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Revival of ancestral links between Iranians and Kurds and Parsis picking up pace around the world

If I had been a Parsi I would have jumped at the opportunity provided there was a guarantee of good food, medical care and harem of beautiful girls. @Pakistani Fighter



Food they will have to grow. We will provide the tools and tractors and harvesters and fertilizer etc.

Actually, there are still reasonably large communities in rural Gujarat who do not live very differently. The issue with babies is always about quality of life and space.

We cannot give them that in Bombay and Poona anymore ... even for us, it is too expensive.

Cheers, Doc
I know an entire community here in the US and Pk @padamchen
Frankly they need connections simply due to the nature of the religion and lack of community growth avenues due to smaller family sizes - etc.

But they are thriving and very active in both Indian and Pakistani communities here.
I know an entire community here in the US and Pk @padamchen
Frankly they need connections simply due to the nature of the religion and lack of community growth avenues due to smaller family sizes - etc.

But they are thriving and very active in both Indian and Pakistani communities here.

Parsis or some other?

Since you've lived in the US, and must have come across them, what do you think of the Amish or the Jewish Kibbutz model for Parsis?

Parsis or some other?

Since you've lived in the US, and must have come across them, what do you think of the Amish or the Jewish Kibbutz model for Parsis?

Parsis - mostly gujjus though.

I propose the Aga Khani model - it would be the best to implement.
I have seen a lot of Sunni and Shia Pakistanis around who told me they are originally Iranians from Central Asia and their ancestors have migrated to Pakistan after the mongol invasion.
1. There has always been contact between the Parsis and Iran. Unbroken for over a thousand years. People to people by means of travel. As well as transfer of material and religious texts and treatises (on doubts and clarifications and deeper more detailed questions) called Riyavats over the centuries. All i Persian. Somewhere around the 1500s to 1600s, when Iran became Shia, the India side became the senior brother and the Iran side the follower, junior brother. Since the 1700s and 1800s, most of the major fires came home to stay in India. Iran was left with just one (to protect the people and the homeland). Chak Chak is a universal Iranian fire. Not a Zoroastrian one in terms of purity. All Iranians (including the Ayatollas) go there to worship. We do not allow any non Zoroastrian to look at our fire. Much less be in His presence. The Hindus allowed us to clear entire villages on the Juddin (non Zoroastrians) when we consecrated every fire. The most recent being the famous one rescused by air from Aden.

2. Parsis are the Zoroastrian Persians who fled to India. Zoroastrian Iranians are called Iranian Zoroastrians (or Iroons in short by us) and not Parsis. We have both communities thriving in India. The Iroons came during the Qajjar persecution in the last 200-300 years. They are the ones who run our bakeries and cafes, famously. Kayani, Royal, etc. They speak Dari. Not Gujarati. Though they pick up Gujarati so that we can speak to each other. Especially when we marry each other.

3. I was talking about Zoroastrians left in Iran. Most of these in the photos are ones whose parents fled when the Mullas took over.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Doc
My one grouse about Parsi religion is that it doesn't accept others into their fold. Hinduism does. For instance, many glorious communities like Russians and Westerners and perhaps some Africans are converting to Hinduism.

My one grouse about Parsi religion is that it doesn't accept others into their fold. Hinduism does. For instance, many glorious communities like Russians and Westerners and perhaps some Africans are converting to Hinduism.


No traditional Hinduism does not.

Hippy Hinduism does.

Cheers, Doc
The Zoroastrian Amish Project.

In a foreign land. Failure written all over it. You do realise you don't have land anywhere anymore, you will remain refugees, settling small villages in today's world are of no significance, that too cut from any modern development and technology? Are you trying to expand seriously?

Your ancestors should have made good deals, instead helping host countries, they should have focused procuring land for themselves and gradually go for an independent state .... it may have been easier back then.
In a foreign land. Failure written all over it. You do realise you don't have land anywhere anymore, you will remain refugees, settling small villages in today's world are of no significance, that too cut from any modern development and technology? Are you trying to expand seriously?

Your ancestors should have made good deals, instead helping host countries, they should have focused procuring land for themselves and gradually go for an independent state .... it may have been easier back then.

Agree on the land I.

Maybe you missed the central aim.

It's to bolster numbers ... get a fresh infusion of blood.

Our land project is doing well close to where we first met.

That showdown will come.

Cheers, Doc
Agree on the land I.

Maybe you missed the central aim.

It's to bolster numbers ... get a fresh infusion of blood.

Our land project is doing well close to where we first met.

That showdown will come.

Cheers, Doc

Pardon me for being blunt

Bolster numbers by incest? Even your indian Hindus are trying for fair white super babies.

...... the faith(s) that are closed and accept bloodlines and tribe nonsense .... will perish. You want your numbers to grow you will have to accept the rest of the humanity and drop this chosen one stupidity .... the concealed racism introduced by your clergy has harmed your cause, it has to go for your faith to prosper.
Pardon me for being blunt

Bolster numbers by incest? Even your indian Hindus are trying for fair white super babies.

...... the faith(s) that are closed and accept bloodlines and tribe nonsense .... will perish. You want your numbers to grow you will have to accept the rest of the humanity and drop this chosen one stupidity .... the concealed racism introduced by your clergy has harmed your cause, it has to go for your faith to prosper.

Pardon me for being equally blunt. But Muslims and especially your Arab forefathers were and are quite big on the same "incest".

This entire thread is about revival of blood links. That have largely not mixed for more than a thousand years.

In terms of gene pool biologically, the photos you see ante the perfect mix for reinfusion of fresh blood.

We are a pure Aryan organic faith.

As I told @waz Zoroastrianism was God (Ahura Mazda) coming with His message to his chosen people First, through His son, born from us.

When we were ready for His message.

When we needed His message.

Zarathushtra was of my bloodline. An Athrvan Magi.

He was not born into a religious vacuum.

He was the final reformer. Who codified the word of Ahura Mazda and led us on the True path of Asha.

He did not set out to lead the Arabs.

Nor the Greeks and then the Romans.

Nor the Hindus. Our Aryan relatives.

Nor the Chinese.

All of these regions had Zoroastrianism as the state religion as part of our political empires.

But that did not make those bloodlines the Mazdayasni.

That will always be us and only us.

Cheers, Doc
Pardon me for being equally blunt. But Muslims and especially your Arab forefathers were and are quite big on the same "incest".

You do realise we are billion plus now spread all over the globe of all colors and races ......

When we were ready for His message.

If you were ready you didn't need any message. The guidance comes for the ones who go stray ......

Zarathushtra was of my bloodline. An Athrvan Magi.

He was not born into a religious vacuum.

He was the final reformer. Who codified the word of Ahura Mazda and led us on the True path of Asha.

Your clergy can associate anything and can say anything for him now. Divine doesn't work this way.

Anyways there is no need for d measuring contest, all the best for your project, but do remember it's the last final attempt at clutching ....... failure abound.
Engagement between the Iranian Majlis and Zoroastrian Priests (Mobads) ...

@SalarHaqq this is in Iran.













Cheers, Doc
Aren't Parsis half Indian? The people who migrated were mostly men and they married local low caste women, probably in Gujarat. I never see them celebrate their Indian side. Probably racism.
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