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Pakistan would soon emerge as a great country: Saudi Prince

As a Pakistani, I think we should maintain as cordial relationships with Saudi Arabia as possible, without sacrificing our interests as a country. As somebody earlier pointed out, a lrage number of Pakistanis work in SA, and it is a major source of remittances that help us maintain working level of foreign exchange reserves despite huge trade deficit in our international trade. We know, in the past, that Saudis might have also given us oil on credit. But it will be more advantageous to build on existing good relationship between two countries to invite their influential business people to invest in possible opportunities and projects in Pakistan. And explore possibilities of cooperation between large firms in Saudi Arabia and firms in Pakistan that have a good reputation and are going to be easily trusted by foreigners. Once a few joint projects become successful and profitable, far more investment will surely follow. We have seen investment by SA in some public enterprises in the past, but a pattern of successful joint investment on various projects will follow as a result of cooperation mostly between private sector firms of the two countries, so some sort of effort has to be made to initiate joint projects here. Really a phenomenon of foreign investment in our country's industry will result only if some industrial and manufacturing projects become very successful, and foreigners realize that investing in related industries is indeed very profitable and they can also run successful industrial ventures in Pakistan following the footsteps of those foreigners who have already invested here with success.

We also have to request Saudis to help us control the flow of money that helps people commit sectarian crimes, and should have some laws that charity and related donations into our country from foreigners are properly documented and there has to be some reasonable degree of accountability about how that money gets spent. A lot of foreign money in our poor country is a reason for many many problems most Pakistanis do not like in our country.

Another related issue is that we must not forget is that relations with Iran must be developed as it is natural for two neighboring countries. For example, In a little more than a decade, trade between Turkey and Iran has increased roughly by twenty five times. And benefits of trade between Pakistan and Iran would exceed, within a few years, the benefits from any foreign assistance we get from foreign countries opposed to good economic relationship between two neighbors. It is just that it is difficult for us to take the hard decisions that might result in a short time pain but far more benefit in the future. It would also be right to ask the foreign powers that Turkey can trade with Iran despite being a part of NATO, why can we not have good relations with Iran and others simultaneously. We do not want to part of any block or ally against any third country since being part of negative international politics will only hurt our country.

And I truly do not understand why the new government does not work on pipeline to import gas from Iran. Any delay in sourcing energy from Iran hurts our country's economy. If only we had completed this project five years ago, the benefit to our country might have exceeded any foreign aid, but we continue to shoot ourself in the foot, and do not even realize how we are damaging our country by not realizing our own potential, and fear that some foreign aid will be forfeited if we take the right steps for our country, and this general thinking of our nation continues to hurt us.

When it comes to international relations, we have to make sure we are not working against any third country due to our proximity to some other friend. And we have to realize that it could be possible only if we are economically strong but we still have to ask donor countries that we would honestly safeguard their right interests related to terrorism and other right human concerns, but we will not support them in alienating any third country at all or make alliance against that country, because being part of negative international politics will always hurt us in the future and this will be extremely short sighted of our leaders today, and we will unwittingly damage our country's economy and integrity. Only if we had learnt this a few decades ago, we might have been far more well off economically.
Here he goes again, bringing up shia/sunni crap to show his love for wahabis

You and your brain washed hate brigade, always show hate for Saudi Arabia and take honor in lying.
I understand that all of you have great pain in your stomach, for the recent developments and this is why you cannot control your nonsense.
I was responding to the claim of Iran loyalist and hater of Pakistan, who was claiming that BB was innocent in transferring nuke tech. to Iran.
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Not sure what Benazir and Shias and Iran have to do with Pakistan being Saudi Arabia's bitch.

But whatever floats your boat.

You claimed that it was not Shia BB, who transferred nuclear tech. to Iran! and i actually forwarded your claim and said said it was just matter of chance that during that time Shia BB was ruling Pakistan, and it was also a by chance that US intelligence failed to catch Khan, while he was transferring nuclear technology to Iran but they suddenly became smart and catch him when he was trying to transfer it to Lybia.
It was also by chance, that her husband freed thousands of terrorists and banned death penalty.
It was also matter of chance, that Saudi Ambassador was killed, while Zardari was god of Pakistan.
It is also matter of chance, that no one on this forum open thread about killings of Pakistanis by Khumani revolution guards but multiple threads being opened by hate mafia, on fake news about middle-east.
I say if haters have any shame, and self respect, they should stop working for Arabs.
While Arabs read this daily BS and still treat your sect. members with justice.
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@AhsanAmin Pakistan's thar coal project had been capped by Zardari and even Sharif continued the same policy until, influential Army general took notice.
Research was completed by Dr. Samar Mubarik Mand years ago, but Zardari and Ifitkhar ch. combination was too difficult to counter and we saw lots of criticism of project in public media as well. Today, every opposition is dead overnight.
Scientists have told to Sharif govt. that they can produce electricity with thar coal at price of 30cents/unit.
#Canada become a great nation while it still is a bitch of the #United States, so you are wrong.
The Saudis spend 70 billions on Arms purchases from the USA and EU yet they find it difficult to even fund the military programs of their so called "Brotherly Islamic Nation" Pakistan???

Why are they praising us and sweet talking to us all of a sudden?? Now they take "interest" in our military programs when they could have easily done so 7-8 years ago and by now we'd have the advanced versions of our weapon systems available.
By that measure we are still doing far better than the icehole called #Canada, since we are yet to fight a war for #SaudiArabia.

Kabhi ao na kushbu laga kay Kanada....

On topic i think Pakistan is much independent as ppp/mqm/pti have a different psyche and dealing and a respect for KSA compared to pml-n/q/apml...but the truth is we do need to convey certain message regarding things that can't be blamed on entire govt but some lunatics inside saudi govt. As for Canada it did not fight for US it went for its interests [$$/drug money/minerals] and equal share...everything is fair in love and war...a 34 million population that nation is truly impressive for what it has achieved so far...being bitch of US and getting what it wants and gets is in itself an art on equal footing haha compared to Pakistani govt where mushy accepts anything within 5 hours of 9/11 utterly shameful.

But Pakistan is not bitch of saudis it problem is complex govt to govt relations are good but Pakistan govt has some inferiority complex it can't in good way tell saudi arabia that some people there are funding/supporting terrorists and they need to look into it they fear saudis will react that fear keeps us back i don't see why saudi arab would react negative.
Since we had a discussion of foreign policy in this thread, I thought may be I could give some more ideas about foreign policy of our country and we could have some more discussion about it.

As I think, prosperity and better future of any country in today's world depends upon three most important and very basic requirements. These factors that can shape the good future of any country are peace and order, trade with rest of the world, and giving good and right skills to its citizens. How any country, culture or region can promote and succeed in implementing the fine details of the above of these factors in their country, determines the prosperity of that country or area.

So one thing we have to truly consider in making our foreign policy is that we have to promote peace, at least, in our part of the world and anything that takes any country in the region, our friends or countries we traditionally consider our foes, towards any conflict or instability, has to be avoided and rather actively discouraged by our foreign policy. And it also means that state tries to promote very good relations with all neighbors, and promotes stability and prosperity in all those countries including India, Iran and Afghanistan. And actively uses its foreign policy to prevent anything in these countries or rest of the world that could result in any conflict in the region.

Most natural trading partners of any country are those countries bordering it. Prosperity in neighboring countries, generally, means that there would be more chances and opportunities for trade with these countries, implying that it would generally result in more economic activity within our own country. Our largest trading partners are America, Europe and Gulf countries because of more prosperity in those countries, and of course, it would be natural to retain and increase the trade with these countries using existing linkages, but some emphasis has to be towards trade with our neighbors. Case of most East Asian countries was similar as they grew by exporting mostly to richer nations but now those countries are moving towards increasing trade within East Asian countries. We really do not realize the potential of trade with our neighbors, especially because current trade volumes are usually very small, but if we adopt right policies and foreign relations, our trade with our neighbors can increase to levels comparable to trade with our traditional export markets. This makes a valid case for promoting peace and stability in the region as one of the most important cornerstone of our foreign policy, and slowly and gradually opening to neighboring countries in terms of better trade relations, and ease of travel, at least, for those people whose travel could promote economic, cultural, or educational and scientific ties between the neighbors. And it also makes a case for using our foreign policy to try to discourage activities all over the world to destabilize, or economically hurt our neighbors, while of course simultaneously trying to prevent anything that could encourage our neighbors to enter into any conflict elsewhere.

Similarly promoting conflict or instabilities among our neighbors will damage us because of related fallout in our own society in form of terrorism, sectarianism and lack of tolerance. And we will be target of antagonistic policies of our neighbors that will follow as a result of our unfriendly policies, and our resources will have to be spent in combating the threat from the hostile enemy as a result of our conflict promoting adverse policies. And we could also truly suffer as a country when some powerful neighbor could possibly damage us in some open or tacit conflict. And the resources we spend in preparing for possible combat would be better spent in educating and giving the right skills to our own population. So this gives us the idea that objective of our foreign policy should be towards truly decreasing hostilities with our neighbors that exist today and promoting better relationship with all of our neighbors so we could decrease the need for unproductive expenses associated with assuring security of our country in the atmosphere of conflict in our region.

It seems that all of the three factors I mentioned earlier that include peace, trade and right skills for citizens of our country converge and point towards a foreign policy that actively promotes stability and prosperity in the region and we should work with all our neighbors to ensure that we work as closely together as possible to achieve these common goals for the region and try to avoid and prevent any conflict and instability. And only then our geopolitical importance, that has remained geopolitical curse due to constant conflict and hostilities in the region, could result in trade with all other countries in the region and we could also provide trade corridors to Central Asian countries as they also grow richer reviving the memory of silk routes in modern times.
The Saudis spend 70 billions on Arms purchases from the USA and EU yet they find it difficult to even fund the military programs of their so called "Brotherly Islamic Nation" Pakistan???

Why are they praising us and sweet talking to us all of a sudden?? Now they take "interest" in our military programs when they could have easily done so 7-8 years ago and by now we'd have the advanced versions of our weapon systems available.

* We don't make weapons which they can buy from the US.

* They did partially pay for our SAAB Eri Eye AEW&C aircrafts. So they ain't THAT 'evil'.

* We should be paying for ourselves. Paying our taxes would be a good start.
Pak govt should give a finger to the sauds.
just stand up for yourself. recognise isreal and get over these appeasement politics.
the leadership is subservient and does not care of its people.
Put money into R&D, education and health. The rewards will come on its own.
the enemy is not outside but within. Put aside the differences with the neighbours and adopt a policy of zero enemy.
Canada pursues an independent foreign policy. It fought side by side with USA in World War II, Korea and Afghanistan. It didnt send troops to Vietnam or Iraq.

Canadian Prime Minister don't go running to USA to shore up themselves domestically which is what Pakistani leaders have to do by showing Pakistanis that Saudis approve of them.

It doesn't have the begger-feeder relationship that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia do.

Are you kidding me. Canada is as much a bitch of the US as a bitch can get. They hardly have a foreign policy of their own. As far as Pakistan is concerned the PMLN lost the elections before last to the PPP, a party which is far from being on the good side of the Saudis. Canada has more of a 'call and I'll come wagging my tail after you' relationship with the US.

Kabhi ao na kushbu laga kay Kanada....

On topic i think Pakistan is much independent as ppp/mqm/pti have a different psyche and dealing and a respect for KSA compared to pml-n/q/apml...but the truth is we do need to convey certain message regarding things that can't be blamed on entire govt but some lunatics inside saudi govt. As for Canada it did not fight for US it went for its interests [$$/drug money/minerals] and equal share...everything is fair in love and war...a 34 million population that nation is truly impressive for what it has achieved so far...being bitch of US and getting what it wants and gets is in itself an art on equal footing haha compared to Pakistani govt where mushy accepts anything within 5 hours of 9/11 utterly shameful.

Keep telling yourself that.

On the other hand the world says that we used the US in Afghanistan, manipulated them and what not. The art is in 'not saying no and yet doing what you wanted'. Some more would say that we always got more out of the Saudis than they ever did out of us. I mean, we don't even stand with them when it comes to their arch nemesis, Iran.

ps: Shameful is when the US tells you to scrap the program you spent millions on, instead buying its stuff and you say "aye aye sir".

I do like the Canadians but these "Canadians more than Canadians" need to be put in their place.
Are you kidding me. Canada is as much a bitch of the US as a bitch can get. They hardly have a foreign policy of their own. As far as Pakistan is concerned the PMLN lost the elections before last to the PPP, a party which is far from being on the good side of the Saudis. Canada has more of a 'call and I'll come wagging my tail after you' relationship with the US.

Keep telling yourself that.

On the other hand the world says that we used the US in Afghanistan, manipulated them and what not. The art is in 'not saying no and yet doing what you wanted'. Some more would say that we always got more out of the Saudis than they ever did out of us. I mean, we don't even stand with them when it comes to their arch nemesis, Iran.

ps: Shameful is when the US tells you to scrap the program you spent millions on, instead buying its stuff and you say "aye aye sir".

I do like the Canadians but these "Canadians more than Canadians" need to be put in their place.

Another idiotic rambling by a Pakistani who doesn't have the remotest sense of global geopolitics.
Another idiotic rambling by a Pakistani who doesn't have the remotest sense of global geopolitics.

Is it because I'm a Pakistani that I would have no idea of geopolitics? Or is it because you believe yourself to be Canadian? Or is it just because you cant think of an answer? Regardless, I gave you counterpoints to refute, please proceed to refuting them with what ever arguments you can muster instead of taking pot shots at someone you have no idea of. Makes you look like a hoser, silly...

Mods can we have education and profession tabs along with the country flags? Would keep many people in their places.
Is it because I'm a Pakistani that I would have no idea of geopolitics? Or is it because you believe yourself to be Canadian? Or is it just because you cant think of an answer? Regardless, I gave you counterpoints to refute, please proceed to refuting them with what ever arguments you can muster instead of taking pot shots at someone you have no idea of. Makes you look like a hoser, silly...

Mods can we have education and profession tabs along with the country flags? Would keep many people in their places.

Banned from the thread.
I think $hit is going to hit the fan in Pakistan, First its was US and now Saudia, both making Pakistan a great country soon...Allah khair karey

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