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Revival of ancestral links between Iranians and Kurds and Parsis picking up pace around the world

There's no mixing.

All the mixing happened in Iran, as the commonwealth of Islam swept through for a thousand years.

That's why you have Turk half bloods from central Mongolia coming in and getting Persianised and then waxing eloquent about their "Persian genes".

This thread is a feel good thread so I will not continue twisting the dagger here little bro.

Cheers, Doc
Parsi's have not intermarried in India with locals ?
Young Kurdish Mobeds from Kermanshah being trained by Parsi Dasturs in India.

These priests are the main focal points in the autonomous region of Kurdistan.

I will be meeting a delegation from Erbil next month. There is talk of opening a Zoroastrian center for war widows and children there.


Cheers, Doc
There's no mixing.

All the mixing happened in Iran, as the commonwealth of Islam swept through for a thousand years.

Ok, lets get the facts straight here:
Iranians in current Iran have around 10% foreign (Arabic, Turkic) genes combined. Non-urban ones down to 5%. In all ways, one of the purest and genetically unique populations in the world, despite the conquests.

Parsis on the other hand needed to marry Indian brides at first, to get their population stabile.
I have no reason to attack the Parsis, but you should stop displaying Muslim Iranians as mixed and Parsis as pure, its the opposite.

Freddy Mercury is a good example: A very Iranic look
But his mother has Indian influences:

This is the Iranian genetic cluster, a distinct group that includes Azaris and Iranian Arabs.

Many parsis look East Asian and that was a problem for me ..how is it that if they are not mixed with locals then they look more like their host countrymen...then the answer came...

Occam's razor is the principle that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct.

Parsis are our original Iranians but they mixed with locals.

@padamchen ...do U have or know of a genetic analysis of Paris of India...will be interesting to know that..

side note: I was looking at very old "national Geographic" magazines 1930's issue...when the reporters of the magazine made a trip to Iran and went to Kurdistan...they saw blond blue eyed people everywhere..they were stunned..how could that be ..who are these people.....going back and consulting historian they reported how original Iranic (Aryan) tribes in the mountain not mixed with any invading armies looked like...In 1930's race was not a taboo...Hitler considered Iran a second "Aryan nation" ..Iran and Iranian ambassador in Berlin had special status given to them...just a bit of history.
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Brother.... German have never been Aryans..... it took me a long time looking into this, but basicly they took the idea from a magician known as Madam Blvatski, who had a theory about the base race known as Aryans....

Throughout their history, Germanic people had never called themslves Aryans... unlike Iranians, who have called themselves Aryan for millenia.

This blue eyed blond haired Aryan is total B.S.
We organize tours of Parsis to Iran.

And increasingly of Kurds and Iranians to India.

And meetings of all three around the world (mainly for the youth to meet, mix, and hopefully find mates and make babies).

These are photos of the main fire temples (Atash Behrams) that have all been consecrated from the original fire that was moved to India from Iran.

Of the Atash Behram fires in the world, one remains in Iran and the remaining 8 are in India.

So in a way it is a pilgrimage for all 3 groups of Zoroastrians.




Cheers, Doc
But the golti often says that your race is facing extinction. Golti has a point. Zoroastrians have a microscopic population and practically nobody is interested in having large number of children.

side note: I was looking at very old "national Geographic" magazines 1930's issue...when the reporters of the magazine made a trip to Iran and went to Kurdistan...they saw blond blue eyed people everywhere..they were stunned..how could that be ..who are these people.....going back and consulting historian they reported how original Iranic (Aryan) tribes in the mountain not mixed with any invading armies looked like...In 1930's race was not a taboo...Hitler considered Iran a second "Aryan nation" ..Iran and Iranian ambassador in Berlin had special status given to them...just a bit of history.

That story is a good way to tell Iranians that north Europeans are Aryans and Iranians diluted and mixed Aryans who should accept British overlords isn't it?

No. North Europeans are ethnically of the Caucasian group, but very different to Iranians.
Blondism and blue/green eyes are also in the gene variations of Iranians, like many other Caucasian groups in Europe and Asia. Such features are not directly liked to north Europeans nor exclusive to them.

That Iranian cluster I posted is what counts, some lighter types some darker types, but all same genes.

As to who brought Indo-European languages to whom: From Iran-centric perspective early Iranic people gave it to Germans and other Europeans. They of course say the opposite.
That story is a good way to tell Iranians that north Europeans are Aryans and Iranians diluted and mixed Aryans who should accept British overlords isn't it?

No. North Europeans are ethnically of the Caucasian group, but very different to Iranians.
Blondism and blue/green eyes are also in the gene variations of Iranians, like many other Caucasian groups in Europe and Asia. Such features are not directly liked to north Europeans nor exclusive to them.

That Iranian cluster I posted is what counts, some lighter types some darker types, but all same genes.

As to who brought Indo-European languages to whom: From Iran-centric perspective early Iranic people gave it to Germans and other Europeans. They of course say the opposite.
And of course there is the environmental factor that affect the physical features of a race..For example in France..the people who live in northern France have fair skin ,blond and blue eyes..The French who live in southern france (more heat more sun)..tend to be darker skin and brown eyes...Nature will always win and that explains why Iranians who lived in the plateau of Iran and not in the mountains developed more tanned skin and brown eyes ..but as you mentioned the final evidence is indeed in the genetic markers.
But the golti often says that your race is facing extinction. Golti has a point. Zoroastrians have a microscopic population and practically nobody is interested in having large number of children.

Valid question. What you or the nature gonna do about it? @padamchen

Valid question. What you or the nature gonna do about it? @padamchen


We are stable at 120-150,000.

That is the peak of the Parsi population in India at the turn of the 17th century in Mumbai.

We have not declined much since then.

Only difference is that the community is shrinking in India and growing in the west.

Remember that most historical accounts put the number of first Parsi settlers in India as around 18,000. 5 to 7 ships.

The current generation in India is the 44th.

Remember also that it was the cream of Persian society that moved to India to protect the fire and the faith. The Athorans, descendants from the Magi. The warrior priests.

Later waves brought in the other classes once Persia converted completely to Islam. They were then coalesced into a single class of Behdin for ease, because if the now tiny numbers and the fact that in a small colony now everyone was expected to pull together and do everything with no predefined roles or professions and trades.

Except for the priesthood which has always been hereditary.

Early centuries in India, the 4 main priestly clans (including the one I come from) only married within themselves.

Post the 16th century,once we started moving from Gujarat, Athoran men started taking Behdin brides.

My wife is a Behdin. But she automatically becomes an Osti by union with me.

Cheers, Doc
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