?!?!

We do not want a stopover visit.

I am sure we converyed it to them.
I would say that India has always been very lucky with leaders and their decisions. The land reforms at the birth were instrumental in forging the economic powerhouse that India is today. Although the travel got wayward with India choosing sides (USSR against the US) quite early on, she learnt her lesson and moved everything around very very quickly when her situation was dire (in the early 90's) than the situation in which Pakistan finds itself today.

I pray and I hope that we too get leadership which is able to turn things around for us too; it only takes 10-15 years. And the optimist in me says that a turnaround of our fortune is inevitable, we have reached the lows and now we can only start going up, Inshallah.
I hoping Pakistan fixes itself. We have to do it.

It will be nice if MBS visits Pakistan.

But I don't blame the Saudis looking down upon Pakistanis. The state of our nation is not Good.

Our peoples are not well educated, and we are not that rich either.

We need to help our country, Insh'Allah.
Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I was right. I believed then and I believe now that Pakistan has its own significant utility in the region and this economic initiative between the Arabs and India, backed by America, doesn't necessarily take away from Pakistan's geopolitical advantages.

You should not underestimate Pakistan's importance for a mighty power like China and that, no thanks to Modi's 'muscular foreign policy', decades of India-China rapproachment has been undone. You should not underestimate that, with a mere investment of a few dozen billions $$, Pakistan can be used to cause enormous pain to India by Americans.

As stability returns to Pakistan, after the mayhem of the last 16 months, the State of Pakistan will again start to focus on geopolitics.

Added comments: @PakFactor : I had also mentioned to you many weeks ago that Pakistan may be asked to play a significant role by the West in case the Russia-Ukraine war gets out of hand and become a regional, if not a global war. And I had said that I hope Pakistan never ever gets involved in yet another American NeoCons' war. But that is not in my hands. The folly of the 1979 involvement in the USA-USSR proxy war still haunts Pakistan. To Americans, Pakistan is still a potential and potent resource in the region. I had a chanced encounter with an American from Boston--a big Biden supporter--in a restaurant a few weeks ago. He seemed well educated and informed about global politics. He stunned me by saying that Pakistan will be asked to help America's effort in the Russia-Ukraine war when that war gets out of hand. He apparently knew of Pakistan's geography, its large population, and the powerful military. I wanted to say something like 'Absolutely Not!' but the conversation veered off to something else.
When a regional or a global war happens, then geopolitics change rapidly and in big ways. It remains to be seen if the Russia-Ukraine war turns into a regional war or even another World War--which would be the 3rd World War originating in the Eurasian continent of which Pakistan is, unfortunately, an integral part.

Do you have any idea how much weapons are being to Ukraine in $$$ value ? The $$$ value of alleged Pakistani weapon transfers is under 1% of all weapon transfers. I am using the word "alleged". If Pakistan has supplying a lot more you would not have a shortage of dollars and be running to the IMF.
Because our place will not always be where it is today, and apparently some ideas on this forum get picked up, so it’s patriotic to discuss all topics, not just those of short term concern.
The Pakistani Deep State has access to brilliant minds with real world experience. It is not every day that a country can handle two Super Powers in it's front yard back to back.

The issue is the "wait-and-see" approach that is the go-to method employed by the power centers in Pakistan. They need to realize that the ruling class has sold out and are thoroughly compromosied. Need to get back your strengths. This is not the time for "wait-and-see". Right now the house needs deep cleansing becauses popular blocks like the TLP are growing. Bring about some change before these folks become convinced they have to.
The Pakistani Deep State has access to brilliant minds with real world experience. It is not every day that a country can handle two Super Powers in it's front yard back to back.

The issue is the "wait-and-see" approach that is the go-to method employed by the power centers in Pakistan. They need to realize that the ruling class has sold out and are thoroughly compromosied. Need to get back your strengths. This is not the time for "wait-and-see". Right now the house needs deep cleansing becauses popular blocks like the TLP are growing. Bring about some change before these folks become convinced they have to.
If they have access to brilliant minds they wouldn’t need to follow the “wait and see” approach. With brilliant minds you have to be proactive and shape the environment, so that decades later, you have ever increasing options, while during the build up you find ways to protect yourself from the currents of global politics.

For most of the 76 year of Pakistan’s history, most development and advancement of national goals happened when those superpowers supported Pakistan.

Indeed the powers that be need to realize the majority of the elites don’t think about the country first, but their own personal day to day and long term investing needs, their children’s foreign education, and their own eventual foreign passport (my family were basically educated farmers, so we are from amongst the “serfs” that got out and built a life abroad, not a member of the elite).

They do indeed need to clean house of the opportunists but how do you sift the wheat from the chaff. There are elites that are fully committed patriots, want to put nation before self, and even sacrifice it all to achieve national interests.

This is why I recommended “They” study the Meiji restoration of Japan or how nations recover after a war, because this is nearly the level of crisis we are in.
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If they have access to brilliant minds they wouldn’t need to follow the “wait and see” approach. With brilliant minds you have to be proactive and shape the environment, so that decades later, you have ever increasing options, while during the build up you find ways to protect yourself from the currents of global politics.
But they do, so far they have always opted for the "wait-and-see" approach.


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