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RSS to eulogise Bangladesh’s national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam as ‘good Hindu’


Steal National Poet!!!
Before having Picks Disease in 1943 he stayed in present day Bangladesh for three years from 1914.
1972 when he became National Poet of Bangladesh he was in a vegetative state. He don't have capability of taking decisions. It was in request of govt of Bangladesh (as Bangladesh couldn't find eligible person to become National Poet) Indian govt accepted the request.
I doubt he would have migrated if he was in sane state of mind. This can be proved by the fact he walked out from his engagement ceremony to Nargis (long time companion of Nazrul) as he was given a condition to stay in Comilla.
Later he married a Brahmo lady Promila. His decendends now stays in Kolkata.
Now please let me know now how we are stealing him?

You are stealing our Poet by superimposing a new, false and farcical identity for him. There are other descendants who live in Dhaka. However, both groups of Dhaka and Calcatta frequent the other country.
What I mean to say is that he married a hindu, he wrote hindu songs about hindu Gods (shirk) and the RSS love him and they are hindu fanatics

so he wasent a muslim, otherwise RSS would have hated him, right

A patriot to who?

wah wah, great way to identify a man's Iman or Kufr. Fortunately enough, man's Iman or Kufr is determined by Allah alone and everything will be revealed on the day of judgement.

FYI, Nazrul is the writer and composer of highest number of Hamd and Naat and nobody in Bengali literature ever wrote better hamd and naat than him, his ones are most popular.

RSS does have a minority division; you know that right?

Well considering that we have an airport in his honour in West Bengal today called Nazrul Islam airport in Durgapur, obviously he was an Indian patriot.

Not only a patriot, he was a humanitarian guy believed in equality of all men and women regardless of their race, colour, religion. We call him the Rebel poet and Poet of Equality. I wish you could read Bangla, I would post some of his poems.
Not only a patriot, he was a humanitarian guy believed in equality of all men and women regardless of their race, colour, religion. We call him the Rebel poet and Poet of Equality. I wish you could read Bangla, I would post some of his poems.

Post them here anyway, mate.

I'll try. :)
He worked for Calcutta radio and most of his songs were for both hindu and muslim audience.
I dont think he believed in everything he wrote regarding religion.
His masterpiece are actually what he wrote for print media Shaogat.
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