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Revival of ancestral links between Iranians and Kurds and Parsis picking up pace around the world

Some images from our youth congress last year (2019) in the US ...







It was a great meet. The biggest ever. Lots of new blood. New ideas. Energy. Enthu. Great debates. Very very smart and outspoken new generation all over the world.

Cheers, Doc
Not all fun and games. Some serious panel discussions, and and often fiery debates as well. On hot potato topics affecting the faith and the global community ... with deafening silence on Iran.

I think to be brutally honest, this generation has given up on Iran and are forging ahead making their own destiny and plans for the future without Iran in the matrix.

Iranians yes. Just no Iran. The world is their oyster now. And the Atash is safe and burns strong.

The flags of nations represented can be seen here as well. Some images from day 2.






Cheers, Doc
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Some more vignettes of young Zoroastrians forming links that will shape the future.

The next 1000 years.

As leaders and the elite. On the one true path of Asha.

That their forefathers have walked on, unbroken, for the past 8000 years ...











Cheers, Doc
Some more vignettes of young Zoroastrians forming links that will shape the future.

The next 1000 years.

As leaders and the elite. On the one true path of Asha.

That their forefathers have walked on, unbroken, for the past 8000 years ...

Zoroastrians on Mars. :D
Nice to see these lovely pictures. The Zoroastrians are alive and kicking :)

Makes me remember: there was one Parsi kid that used to come for football practice when I was in school. Maybe I should've interacted more with him. But when you were in school, you hardly knew what's Parsi, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, etc
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An interesting anecdote on how a forum like PDF, run largely by Sunni Muslims, is helping the Zoroastrian revival is a tangible measurable way around the world

@WebMaster @SQ8 @AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz @lastofthepatriots I thought maybe you guys would like to know. Because all said and done, I cannot be accused of being Muslim friendly. And your forum has hosted, unchallenged, undisturbed, probably the largest dedicated thread to contemporary Parsis that I have ever seen in my searches anywhere on the net (on non-Zoroastrian and Zoroastrian platforms combined). So if there is one thing I have never been accused of, its being dishonest and unfair. So just acknowledging the same.

Ok now that that is out of the way ....

Long story short, Zoroastrians read this forum. They follow me. My posts. My threads.

One of them reached out to me through another Indian member here, while I was on a ban. He (the Zoroastrian) met the Indian on the Indian's Discord which is like a small club of mixed nationality PDFers with entry by invitation only. I have no idea how the Zoroastrian got on to that platform nor did I follow up because I left that place soon after.

Anyways, these guys, many of them young doctors, reached out to me through this one guy, and wanted to sound me out about a radical new idea to tackle our biggest problem ... our numbers.

These boys will be essentialy buying a small town or village in the US (rural midwest, or deep south is the current plan). And settling Zoroastrians in there. As a closed community. Like the Amish model.

Cut off from the outside world. Completely self sufficient.

Think The Village ....

Their one job over the next 5-10 generations (100-200 years) will be to till the land, practice our ancient faith and tend to the Atash, and make babies.

We (the outside world) will provide them with whatever they need, in whatever quantities, whenever they need it.

Only they cannot leave the community and go outside.

No college. No careers, No glitzy corporate life.

The Zoroastrian Amish Project. Much like how we settled in India. Much as how the Jews settled and built Israel. With their Kibbutz based lifestyles.

In essence, if PDF has directly contributed to even 10 new Zoroastrian lives in the world, then my efforts here over the past 10 years have a bright fire to show for each one of the 10 years I have written here and pressed my point.

Ushta te!

@El Sidd @I.R.A @Naofumi @Cliftonite @Abii @Shahin Vatani @Tokhme khar @Shapur Zol Aktaf

Cheers, Doc
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