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Saudi Arabia to take on billions in debt to survive the oil price crisis: RT

I make enough to feed 10 low life malnourished gangoos without much fuss. Gangadesh has always been a *hore of empires and now its run by multinational corporations while gutter rats like you dwell in slums and work as slaves. It's in your destiny, in your genetics, embrace it.

Living upto your chosen handle I see. Chalo, now entertain me some more. Imagine a 5 paise coin being thrown at you Indurani. Go fetch.....
I have a better idea, Arabs should be ruling half of modern-day Anatolia/Turkey and much of Central Asia as done for centuries in the past.

In a more serious fashion, what are you blabbering about my Arabized troll? Makkah and Madinah are ancient Arabian cities. Arabs and local dynasties have always been ruling those lands. Arabs ruled the Caliphate from the very beginning until 1517 when it was stolen by thoroughly Arabized people on every front. Even after that period the Sharifs of Makkah and Madinah used to rule those lands.

As for bragging about having stolen ancient Arabian and Arab Islamic artifacts, this is not any different from all the ancient artifacts from the Arab world (cradle of civilization) that are displayed in the world's most visited museums in the West. Take those artifacts away and those that they stole from Greece and elsewhere and there would be nothing to see. Take the example of Louvre or British Museum. Any Arab that has any illusions in this regard need to wake up.

Anyway people can steal whatever, history won't change for that reason or the origin of artifacts and eventually those ancient artifacts will be returned to its rightful owners, the Arabs.

Why are you posting propaganda such as Russia Today and why are you blabbering about Jews and Zionists out of nowhere? You do realize that KSA/GCC has some of the largest sovereign wealth funds worth trillions of USD and 100's of billions of USD (if not a few trillions USD) worth of investments abroad?

KSA/GCC are states with virtually zero debt.

I am not sure if you have been sleeping under a rock but the ENTIRE world is facing a global recession/financial crisis and even the most healthy economies are taking cheap loans as it is strategically wise to do as @The SC already explained.

BTW I have not cross-checked Russia Today's article but it would not surprise me if it was deliberately altered with/half-truths as usual.
Why are you calling it propaganda even though it is a fact? Can you deny that the wealthy nation of KSA has taken a loan on which it will pay interest or will it be a halal loan? If they are paying interest it will be the most diabolical act of KSA rulers so far and a possible cause for a revolution.
Saudis had all the opportunity, with the money they had, to build an economy based on industry, knowledge and enterprise. Instead they wasted way their money on raising mercenary armies to fight wars of the infidels. They have created so much disunity and discord among Arabs and Muslims. They should have used their position they are entrusted due to Mecca and Median to unite. But they did the exact opposite.
When I read KSA purchased 110 billion USD worth of defense equipment and 300 billion over 10 years (that amount in total is half their GDP!!!) to bail out the US economy in 2017, I knew it would not end well.

No one can blame anyone else for this catastrophe. Poor planning and absolute slavery to the West have led to this point.
I'm not trying to get involved in Islamic politics but who gives you the right to own the lands who belong, and always did, to people of other nationality.?

And.,there was no treachery from the Brits, with or without Arabs, their armies would have still steamrolled Ottoman ones in the ME...like they did.

Please do not get involved. The Islamic holy sites belong to all Muslims, not just one clan. If they were to go to one clan, it would have to be descendants of Banu Hashim, not children on Najd.

British machinations were needed by them, because they could not have take on the full Muslim world, or even our biggest empires head on.

They had trouble even with a small kingdom like Mysore and their heroic leaders Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan.

British should be called out for all of the bloodshed and future strife they caused when the left their their stolen former territories.

@Hakikat ve Hikmet

A self-appointed investigative journalist of this forum is at it again.
Maybe it's time for the Saudi people to learn how to work and not just suckle at the teets of petro dollars?

If we go by Ibn Khaldun's theory, hardship creates strong people and ease creates weaklings.

The Arabs can experience some hard times so that they remember who they are and rise to the challenge. I have hope for them, they have blood of Sahabah in them still.
5 paisa...speaking like a true dark gangoo. Its okay, i can feed u too after i humiliate u. You gangoos seem to have a fetish for being humiliated.

Lumbar 1 ekinomi had to beg China for PPE, pathetic cowards change colors faster than a chameleon when they're under the pump.
Lol. Spoken like a mujra doing Indurani begging for another 5 paise coin....hahhaha...
Why pointing just to KSA..[emoji38] and what Zionists..it does not add up
Like if this was not a worldwide economic crisis!

And anyhow.. it is a smart move to take debts at low interest rates while your money and investments in US and European bonds is making high interests..or ROI
Stupid cunts like OP wants to blame yahoodis for everything wrong. He doesn't realize saudis have been mismanaging their finances for decades and things it's a Zionist conspiracy [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
Stupid cunts like OP wants to blame yahoodis for everything wrong. He doesn't realize saudis have been mismanaging their finances for decades and things it's a Zionist conspiracy [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
That was true somehow.. but it different now for the last 30 years..
What's the matter? Why are you shibering gangoo? I haven't even started yet. Stay still, don't worry i wont hurt you :agree:

Indurani, you still haven't started your mujra? Are you waiting for more coins to be thrown or just the tabalchi? Hahahaha
Indurani, you still haven't started your mujra? Are you waiting for more coins to be thrown or just the tabalchi? Hahahaha
I have already made you my lil biatch and you seem to be enjoying it, one quirky lil gangoo you're. I know you can't help it its in your genes ;)

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