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RSS to eulogise Bangladesh’s national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam as ‘good Hindu’

RSS does have a minority division; you know that right?
And there were Jews who served in the SS and the Wermacht. What's your point? Every nation/religion etc has its shitbags.

The question is why would Asheesh, sorry Areesh be interested in someone only Indians and Bengalis seem to have any interest in. Who the fck is this guy and who gives a crap?
The question is why would Asheesh, sorry Areesh be interested in someone only Indians and Bengalis seem to have any interest in. Who the fck is this guy and who gives a crap?

Because KNI was at a time when the entire sub-continent was fighting outsiders..? THat's why...? Because this man apparently was a unionist and who called for united fight against European colonists?

Isn't that enough reason even for today's Pakistanis to respect that?
Because KNI was at a time when the entire sub-continent was fighting outsiders..? THat's why...? Because this man apparently was a unionist and who called for united fight against European colonists?

Isn't that enough reason even for today's Pakistanis to respect that?

You are trying too hard to hide your Hindutva predilections. However, for those who have eyes to see it is obvious what you are. The sad thing is that Mr Joe Shearer who tried so hard to hide his own predilections towards hindu fascism with fancy 'orthology' exposed yours. Remember that post of his? Probably not. But I do.
You are trying too hard to hide your Hindutva predilections. However, for those who have eyes to see it is obvious what you are. The sad thing is that Mr Joe Shearer who tried so hard to hide his own predilections towards hindu fascism with fancy 'orthology' exposed yours. Remember that post of his? Probably not. But I do.

I am proud of being a nationalist who is unabashedly Indian.

I take pride in India's Dharmic history and openly say it.

What is there to hide? This is who I am and this is what we are. We follow what has been millennia of unbroken traditions and teachings, to be one with universal facts rather than go on the orders of certain individuals.

My country is renowned for people seeking spiritual journey and self-realisation, with many world famous billionaires having attained their realisation here. And not just now but for millennia. We have retained these traditions through invasions, battles, attempts at forced conversion, pillaging, looting etc and withstood the test of time.

Why will I not be proud of this legacy?

Joe Shearer exposed nothing. On my profile here itself I have openly mentioned I am a proud Indian Buddhist and a proud Dharmic nationalist.
I am proud of being a nationalist who is unabashedly Indian.

I take pride in India's Dharmic history and openly say it.

What is there to hide? This is who I am and this is what we are. We follow what has been millennia of unbroken traditions and teachings, to be one with universal facts rather than go on the orders of certain individuals.

My country is renowned for people seeking spiritual journey and self-realisation, with many world famous billionaires having attained their realisation here. And not just now but for millennia. We have retained these traditions through invasions, battles, attempts at forced conversion, pillaging, looting etc and withstood the test of time.

Why will I not be proud of this legacy?

Joe Shearer exposed nothing. On my profile here itself I have openly mentioned I am a proud Indian Buddhist and a proud Dharmic nationalist.

You are the one claimed Buddhist are Hindus right?
My Buddhist gf had a good laugh at me when I told her that she is hindu. She made a lot of remark about hinduism which I dont want to share here though.

Anyways i dont think you are a sikkimis. You are probably migrated to sikkim to find some livelihood there.
You are the one claimed Buddhist are Hindus right?
My Buddhist gf had a good laugh at me when I told her that she is hindu. She made a lot of remark about hinduism which I dont want to share here though.

Anyways i dont think you are a sikkimis. You are probably migrated to sikkim to find some livelihood there.

Everyone has different perspective.

I don't care what your girlfriend is.

People of your variety will not understand what I say so you interpret everything as per this = that.
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has found in Bangladesh’s national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam an epitome of a “good Hindu”. The revolutionary-poet’s “nationalism”, which the Sangh says is reflected in his opposition to the British imperial rule in India and his efforts at uniting Hindus and Muslims, has earned him the epithet.

To honour the poet-laureate, the Sangh is planning to mark his birth anniversary on May 25 in West Bengal. It will also translate Nazrul’s works into all Indian languages. A Hindi translation of 39-poems by him is expected to hit the stands by the year-end.

“Being Hindu is not practising a religion, but a way of life. Kazi Nasrul practised Islam, yet he lived as a dedicated Hindu, fighting for Indian ethos and against the British,” RSS’s West Bengal unit secretary Jishnu Basu said.

The RSS, and its protege the BJP have been in conflict with the Trinamool government in West Bengal over what they allege is the “government’s vote bank policy”. While the TMC accuses the RSS and BJP of perpetrating anti-minority sentiments, the Sangh at a meeting of its highest decisionmaking body in March, passed a resolution expressing “grave concern” over “violence against Hindus” in the state.

It condemned the Mamata Bannerjee government for failing to check “unabated rise in violence by jihadi elements in West Bengal, encouragement to the anti-national elements”

Eulogising Nazrul, a Muslim as the “good Hindu”, is also an attempt to reposition the Sangh as an inclusive organisation not opposed to Muslims, but to the radicalised sections. In the past statements by RSS functionaries describing all Indians as Hindus have been criticised as an attempt to obliterate religious identities.

“Hinduism is not clearly understood by a lot of people. When the RSS says Hinduism it does not mean a communal school of thought that wants to throw out Muslims. I tell people Nazrul was a better Hindu because he was a nationalist,” Basu said.

On why the Sangh has chosen to co-opt Nazrul who passed away in Bangladesh in 1976, Sangh ideologue Rakesh Sinha said, “The Sangh puts Nazrul like former President Abdul Kalam on a pedestal, because he identified the bonds between philosophy, culture and spirituality. He was a revolutionary secular.”

Nazrul’s works capturing his rebellion against the colonial forces, his writings on Durga Puja and goddess Kali, will also be introduced to the Sangh affiliates.

“We have been celebrating his memory by singing Nazrul geet (songs written and composed by him) at various events; this was also done on the 150th year celebrations of Swami Vivekananda,” Basu said.

He was a great Hindu, not just a good one.

Heard some of his songs at college function first. Was surprised to find Hindu devotional songs penned by him... Bengalis will know about it very well.

He committed shirk in every way possible. Let's just respect his poetic ability.
How can a non Muslim commit shirk?
This west Bengal has re-named itself "Bengal" for its microscopic part of Bengal. Now, it is trying to steal our great Poet KNI as solely its own by changing his religion. BD govt. must protest the ill move. KNI wrote quite a few Vajan and Kirtan. But, this proves he had developed deep insight of the neighboring society. He was a humanist, but he was certainly not a Hindu. RSS is a far rightist religious organization and this move by the RSS speaks of an ill intention.
I don't care what your girlfriend is.

Yeah its probably what he calls one of his hands.

Best to take every claim he makes about his "personal" life with big amount of salt.

People that resort to sharing personal stories (more like fantasies) in some attempt at establishing "fact" tells you all you need to know.
Yeah its probably what he calls one of his hands.

How can a non Muslim commit shirk?

Dude he had Islam in his name. And never officially denounced his religion.

Although his religion shouldn't matter. Hindu or Muslim or whatever he made some brilliant works in Bangla literature and was against British occupation. That's what counts.
Kazi Nazrul Islam


Religious beliefs

Who calls you a prostitute, mother?
Who spits at you?
Perhaps you were suckled by someone
as chaste as Seeta.
And if the son of an unchaste mother is 'illegitimate',
so is the son of an unchaste father.

– Translation by Sajed Kamal[43]

Nazrul's mother died in 1928, and his second son Bulbul died of smallpox the following year. His first son, Krishna Mohammad, had died prematurely. Pramila gave birth to two more sons – Sabyasachi in 1928 and Aniruddha in 1931 – but Nazrul remained shaken and aggrieved for a long time. His works changed significantly from rebellious expositions of society to deeper examination of religious themes. His works in these years led Islamic devotional songs into the mainstream of Bengali folk music, exploring the Islamic practices of namaz (prayer), roza (fasting), hajj (pilgrimage), and zakat (charity). He wrote the song "O Mon Ramzaner Oi Rozar Sheshe Elo Khushir Eid" on fasting.[44] This was regarded by his contemporaries as a significant achievement, as Bengali Muslims had been strongly averse to devotional music.[45] Nazrul's creativity diversified as he explored Hindu devotional music by composing Shyama Sangeet, bhajans, and kirtans, often merging Islamic and Hindu values. Nazrul wrote over 500 Hindu devotional songs.[46] Nazrul's poetry and songs explored the philosophy of Islam and Hinduism.[47]

Nazrul's poetry imbibed the passion and creativity of Shakti, which is identified as the Brahman, the personification of primordial energy. He wrote and composed many bhajans, shyamasangeet, agamanis, and kirtans. He also composed many songs of invocation to Lord Shiva and the goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati and on the love of Radha and Krishna.[15]

In another article entitled Hindu Mussalman, published in Ganabani on 2 September 1922, he wrote:

I can tolerate Hinduism and Muslims but I cannot tolerate the Tikism (a tiki is a tuft of never cut hair kept on the head by certain Hindus to maintain personal Holiness) and beardism. Tiki is not Hinduism. It may be the sign of the pundit. Similarly beard is not Islam, it may be the sign of the mollah. All the hair-pulling have originated from those two tufts of hair. Today's fighting is also between the Pundit and the Mollah: It is not between the Hindus and the Muslims. No prophet has said, "I have come for Hindus I have come for Muslims I have come for Christians." They have said, "I have come for the humanity for everyone, like light." But the devotees of Krishna says, "Krishna is for Hindus." The followers of Muhammad says, "Muhammad is for the Muslims." The Disciple of Christ (say Christ) is for Christians. Krishna-Muhammad-Christ have become national property. This property is the root of all trouble. Men do not quarrel for light but they quarrel over cattle.[48]

Nazrul assailed fanaticism in religion, denouncing it as evil and inherently irreligious. He devoted many works to expound upon the principle of human equality, exploring the Qur'an and the life of Muhammad. Nazrul has been compared to William Butler Yeats for being the first Muslim poet to create imagery and symbolism of Muslim historical figures such as Qasim, Ali, Umar, Kamal Pasha, Anwar Pasha and Muhammad.[29] His condemnation of extremism and mistreatment of women provoked condemnation from Muslim and Hindu fundamentalists.[49]

In 1920 Nazrul expressed his vision of religious harmony in an editorial in Joog Bani,

Come brother Hindu! Come Musalman! Come Buddhist! Come Christian! Let us transcend all barriers, let us forsake forever all smallness, all lies, all selfishness and let us call brothers as brothers. We shall quarrel no more.[50]

Nazrul was an exponent of humanism.[48] Although a Muslim, he named his sons with both Hindu and Muslim names: Krishna Mohammad, Arindam Khaled (Bulbul), Kazi Sabyasachi and Kazi Aniruddha.[51]

But the devotees of Krishna says, "Krishna is for Hindus." The followers of Muhammad says, "Muhammad is for the Muslims." The Disciple of Christ (say Christ) is for Christians. Krishna-Muhammad-Christ have become national property. This property is the root of all trouble.

Sounds like Kabir.
This west Bengal has re-named itself "Bengal" for its microscopic part of Bengal. Now, it is trying to steal our great Poet KNI as solely its own by changing his religion. BD govt. must protest the ill move. KNI wrote quite a few Vajan and Kirtan. But, this proves he had developed deep insight of the neighboring society. He was a humanist, but he was certainly not a Hindu. RSS is a far rightist religious organization and this move by the RSS speaks of an ill intention.
Steal National Poet!!!
Before having Picks Disease in 1943 he stayed in present day Bangladesh for three years from 1914.
1972 when he became National Poet of Bangladesh he was in a vegetative state. He don't have capability of taking decisions. It was in request of govt of Bangladesh (as Bangladesh couldn't find eligible person to become National Poet) Indian govt accepted the request.
I doubt he would have migrated if he was in sane state of mind. This can be proved by the fact he walked out from his engagement ceremony to Nargis (long time companion of Nazrul) as he was given a condition to stay in Comilla.
Later he married a Brahmo lady Promila. His decendends now stays in Kolkata.
Now please let me know now how we are stealing him?
"Come brother Hindu! Come Musalman! Come Buddhist! Come Christian! Let us transcend all barriers, let us forsake forever all smallness, all lies, all selfishness and let us call brothers as brothers. We shall quarrel no more".

The above is what Nazrul said. But, the ultra rightist Hindu RSS claims Nazrul lived like a Hindu.
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