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F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

How can be F35 nightmare for an aircraft carrier which have multilayer protection. There are ships protecting it from ranges. Some near it. Its own anti-air, anti-missile system along with aircraft ready against any aggressor!! Or perhaps it is suggested that around 50+ of F35 will attack simultaneously.

Isn't that how things work? How else for example in Battle of Midway sink 4 aircraft carriers?

F-35C isn't due to achieve IOC till 2019 at the earliest. By then China would have several Type 055 destroyers operational. Type 055 would make mincemeat out of F-35C.

Isn't that how things work? How else for example in Battle of Midway sink 4 aircraft carriers?

The US had much more advanced radio equipment compared to the Japanese in 1942. This allowed US planes to coordinate better and to be in the right place at the right time. Japanese radios sucked back then and most Japanese planes were patrolling in wide circles and were not able to effectively engage in battle. Plus, it wasn't only the US carriers that won the battle. Land based planes and air defense at Midway played a vital role.
I'm fairly certain that at this point, the US Navy wouldn't need to use the F-35 to defeat that old Russian carrier.

In reality, I don't know that there would be much of a reason to destroy it. Carriers are to project power, not defend home waters.
Man, this is funny.

Global Times reported and I quote the google translate "Canada, "Chinese Defense Review"" reported "F35 is Liaoning worst nightmare"

FYI, Canada's "Chinese Defense Review" is commonly known as Kanwa Defense Review. An anti-Chinese online magazine originally funded by the Japanese, that is why it has a Japanese name. It is very well known among Chinese military watcher in the media.

Then a ROC/Taiwanese on-line media(wantchinatimes.com) reported "Global Times" say this.

And then "The Diplomat" reported wantchinatimes.com said Chinese state media(meaning Global Times) said this.

And all their anti-Chinese supporter cheer together.

While all the time the news original from a anti-Chinese single staff online magazine!!!

Incredible, what a bunch of circlejerk!!

They have to use falsehood to get each other off, how pathetic!!
Man, this is funny.

Global Times reported and I quote the google translate "Canada, "Chinese Defense Review"" reported "F35 is Liaoning worst nightmare"

FYI, Canada's "Chinese Defense Review" is commonly known as Kanwa Defense Review. An anti-Chinese online magazine originally funded by the Japanese, that is why it has a Japanese name. It is very well known among Chinese military watcher in the media.

Then a ROC/Taiwanese on-line media(wantchinatimes.com) reported "Global Times" say this.

And then "The Diplomat" reported wantchinatimes.com said Chinese state media(meaning Global Times) said this.

And all their anti-Chinese supporter cheer together.

While all the time the news original from a anti-Chinese single staff online magazine!!!

Incredible, what a bunch of circlejerk!!

They have to use falsehood to get each other off, how pathetic!!

Kanwa's credibility is commonly considered as a laughing stock.

But its usual China bashing attitude will get some cheers from those anti-China clowns.
You forced the thread off-topic by your repetative and boring drivels, ata-turkey. Somebody had to show you mongrel your exact place. Go spread your nonsense somewhere else. Your language is Altaic only in structure; the vicabulary is heavily Persian-ized and Arabized. If same langusge family makes you mongrel brothers with the Japanese, guess how big is the Indo-European brotherhood.

Matter of fact, you are a different stock and has nothing common with the Japanese other than some economic transactions and Japanese ODA. News to you, Japanese does business with their African brothers. Their trade with Southeast Asian brothers is several times higher.

Stop polluting the thread with your fanatic drivel. You better deal with your own Kurdish problem (30 million of the 70 million) instead of making insuniations against China. Your place is the Arab world and The West. Go play there, mongrel of Arab-Iran-Kurdish stock!
stop pushing the topic off topic. I never been offtopic. I only talked about Japan but you talk about Kurds and what not. Now piss off before I report you. This is a free forum and everybody can support Japan however whenever whereever they want. Kay? .


Now behold and despair your nightmare!
Isn't that how things work? How else for example in Battle of Midway sink 4 aircraft carriers?
By today technology of ship building and research in Naval warfare there is lot of difference. F35 alone could not be a nightmare, however, in a combine force attack and with good tactics, yes it is possible. You cannot compare 1 AC of China with 2,3 battle groups of US. US has a big navy currently!!
stop pushing the topic off topic. I never been offtopic. I only talked about Japan but you talk about Kurds and what not. Now piss off before I report you. This is a free forum and everybody can support Japan however whenever whereever they want. Kay? .

Now behold and despair your nightmare!

Go ahead and do that, which can be done back to you a hundred times, since you are a master at repeating the same old drivel over and over again.

This is a thread on F35 vs. CV16 and you bring up the unexisting Japan-turkey alliance based on your weird lingusitic association. That forced you me and other to a respond to you.

When you bring up a non-existent alliance against China, I have every right to trash your linguistic brotherhood any way I want, including the Kurdish issue. Either take up the heat, or stop polluting Chinese forums.

I see Chinese members are over-tolerant of your hatred and racism.

But I will not allow you a free run.
One thing is very clear, F35 soon will reached their operational status in several countries and right now has reaching their initial stage of production. Something the other competitor has been lag behind
LOL, It seems China should finish J-20 project development ASAP, only J-20 mass production and hundreds join PLAAF can stop those funny guys post F-35 pics over and over again here.

Just google latest Harmonic Radar, it can detect stealth fighter.




Search Wiki, the technology how to detect a stealth fighter ? There's not any 100% stealth aircraft, if metrewave radar and centimeter wave radar work together, they have the chance to track stealth fighter's trace.Only lower RCS at the front/ bottom of stealth fighter, higher RCS at the side of any stealth aircraft.

There's not only American search stealth technology, the Russian and Chinese did it too.

Cheaper F-35(compared with F-22) is not a threat for China, it will repeat the same result like F-117 shot down in Yugoslavia. The F-35 is CRAP before China and Russia military power.
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There's no need for us to rush the J-20, step-by-step no worries. The F-35 looks good, I hope to see a review of it's performance by it's users. Remember, the F-35 is just a part of the military eco-system, it's not the be-all end-all ultimate weapon to save the day, it is not invincible. We have our way to counter it. I look forward to seeing it buzzing around Diaoyu Island. :enjoy:
F-35C isn't due to achieve IOC till 2019 at the earliest. By then China would have several Type 055 destroyers operational. Type 055 would make mincemeat out of F-35C.

The US had much more advanced radio equipment compared to the Japanese in 1942. This allowed US planes to coordinate better and to be in the right place at the right time. Japanese radios sucked back then and most Japanese planes were patrolling in wide circles and were not able to effectively engage in battle. Plus, it wasn't only the US carriers that won the battle. Land based planes and air defense at Midway played a vital role.

Why don't you read up on history...
The decisive factors were:

First, the Japanese Naval Codes were broken.
This allowed the U.S. Navy to send their carriers in advance.
The Japanese had no clue abouth the US carrier force until a short time before the US strike.
Then it was too late.

Second: Yorktown repairs performed in record time so they first have three carriers instead of two
and in the last stage of the battle, the Japanese attack Yorktown twice and believe they destroy
it both times, which makes them believe they have destroyed USS Hornet and USS Enterprise.

The third factor was that the Japanese decided to do a second strike on Midway.
This decision delayed a strike on the US Carrier Force once detected, allowing the US to attack first.
The reckless US decision to launch before the Japanese fleet really was in range was a major
contribution to securing the first strike.

The fourth was that the Zero fighters were all busy at sea level effectively destroying the
US Torpedo Bombers at the time of the dive-bomber attack.
The Zero fighters all had radio onboard, so this was not a problem.
Failure to have reserves at the altitude of the incoming dive-bombers was a grave tactical error.
This happened because the carriers did not have radar. This was only installed after Midway.

The fifth and last factor was pure luck. The dive-bombers had only a rough idea where the japanese carriers
were located, but found a destroyer at high speed going somewhere and decided to follow that, leading to the
Japanese carriers.

The US dive-bombers were not well coordinated due to inexperienced commanders, instead
individual pilots took initiative to make sure they attack at least three carriers and sunk them.

Midway land based fighter defense used obsolete Brewster Buffalos and a few Wildcats, most which were shot down. Combined with air defense they destroyed less than a dozen Japanese planes.
Attacks by land based bombers were totally ineffective and no factor to the defeat.
Some think that this may have induced the second Midway strike, but the Japanese
did not want to bomb the runway, since they planned to use it later.

The only MAJOR contribution was provided by the Catalina which found the Japanese carriers.

Midway Islands' Undaunted Defenders – May '96: World War II Feature
Kanwa's credibility is commonly considered as a laughing stock.

But its usual China bashing attitude will get some cheers from those anti-China clowns.
Yes, there is a difference between Global Times saying it and Kanwa saying it.

Because Kanwa credibility is not good.

That is why the Taiwanese meda(wantchinatimes.com) want to misrepresent it as Global Times saying it.

Also The Diplomat say it is Chinese state media saying it.

While all the time it is just Global Times referring to Kanwa article.

Global Times is called Global because its job is suppose to take article globally and present it to Chinese readers that do not have the language skill or the times to read global media.
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