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Revival of ancestral links between Iranians and Kurds and Parsis picking up pace around the world

So, here are a few random tangents though deliberated based on anecdotal and personal experiences.
On the face of it, Parsis in U.S. are amongst the most superfluous and irreligious people across the board... only talk money and miserly as jews(stereotypical). Which perhaps also reflects in character, a very miniscule community already producing some very high profile cases of treachery, one involving B-2 spirit... imagine the twist, an Indian born parsi doing high profile espionage for Chinese no less, in U.S., go figure! That once put in it's proper context starts giving a very clear and conniving nature of this community... put on a pedestal by Brits, were true patriots of the empire, as spies and bankers. Imagine Brits setting up a bank in China with Parsis of Bombay/Mumbai on its board... scratch the surface and rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper... and I leave it to readers own further research.

So, we come to bloodlines and yes there again they remain only surface deep ... a community that only closed off after becoming throughly Indian, an extension to hinduism itself... perhaps alluding to a bygone era where the priestly class as it diverged on both ends of hindu kush... and an epiphany of one such in a priestly class further diverging into fire worship.
I think it's the magi and hindus that should read up on Abraham(A.S.) once over, as he took out the idols leaving an axe in front of the largest... people weren't fools, they knew, idols themselves had no such capacities, instead they used them as avatars... the point was however clear, unable and incapable of fortune and misfortune! what did they instead resort to? Interestingly, thrown in fire! Now we know zoro here is all for bloodlines and ancestral religion... care to reflect on religions before magi? And why they don't top his list of reintroduction?
After all, Persian language and Aryans both happen to be a foreign introduction in the region, and, as established via modern genetics still a minority in modern day Iran? Isn't it then curious, the case of bloodline purity... fact is, both modern day sons of zion and contemporary parsis including zoros in Iran, can no longer claim any historic grievance based on bloodline!
If instead, they say it as a personal belief replete of any substantiated facts, fine!

Here is another nugget for those interested, Persians were eager collaborators, masterminds in fact, in the removal of Umayyad Caliphate... triumphant, they didn't resort to the days of jahiliya and Zoroastrianism but instead ruled in the guise of Abbasid Caliphate... planting seeds of resentment in Turks, eager for their very own turn... which later turned into a thousand year rule over Persia.

So, rue the times, heavens and a switch that delayed, pivoted and deflected.

When the time came there were no takers...

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The community has zero political future. However it is of enormouse value as a exhibit or a socio-biological specimen. The fact is and nobody can deny this the Parsi of South Asia have been the most successfull community in every arena other than fcuking and making babies. I guess they were too busy building the world and forgot to fcuk.

But in every arena you will find Parsi at the top. In Pakistan despite number slightly over 1,000 they own hotel chains, large companies, supreme court judges, media, writers and academics. Per capita the Parsi are even ahead of the Ashkenazi Jews.

So what can rest of South Asia learn from them? Of all the communities in Asia other than Japanese and Turks the Parsi was the fastest at copyingthe European. As soon as British came the Parsi became a 'gora'. He adopted the 'gora' attributes and other manifestations like the Turk and Japanese did.

This should be a lesson for rest of South Asia.
I have read about this Parsi community after few of these showed up on genetics forums. These are things I learnt about them.

- They have zero cultural affiliation left in them towards Iranic culture. They behave typically like where they are from be it India or Pakistan. Almost none can speak any Iranic language let alone Farsi itself. They may have one or two ancient practices in their families here or there but other than that they are just South Asians. Look at the horrendously wrong title of this thread by OP who probably did not know that Kurds are Medes Iranic group themselves. Iranians and Kurds lol as if Kurds (maternally Kurd myself) are a different group from Iranians. We Kurds, Farsi, Azeri, Lur, Qazvini, Khorasani, Tajik, Bandari, Pashtuns, Baloch etc ... we are one race called the Grand Iranic race.

- While some families may have preserved the blood to better degrees but majority of this community is now South Asian by genetics, 60 % of the mitochondrial genetics are now Coastal Indic like IndoPak cline hence the genetic link with Iranic land is gone too.


- They are going extinct at very fast rate.

- Most try to count as Iranic. You go to Anthrogena, Apricity or any forum and you will see one of these fellows living in west, trying extremely hard to wash off their south asian tag and come across as "patriotic Persian". They just do not want to be counted among the "Indics" around them at all costs which they deem as inferiors which is mind boggling since Indopak people gave them space and let them live in their land after they ran from Iran. IMO they should be thankful to the Indopak community instead of trying to stick out of the south asian genetic cline.

As a patriotic Iranist, I admire their devotion to Iranic unity. But they are just not one of us anymore, culturally or genetically either. Iranic plateau is genetically and culturally an extremely preserved place. A modern day Iranian carries 95 % genetic continuity in his blood from an iron age Iranian. That is extreme level blood preservation compared to any other racial group around Iranic Plateau. Indian genetics were changed drastically by our Aryan and Sychtian migrations. Anatolians were genetically rolled over by Romans, Byzantines, Greeks, Armenians and Oghuz but we are preserved well. Look at this PCA below a modern day Iranian is extremely close to this iron age ancestor.


This Parsi community with 60 % Indopak genes should be loyal to their own nations instead of obsessing 24/7 with anything Iranian. I feel sorry for these people because they were ours but they just dont behave like us and are different from us by blood as well. Like our IE Aryans and Sychtians who entered South Asia, this community will be assimilated in river of south Asian genetics in south Asia in next 50-100 years.
I have read about this Parsi community after few of these showed up on genetics forums. These are things I learnt about them.

- They have zero cultural affiliation left in them towards Iranic culture. They behave typically like where they are from be it India or Pakistan. Almost none can speak any Iranic language let alone Farsi itself. They may have one or two ancient practices in their families here or there but other than that they are just South Asians. Look at the horrendously wrong title of this thread by OP who probably did not know that Kurds are Medes Iranic group themselves. Iranians and Kurds lol as if Kurds (maternally Kurd myself) are a different group from Iranians. We Kurds, Farsi, Azeri, Lur, Qazvini, Khorasani, Tajik, Bandari, Pashtuns, Baloch etc ... we are one race called the Grand Iranic race.

- While some families may have preserved the blood to better degrees but majority of this community is now South Asian by genetics, 60 % of the mitochondrial genetics are now Coastal Indic like IndoPak cline hence the genetic link with Iranic land is gone too.


- They are going extinct at very fast rate.

- Most try to count as Iranic. You go to Anthrogena, Apricity or any forum and you will see one of these fellows living in west, trying extremely hard to wash off their south asian tag and come across as "patriotic Persian". They just do not want to be counted among the "Indics" around them at all costs which they deem as inferiors which is mind boggling since Indopak people gave them space and let them live in their land after they ran from Iran. IMO they should be thankful to the Indopak community instead of trying to stick out of the south asian genetic cline.

As a patriotic Iranist, I admire their devotion to Iranic unity. But they are just not one of us anymore, culturally or genetically either. Iranic plateau is genetically and culturally an extremely preserved place. A modern day Iranian carries 95 % genetic continuity in his blood from an iron age Iranian. That is extreme level blood preservation compared to any other racial group around Iranic Plateau. Indian genetics were changed drastically by our Aryan and Sychtian migrations. Anatolians were genetically rolled over by Romans, Byzantines, Greeks, Armenians and Oghuz but we are preserved well. Look at this PCA below a modern day Iranian is extremely close to this iron age ancestor.


This Parsi community with 60 % Indopak genes should be loyal to their own nations instead of obsessing 24/7 with anything Iranian. I feel sorry for these people because they were ours but they just dont behave like us and are different from us by blood as well. Like our IE Aryans and Sychtians who entered South Asia, this community will be assimilated in river of south Asian genetics in south Asia in next 50-100 years.

How many ethnicities are in present day Iran ?
which later turned into a thousand year rule over Persia.

Iranic Turks are over 80 % on average just NW Iranian from Medes lineages by genetics,just like Kurds which is why we cluster closest to Kurds instead of any other Turkic group. Even the earliest most Iranian Turks who arrived with Oghuz migrations have been culturally Iranian for 800 years and are well over 80 % Iranic by blood so its not like the ruling families came from foreign lands. Read this paper on autosomal DNA of Azeris and how close they are to Kurds, Tats, NW Persians.


Even the earliest most Turkics like Aq Qouvanlu used to called them Shahenshahs of Aryans. They used to consider themselves as derivatives of Achaemenid Persians in their letter exchanges with Russians and Ottomans.

Largest of the Iranian Kazalbas Turk tribes were synthesized inside Iranic domain such as Shamlu, Kadjars, Bayats etc and Saffavids were Kurds. This idea of Iran being ruled by some foreigner Turk is a funny joke and nothing else. Even the religion we follow was synthesized in Iran by Kurds, Persians, Turk orders like Zahediya, Saffaviya.

Iran is still guarded by Iranian Turks. The fierce and most proudest of Iranians.

Here are few

Bayat tribe Turk- Supreme Leader


Afshar Turk- Chief of the staff (highest ranking military officer in Iran)


Kadjar Turk- Naval Chief


Tabrizi Turk- Defense Minister


Battle Veteran and the one of the most decorated Commanders of IRGC ever

Iranic Turks are over 80 % on average just NW Iranian from Medes lineages by genetics,just like Kurds which is why we cluster closest to Kurds instead of any other Turkic group. Even the earliest most Iranian Turks who arrived with Oghuz migrations have been culturally Iranian for 800 years and are well over 80 % Iranic by blood so its not like the ruling families came from foreign lands. Read this paper on autosomal DNA of Azeris and how close they are to Kurds, Tats, NW Persians.


Even the earliest most Turkics like Aq Qouvanlu used to called them Shahenshahs of Aryans. They used to consider themselves as derivatives of Achaemenid Persians in their letter exchanges with Russians and Ottomans.

Largest of the Iranian Kazalbas Turk tribes were synthesized inside Iranic domain such as Shamlu, Kadjars, Bayats etc and Saffavids were Kurds. This idea of Iran being ruled by some foreigner Turk is a funny joke and nothing else. Even the religion we follow was synthesized in Iran by Kurds, Persians, Turk orders like Zahediya, Saffaviya.

Iran is still guarded by Iranian Turks. The fierce and most proudest of Iranians.

Here are few

Bayat tribe Turk- Supreme Leader


Afshar Turk- Chief of the staff (highest ranking military officer in Iran)


Kadjar Turk- Naval Chief


Tabrizi Turk- Defense Minister


Battle Veteran and the one of the most decorated Commanders of IRGC ever

Excellent! I appreciate that you actually jotted a reasonable rejoinder.

So let's analyze it... We're going to divide Turks in two, linguistics and genetics.

Language first, shall we... and there is a reason for that as I'll elaborate further below...

Turkic is an Asiatic language, originating in Northwestern China, Mongolia, Siberia and into Central Asia.
So, by agreeing to the above can we agree that Turkic language is NOT an Iranian or Persian language and doesn't even belong to the same family tree?
Now we come to the script...
Orkhon script literally comes or it's oldest iteration is found in Orkhon, Mongolia.

We are down to dynasties now...
Were Hunns, GokTurks, Seljuks or Oghuz Iranians or Persians?

Now, we come to genetics...

Above I think we established that Turks are Central and Eastern Asians, perhaps?

We perhaps established that their language and scripts were also Asian?

We know they ruled Persia, Asia Minor and South Asia for fairly long periods.

If merging with locals diluted their genetic impact, was perhaps because they're not seeking an empire far in the future of a pure race... a la Aryans?

I really do not want to further establish their former kinship and it's contemporary relationship with Iranians, as it turns out a vast majority of present day Turkiye is Not genetically Turk? Does that take away their past? Or that another dynasty ruled South Asia?

So, please pardon me from pseudo racial supremacy and it's political, historical or religious baggage and a thin thread it is hanging on to...

Tall talk of revival and birth right and domination and yet run to the mods crying because of a query? Seeing dreams of becoming a dinosaur while having the stature of an insect lolz.
I have read about this Parsi community after few of these showed up on genetics forums. These are things I learnt about them.

- They have zero cultural affiliation left in them towards Iranic culture. They behave typically like where they are from be it India or Pakistan. Almost none can speak any Iranic language let alone Farsi itself. They may have one or two ancient practices in their families here or there but other than that they are just South Asians. Look at the horrendously wrong title of this thread by OP who probably did not know that Kurds are Medes Iranic group themselves. Iranians and Kurds lol as if Kurds (maternally Kurd myself) are a different group from Iranians. We Kurds, Farsi, Azeri, Lur, Qazvini, Khorasani, Tajik, Bandari, Pashtuns, Baloch etc ... we are one race called the Grand Iranic race.

- While some families may have preserved the blood to better degrees but majority of this community is now South Asian by genetics, 60 % of the mitochondrial genetics are now Coastal Indic like IndoPak cline hence the genetic link with Iranic land is gone too.


- They are going extinct at very fast rate.

- Most try to count as Iranic. You go to Anthrogena, Apricity or any forum and you will see one of these fellows living in west, trying extremely hard to wash off their south asian tag and come across as "patriotic Persian". They just do not want to be counted among the "Indics" around them at all costs which they deem as inferiors which is mind boggling since Indopak people gave them space and let them live in their land after they ran from Iran. IMO they should be thankful to the Indopak community instead of trying to stick out of the south asian genetic cline.

As a patriotic Iranist, I admire their devotion to Iranic unity. But they are just not one of us anymore, culturally or genetically either. Iranic plateau is genetically and culturally an extremely preserved place. A modern day Iranian carries 95 % genetic continuity in his blood from an iron age Iranian. That is extreme level blood preservation compared to any other racial group around Iranic Plateau. Indian genetics were changed drastically by our Aryan and Sychtian migrations. Anatolians were genetically rolled over by Romans, Byzantines, Greeks, Armenians and Oghuz but we are preserved well. Look at this PCA below a modern day Iranian is extremely close to this iron age ancestor.


This Parsi community with 60 % Indopak genes should be loyal to their own nations instead of obsessing 24/7 with anything Iranian. I feel sorry for these people because they were ours but they just dont behave like us and are different from us by blood as well. Like our IE Aryans and Sychtians who entered South Asia, this community will be assimilated in river of south Asian genetics in south Asia in next 50-100 years.
Many thanks to you...You answered many of my questions about few items that I could not resolve..Your explanation is most clear and most appreciated.:cheers:
@Dariush the Great sepas dadashi.

The Atash Padshah burns bright and magnificent in each one of us.

Cheers, Doc
Welcome bro, it is just sad that some people forget that Parsi's come FROM Iran. They are pure Iranian in my opinion regardless of some mixing with Indians. Parsis lived in Iran for thousands of years before migrating to India.
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