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Saudi Arabia to take on billions in debt to survive the oil price crisis: RT


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Saudi Arabia to take on billions in debt to survive the oil price crisis


25 Apr, 2020 11:54
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An employee looks on at Saudi Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia © Reuters / Maxim Shemetov
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Saudi Arabia may have to borrow as much as $58 billion this year to cover a budget shortfall caused by the oil price slump, Bloomberg reports, citing Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan.
Al-Jadaan told media this week that the Kingdom might issue bonds worth $26.57 billion (100 billion riyals) this year in addition to an earlier issue of $31.88 billion (120 billion riyals) worth of debt.

Saudi Aramco, for its part, is considering a $10 billion sale in part of its pipeline business, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

“The kingdom went through similar crises in its history – maybe even worse – and was able to pass through them,” Al-Jadaan said. “This is not an exception.”

Most observers note that this price crisis is like no other in history. The unique combination of excess supply and a 30 percent drop in demand weighs heavily on oil-dependent economies throughout the world, and even low-cost Saudi Arabia is not exempt.

ALSO ON RT.COMIndian refineries slash Middle East oil imports as storage fills up
The oil market is indeed flooded. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing Saudi oil officials, that at least one in every ten VLCCs, each capable of carrying 2 million barrels of oil, is used for floating storage with many holding Saudi crude. Some of that, the sources said, had yet to find buyers.

Saudi Arabia is bracing for the inevitable blow. In March, the government asked state agencies to cut their budgets by at least 20 percent, Reuters reported, citing sources in the know who declined to be named. That was before OPEC+ agreed to implement cuts of 9.7 million bpd in hopes this would help prices. It didn’t.

Now, according to an analyst with an Egypt-based investment bank, the Saudi deficit could widen to 15 percent of GDP, Bloomberg notes. That would be less than the 17 percent recorded for 2016, but it would still be quite brutal for the Kingdom that had to roll back austerity measures it implemented during the 2014-2016 crisis pretty quickly as bureaucrats rebelled.

This article was originally published on Oilprice.com
The British Imperialists treacherously took away the custody of the Haremain from the Turkish folks. Insha’Allah it’ll be brought back using the same swords, currently having their Teshrif at the Topkapı Saray, used by the Halife-i Rashidin....
Why pointing just to KSA..:lol: and what Zionists..it does not add up
Like if this was not a worldwide economic crisis!

And anyhow.. it is a smart move to take debts at low interest rates while your money and investments in US and European bonds is making high interests..or ROI
Why pointing just to KSA..:lol: and what Zionists..it does not add up
Like if this was not a worldwide economic crisis!

And anyhow.. it is a smart move to take debts at low interest rates while your money and investments in US and European bonds is making high interests..or ROI

You are talking like a too much sensible poster here...Do not ruin the fun of these people in writing tons of posts abusing why Arabs monarchy allied with West
The British Imperialists treacherously took away the custody of the Haremain from the Turkish folks. Insha’Allah it’ll be brought back using the same swords, currently having their Teshrif at the Topkapı Saray, used by the Halife-i Rashidin....

I have a better idea, Arabs should be ruling half of modern-day Anatolia/Turkey and much of Central Asia as done for centuries in the past.

In a more serious fashion, what are you blabbering about my Arabized troll? Makkah and Madinah are ancient Arabian cities. Arabs and local dynasties have always been ruling those lands. Arabs ruled the Caliphate from the very beginning until 1517 when it was stolen by thoroughly Arabized people on every front. Even after that period the Sharifs of Makkah and Madinah used to rule those lands.

As for bragging about having stolen ancient Arabian and Arab Islamic artifacts, this is not any different from all the ancient artifacts from the Arab world (cradle of civilization) that are displayed in the world's most visited museums in the West. Take those artifacts away and those that they stole from Greece and elsewhere and there would be nothing to see. Take the example of Louvre or British Museum. Any Arab that has any illusions in this regard need to wake up.

Anyway people can steal whatever, history won't change for that reason or the origin of artifacts and eventually those ancient artifacts will be returned to its rightful owners, the Arabs.

Saudi Arabia to take on billions in debt to survive the oil price crisis


25 Apr, 2020 11:54
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An employee looks on at Saudi Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia © Reuters / Maxim Shemetov
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Saudi Arabia may have to borrow as much as $58 billion this year to cover a budget shortfall caused by the oil price slump, Bloomberg reports, citing Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan.
Al-Jadaan told media this week that the Kingdom might issue bonds worth $26.57 billion (100 billion riyals) this year in addition to an earlier issue of $31.88 billion (120 billion riyals) worth of debt.

Saudi Aramco, for its part, is considering a $10 billion sale in part of its pipeline business, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

“The kingdom went through similar crises in its history – maybe even worse – and was able to pass through them,” Al-Jadaan said. “This is not an exception.”

Most observers note that this price crisis is like no other in history. The unique combination of excess supply and a 30 percent drop in demand weighs heavily on oil-dependent economies throughout the world, and even low-cost Saudi Arabia is not exempt.

ALSO ON RT.COMIndian refineries slash Middle East oil imports as storage fills up
The oil market is indeed flooded. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this week, citing Saudi oil officials, that at least one in every ten VLCCs, each capable of carrying 2 million barrels of oil, is used for floating storage with many holding Saudi crude. Some of that, the sources said, had yet to find buyers.

Saudi Arabia is bracing for the inevitable blow. In March, the government asked state agencies to cut their budgets by at least 20 percent, Reuters reported, citing sources in the know who declined to be named. That was before OPEC+ agreed to implement cuts of 9.7 million bpd in hopes this would help prices. It didn’t.

Now, according to an analyst with an Egypt-based investment bank, the Saudi deficit could widen to 15 percent of GDP, Bloomberg notes. That would be less than the 17 percent recorded for 2016, but it would still be quite brutal for the Kingdom that had to roll back austerity measures it implemented during the 2014-2016 crisis pretty quickly as bureaucrats rebelled.

This article was originally published on Oilprice.com

Why are you posting propaganda such as Russia Today and why are you blabbering about Jews and Zionists out of nowhere? You do realize that KSA/GCC has some of the largest sovereign wealth funds worth trillions of USD and 100's of billions of USD (if not a few trillions USD) worth of investments abroad?

KSA/GCC are states with virtually zero debt.

I am not sure if you have been sleeping under a rock but the ENTIRE world is facing a global recession/financial crisis and even the most healthy economies are taking cheap loans as it is strategically wise to do as @The SC already explained.

BTW I have not cross-checked Russia Today's article but it would not surprise me if it was deliberately altered with/half-truths as usual.
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It's finally happened , Zions have chained KSA in debt and loans

They can say NO.
I will not start taking loans and debts, no one is holding a gun to my head making me do it.
I can choose to live within my means as all the rest of us do, in fact EVERYONE will admire the way we chose to live within our means and did not in-debt ourselves for generations.

Only unbridled greed and a desire to live beyond ones means makes Saudi take such loans.

Again the decision is Saudi's not anyone else
The British Imperialists treacherously took away the custody of the Haremain from the Turkish folks. Insha’Allah it’ll be brought back using the same swords, currently having their Teshrif at the Topkapı Saray, used by the Halife-i Rashidin....
I'm not trying to get involved in Islamic politics but who gives you the right to own the lands who belong, and always did, to people of other nationality.?

And.,there was no treachery from the Brits, with or without Arabs, their armies would have still steamrolled Ottoman ones in the ME...like they did.
Tell your mukesh to sell 10pc stake in endia. Afterall, he owns 100pc of gangadesh. You're just an employee of a 1.3bil corporation owned by muki and his buddies.
Lol. Don't worry, his bankrupt brother has more assets than your induranidesh. You're just a contract low level laborer of whoever throws you the next 5 paise coin.
Lol. Don't worry, his bankrupt brother has more assets than your induranidesh. You're just a contract low level laborer of whoever throws you the next 5 paise coin.
I make enough to feed 10 low life malnourished gangoos without much fuss. Gangadesh has always been a *hore of empires and now its run by multinational corporations while gutter rats like you dwell in slums and work as slaves. It's in your destiny, in your genetics, embrace it.

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