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F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times

China is working on many Stealth Planes and they will soon come up with a plane if not better than equal to F-35 some are suggesting new J-25 and J-23 are those Jets
Precisely. It just a trolling article which the Indian loves to post to denounce their own intelligent level. :lol:
Whether the OP is an Indian or a Martian, the truth hurts, doesn't it? It's got you and your bosom friends all pissed off!

And heck, you want to compare American radar technology with China's?? :woot: They are 50 years ahead if not more! Period! :P
The US F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is capable of combating China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, reports Huanqiu, the website of China's nationalistic Global Times tabloid.

In a hypothetical aircraft carrier battle between China and the United States, the main fighter jets would include the United States' F-35C fifth-generation multirole fighter developed by Lockheed Martin and China's J-15 carrier-based jet developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation.

The F-35 is equipped with extremely powerful offensive capabilities for both land and sea combat, with a weapons load of eight tonnes and the capacity to carry four AIM20C and AIM-9X mid-range and short-range air-to-air missiles.

In an attack on the Liaoning the F-35 could carry joint strike missiles developed in Norway, which have a range of 290 kilometers. The J-15, on the other hand, could carry two YJ8-3 anti-missiles with a range of only 180 km.

In terms of radar technology, the US has the clear upper hand with its AN/APG-81 AESA radar developed by Northrop Grumman, which has a thousand transceivers with the ability to simultaneously search for 23 moving targets, including 19 targets in just 2.4 seconds, after which it would turn to tracking mode.

Even against China's J-20, the stealth, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft prototype being developed by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, the F-35 would still be the first to detect its opponent due to its superior radar.

Observers are asking whether the Japan Air Self-Defense Force will make modifications to its F-35A jets to use the domestically developed AAM-4 and AAM-5 medium-range active radar-guided air-to-air missiles or if they will use US missiles given the differences in dimensions.

The problem for Japan is the cost of the F-35A, which could mean fewer aircraft if the price continues to rise. The price of the F-35A was US$111.6 million back in 2010, while the F-35B cost US$109.4 million and the F-35C was priced at US$142.9 million; since then the average price of one F-35 has risen to as high as US$228 million, according to some sources.

F-35 is Liaoning's worst nightmare, says Global Times|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
What happened to their S 300s.
Any anti-ship missile is LiaoNing's worst nightmare ... not F-35, if the missile can hit it. :pop:
This would be good opportunity to test f-35's. Only the best of the best for our Japanese brothers.

Japanese are not your brothers. They are only interested in your expensive infrastructure projects. Most Japanese are clueless about Turkey-ish people.

According to ASEAN data, Turkey's export to Japan did not increase (but slightly decreased) in 2008-2011 period (Export in 2011: +- 300 million USD)

Japan's export to Turkey increased only slightly in the same period (+- 2.3billion USD)

China-Japan trade volume hit a record high of more than 344.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2011, up over 14 percent from the previous year (could not find a more recent data. But it is well over 300billion USD).

So much for your Turkey-ish-Japanese brotherhood!

We share with Japan a sea border and a centuries long trivialization relationship. Japan uses about 800 of our vocabulary and share many similar cultural traits that they were borrowed from us to make their own.

We may have disputes but we are in the same boat in East Asia.

You Rumelia Turks are of different stock and you belong to the Arab/Iranian civilization. You are a mongrel nation with no genetic ties with Central Asian people. Becoming the heirs of an Empire, you have for long been Middle Eastern-ized.

Now, do not any more repeat the same lunacies over and over again. Know thy place.
Learn to spell first, and secondly China shouldn't mess with the way of the samurai. US is only holding back Japan against you.

Go away...

@WebMaster @Oscar this chap is no longer in control of Intl. Moderators...the idiot just comes trolls Chinese Section of Thread where China/Chinese are discussed.
So anybody who supports Japan is a troll? @Luftwaffe, you need to learn to respect other people's opinion. Japan is our brother country and will protect our interest in the region, same way we will protect their interest. Japan and Turkey is active in multiple projects from energy to education. They are opening universities in Turkey. Altiac peoples are superior in culture and history. On top of that we are also partners in f35 project. I hope Japan and Turkey will make joint jet after that. As Japanese PM said with his own words. Turkey is most important partner for Japan. We will be going places.
So anybody who supports Japan is a troll? @Luftwaffe, you need to learn to respect other people's opinion. Japan is our brother country and will protect our interest in the region, same way we will protect their interest. Japan and Turkey is active in multiple projects from energy to education. They are opening universities in Turkey. Altiac peoples are superior in culture and history. On top of that we are also partners in f35 project. I hope Japan and Turkey will make joint jet after that. As Japanese PM said with his own words. Turkey is most important partner for Japan. We will be going places.

Your worse than a troll, you spit on the sex slave victim suffered under the savage act of Japan imperialist army by your distortion of fact and history to show your support atrocity Japanese committed on many innocent women across Asia during their imperial war.
Your worse than a troll, you spit on the sex slave victim suffered under the savage act of Japan imperialist army by your distortion of fact and history to show your support atrocity Japanese committed on many innocent women across Asia during their imperial war.

Hi, just report him, don't go to his level...moderators have failed to take Action though, this atatwolf needs to be banned.
Hi, just report him, don't go to his level...moderators have failed to take Action though, this atatwolf needs to be banned.

I rarely report anyone, I only report one person for creating same topic with mutliple threat just to troll.

Hi, just report him, don't go to his level...moderators have failed to take Action though, this atatwolf needs to be banned.

Worse he was a former intl moderator. He clearly can't moderate on any subject with his own behavior.
atatwolf...So anybody who supports Japan is a troll?, you need to learn to respect other people's opinion. Japan is our brother country and will protect our interest in the region, same way we will protect their interest. Japan and Turkey is active in multiple projects from energy to education. They are opening universities in Turkey. Altiac peoples are superior in culture and history. On top of that we are also partners in f35 project. I hope Japan and Turkey will make joint jet after that. As Japanese PM said with his own words. Turkey is most important partner for Japan. We will be going places.

Your opinion don't matter because you are Trolling in a wrong Thread...open strategic relations with japan thread somewhere else. You are going against forum rules. Don't be racist lil man; altaic people or not everyone is equal every culture is superior in their own ways in the end everyone is human being.

I rarely report anyone, I only report one person for creating same topic with mutliple threat just to troll.

Worse he was a former intl moderator. He clearly can't moderate on any subject with his own behavior.

I Agree with you but your best chance would be to report him to @WebMaster to takecare of this person permanently.
Well, I hope Japan gets their full batch of F-35 soon. I don't have time to waste with trolls that give me negative rating for supporting Japan and their F-35 participation.

Your opinion don't matter
This is not your forum.
How can be F35 nightmare for an aircraft carrier which have multilayer protection. There are ships protecting it from ranges. Some near it. Its own anti-air, anti-missile system along with aircraft ready against any aggressor!! Or perhaps it is suggested that around 50+ of F35 will attack simultaneously.
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