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RUSSIAN RADAR CAN NOW SEE F-22 AND F-35 Says top US Aircraft designer

Ofcourse the US isn't gonna order anymore B-2, the last B-2 was produced in 2000 with a total number of 21. The Americans are designing the next generation stealth bombers Next-Generation Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sometimes I wonder about a parallel universe, where people would spend more money on technical developments that benefits the mankind rather than blowing billions of dollars creating these killing machines.I think it will take a few more hundred years to reach that stage of maturity.
Sometimes I wonder about a parallel universe, where people would spend more money on technical developments that benefits the mankind rather than blowing billions of dollars creating these killing machines.I think it will take a few more hundred years to reach that stage of maturity.

But...but...but...what if aliens invade us ?
But...but...but...what if aliens invade us ?

lol... we will call Rajhnikant and Chuck Norris to save the day...oh wait.. a duet from Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga may serve the purpose..

Wow! So, if a Youtube video says it's true, then it must be true! I wonder, if there was a video on Youtube that talked about an American tech breakthrough or some nice things about American tech, would you also automatically assume it was true? Or, just dismiss it as "American propaganda"
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Wow! So, if a Youtube video says it's true, then it must be true!

What can be the possible challenges, in your opinion, to build a radar, that can track an F-22 ?
Probably, its an open-ended question, that I am asking.But I am a novice when it comes to these technologies..
so americans will be really devasted to know this news

lolzzz they invested hundered of billions of dollars to creat a bunch of stealth fighters and bombers which onli got used against the ill iquipped and under severe tech ristriction forces like those of saddams iraq or gadaffies libiya but when they ventured into eatern eourope they got a first taste of russian radars now after almost a decades they are again looking a monster rising and flexing its muscles and unlike then they are on wrong side of economiks would be great if india also buys a dozen of them and places them all across indo pakistani (for ther superior DSI tech laden JF17s) and indo china border for there 5th gen fighters which also have the devine DSI tech ;)
What can be the possible challenges, in your opinion, to build a radar, that can track an F-22 ?
Probably, its an open-ended question, that I am asking.But I am a novice when it comes to these technologies..

Well my friend.. stealth is not foolproof and I don't even doubt that another country could possibly develop something to see it. That wasn't my issue. The validity of the story was. Example: Right now, I could go on youtube and find videos that claim there are an alien cities hidden deep beneath the Earth. That obviously wouldn't make it true though. ;)

yeah, only B2 left in exposed US tech....those bastereds have many gifts behind the walls...:D

I wouldn't live very long after seeing those secret 'gifts' but I would love to take a peek behind those walls :D
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Ofcourse the US isn't gonna order anymore B-2, the last B-2 was produced in 2000 with a total number of 21. The Americans are designing the next generation stealth bombers Next-Generation Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

indeed! Anyone that assumes that more advanced and new generation planes/bombers aren't being built (or are at least on the drawing board) by America and other military advanced tech countries are simply deluding themselves.
indeed! Anyone that assumes that more advanced and new generation planes/bombers aren't being built (or are at least on the drawing board) by America and other military advanced tech countries are simply deluding themselves.

Yep. China is closing the Gap.
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