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A note on Zoroastrian mobeds who support Kurdish separatism and the balkanization of Iran

Pro-zionists and passionate apologists of the masonic-/Haifan Bahai-/zio-American-dominated shah regime cannot be proper Iranian "nationalists". They are as "nationalistic" as zio-Trump and his step son at best, or perhaps they are content with deluding themselves into living in an unreal fantasy world designed for them by their zionist puppet masters.

Because the globalist project pushed for by international zionism, aims to uproot and dissolve every single nation and every single traditional faith system. The enemy is a common one to all peoples, and that includes ordinary Jews.

Iran is no exception and is being targetted like everyone else, stories about king Cyrus the Great "saving Jews from Babylonian captivity" notwithstanding (that will not make the zionist mafia feel any pity for Iranians; nor will it make them grant Iran a free pass; not at all). In fact Iran is being targetted with far greater energy than others given how the Islamic Republic is resisting against the criminal globalist enterprise. Not that hard to realize, really.

The OP. Did you author it yourself or have you copy pasted it from some other website.

If the latter, the rules state that you need to provide a link to the source as well.

It seems to be one in a series of essays (mentioned in-text within) hence my curiosity.

Thanks in advance and regards,

@WebMaster @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Cheers, Doc
What gold. Who they?

Bada evil hai bhai tu.

You knew exactly which button you were pressing when you got me to the philosopher.

Cheers, Doc

The gold reserves sought to anchor the free fall economy.

Acha nahi karta tang. jayen bhai sahab azaadi enjoy krlen. me to awein cher chaar kar raha tha apse aap pareshan hogaye
The OP. Did you author it yourself or have you copy pasted it from some other website.

If the latter, the rules state that you need to provide a link to the source as well.

It seems to be one in a series of essays (mentioned in-text within) hence my curiosity.

Thanks in advance and regards,

@WebMaster @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Cheers, Doc

I authored it myself and posted it here for the first time. A web search will prove that the text did not preexist anywhere else on the internet. Also, I edited my post a few times to improve some details, which again proves I am the author. It clearly reflects my writing style.

I have never copy/pasted a document from elsewhere without providing a source link.

Things referenced in my opening post were other treads I opened on here, such as the one about Ardeshir Reporter (look it up).

If this is an attempt at having the present thread censored, despite the fact that it does not violate any forum rules, then I must say it is a rather weak one. If it is a genuine enquiry, then you have your answer. Google might help too.

However, I take this as a compliment, for it means a simple forum post of mine is considered to be on the level of genuine works published by legitimate websites. Thank you.

@WebMaster @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM
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I authored it myself and posted it here for the first time. A web search will prove that the text did not preexist anywhere else on the internet. Also, I edited my post a few times to improve some details, which again proves I am the author. It clearly reflects my writing style.

I have never copy/pasted a document from elsewhere without providing a source link.

Things referenced in my opening post were other treads I opened on here, such as the one about Ardeshir Reporter (look it up).

If this is an attempt at censoring the present thread, which does not violate any forum rules, then I must say it is a rather weak one. If it is a genuine enquiry, then you have your answer. Google might help too.

However, I take this as a compliment, for it means a simple forum post of mine is considered to be on the level of genuine works published by legitimate websites. Thank you.

@WebMaster @waz @AgNoStiC MuSliM

It's written well. You should publish.

My compliments.

Are you an Iranian? Persian? Do you live in Iran?

Cheers, Doc
My brother, I was about to adress this last point you made.

You are perfectly right to stress the importance of knowing one's foes, as numerous Iranians really need to wake up from their slumber and straighten up their enemy/friend perception.

While the zionist cabal which destroyed Iraq and Syria is coming for them, some are still busy acting like spoiled kids with disproportionate expectations, bickering and self-flagellating day and night, cultivating misplaced nostalgia for the vassalized Pahlavi monarchy, blatantly failing to discern and appreciate the reality of their hardly earned independence, incessantly demonizing their political system, their armed forces and their leadership and not realizing how this directly plays into the hands of their existential enemies, who are nothing but a goup of criminals desiring to see them, their relatives and their offspring buried and who have set their sights on them as we speak.

Thank God the Islamic Republic's leadership, the armed forces (in particular the IRGC) and all those loyal to the lofty principles of the 1979 Revolution are fully aware of what's going on. It's just that the patriotic forces of awareness and vigilance would have it so much easier if those among their compatriots who expose themselves to nonstop brainwashing by the BBC, Voice of America, social media and the internet finally proceeded to pull the plug on this endless stream of propaganda and social engineering courtesy of their foreign enemies.

However if I may add a complementary observation, I would urge everyone not generalize about any given community and this includes of course Zoroastrians. In my opening post, I took great care to stress that what's at stake here is a certain group of Zoroastrian elites, concentrated in areas known to be under strong oligarchic influence i. e. outside of Iran proper (namely North America, Indian bourgeois circles with strong ties to Britain and the US and so on).

There are also honorable and patriotic Zoroastrians, particularly inside Iran, where a large majority among the small Zoroastrian community of just a few tens of thousands fall among that category. These Zoroastrian Iranians will not betray their own roots nor their homeland.

An example is the chairman of the Association of Zoroastrian Mobeds of Iran, Dr. Ardeshir Khurshidian. Loyal to the Islamic Republic, Khurshidian reciprocates the tolerance and respect shown by authorities in Iran to the Zoroastrian community, for example through his regular expressions of praise for Imam Hussein, grandson of the Prophet of Islam.






Iranian and Kurdish navars (mainly ... we get Azeris and Tajiks too) being trained in India by Indian Mobeds.

We take care of their Visa clearances directly with the Indian government.

You can imagine the faith right wing Hindus have in our word that not one has ever been rejected entry.

We take care of their food and lodging and training and flights and indoctrinate them into the spirit of what it means to be a Zoroastrian. To live among Zoroastrians. As Zoroastrians.

And then we send them back.

And new batches come in. And the cycle continues.

Ushta te brother.

@Cthulhu @Dariush the Great @Philosopher @El Sidd @hussain0216

Cheers, Doc
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In post #6 I evoked examples of patriotic Iranians of Zoroastrian faith who are loyal to the Islamic Republic.

Time now to turn our attention to some of the traitorous elements willing to collaborate with Iran's existential enemies, that is the zio-American empire, which is in fact hostile to every sovereign nation and to every authentic religious belief system with solid historical roots.

The epitome of these subjects' betrayal against their own ancestral homeland, is their joining up to pan-Kurdish agitation, source of anti-Iranian separatism and therefore a serious threat to Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity. These moves are in line with the zionist plan for Iran's balkanization and her dismemberment into several weak, unstable "ethno"-states highly dependent for their survival on western imperial powers, which would necessarily go hand in hand with protracted civil war (similar to how Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan were destroyed by the same zio-American empire).

The first illustration of this unfortunate development, a paper from March 2018 by a researcher from the University of Alabama confirms some of the points I mentioned in the opening post about these novel strands of Zoroastrianism which appear to have been engineered with the express purpose of fulfilling zio-American globalist and imperialist agendas, due in particular to their liberal, secularist, post-modernist and potentially globalist aspects (i. e. carrying the self-destructive germs of their own transcendence and dilution into the future noahide one-world unitary pseudo-religion on the drawing board of globalist elites, which the mentioned neo-Zoroastrian groups are predestined to fully embrace owing to their dogmatic and ideological characteristics).

Another point the paper demonstrates, is how one golem of the zio-American empire generates the next in a reactive dialectical manner. Following the principle of the "firebug fireman", the zio-American empire and its globalist oligarchic infrastructure proceed to design and set into motion one catalytic subversive agent, as a response to which they then give rise to an opposite agent equally engineered to serve their goals.

In this way, they advance their agenda step by step, making sure each time that action and reaction, thesis and antithesis will both remain under their exclusive, totalitarian control. Their ambition is to exert exclusivist monopoly powers over the entire spectrum of political, social, cultural, religious activism through non-stop engineering and recruitment of indigeneous agents of influence.

It is this vicious circle that the Resistance must smash by cutting off the nefarious hands of extra-regional foreign intervention.

When it comes to the specific case we set out to analyze, this modus operandi translates as follows: after terrorizing local Kurdish populations of northern Iraq using their monstrous fake "jihadist" golem known as ISIS, zio-American imperialists appear to have fabricated a liberal, postmodern, ethnicist version of Zoroastrianism antogonistic towards Islam whose purpose is to attract Kurdish Iraqis traumatized by the ISIS experience.

Hence, rather than joining the legitimate anti-imperial Resistance, that which stands up not just to the empire's multiple proxies but also to the empire itself, these Kurds will step into the next zio-American trap, one which instead of emancipating them from the overlordship of the same zio-American oligarchy responsible of unleashing ISIS upon them, will turn them into tools for never ending tensions and conflicts at the service of Isra"el" and the bloodthirsty global oligarchy. These groups are set to help increase disputes between the Kurdish regional government and the Iraqi central state in Baghdad and to assist separatist Kurdish elements in their attempts to destabilize Iran.

Oddly enough, in an exercice of baseless and rather scatty rewriting of history, the idea that the prophet Zoroaster was "Kurdish", is being cultivated within the groups under study in order to have their members dissociate themselves from the civilizational heritage they share with other Iranians and by extension with the state of Iran.

In this manner a central element of Iranian historical heritage, which normally ought to motivate Kurdish Iraqis and others from the civilizational sphere of Greater Iran to gravitate around the center of that civilization i. e. around Tehran, is being subverted and turned upside down by hostile foreign powers so as to break up and atomize the unity and cohesion of Iran, both in the enlarged cultural-civilization sense as in the territorial and nation-state sense.


"Zoroaster was a Kurd!": Neo-Zoroastrianism among the Iraqi Kurds
Article (PDF Available)inIran and the Caucasus 22(1) · March 2018 with 1,456 Reads 
DOI: 10.1163/1573384X-20180108
Cite this publication


Disgusted with ISIS, some Kurds turned away from Islam following the fall of Mosul in 2014. Many became atheists, while others sought comfort in Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism, according to converts, was the “original” religion of the Kurds before they embraced Islam. In 2015, two Zoroastrian centers opened in Sulaimani, both of which are recognized by the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq. Notably, neither has tried to recreate Zoroastrianism the way it is currently and has been historically practiced in Iran and South Asia. Instead, they have created their own versions of Zoroastrianism, which is nationalist, postmodern, and liberal. Kurdish Zoroastrians argue that the reason Kurds are “backward” is Islam. They seek to rectify the present situation through a Kurdish “authenticated” and “original” form of Zoroastrianism. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork at these two centers, the present article examines this new religious movement in Sulaimani, an important city in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. It analyses the rise and distinctiveness of Kurdish Zoroastrianism looking at how Zoroastrian Kurds articulate their views on Islam, women’s rights, human rights, and Kurdish independence.

(Parts in bold highlighted by me)
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You can imagine the faith right wing Hindus have in our word that not one has ever been rejected entry.

We take care of their food and lodging and training and flights and indoctrinate them into the spirit of what it means to be a Zoroastrian. To live among Zoroastrians. As Zoroastrians.

What being Zoroastrian does not mean:

* To collaborate with the zionist and US regimes in their relentless attempt to destroy Iran, the birthplace and cradle of Zoroastrianism, including through support for anti-Iranian Kurdish separatism or through unprovoked divisive antagonization of the 99% Muslim majority population of Iran by means of crude zionist-style islamophobic provocation.

* To serve globalist agendas, for example by promoting noahide oecumenism, by feeding the alternative "religion" of human rights and secularism, by purposedly watering down religious practice, by undermining the nuclear family structure including via attacks on the legal principle of filiation and via the furtherance of gender identity confusion as well as homosexualism, all of which will sooner or later inevitably result in the uprooting and ultimately in the vanishing of Zoroastrianism itself.

Any Zoroastrian mobed or community leader going down these paths is either knowingly or unknowingly engaging in treasonous activity, not just against Iran but also against Zoroastrianism. Should someone proceed according to an agenda whose end result is to be the dilution of one's own religion into a unitary one-world substitute faith in accordance with masonic teachings and certain interpretations of kabbalistic or talmudic literature, then any and all claims to "authenticity" one makes would be misleading fallacies.

So it's all going to depend on the two criteria enumerated above. Sincere persons devoid of mischief and not acting as lackeys to the zio-American empire or as footsoldiers for its criminal designs, are in their right to do as they wish. Noone should fault them for wanting to revive their own traditions. By contrast any hostile element, traitor and zionist-American agent threatening the security of Iran and her people will be dealt with by the Islamic Republic, regardless of their religious or linguistic backgrounds.
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