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Revival of ancestral links between Iranians and Kurds and Parsis picking up pace around the world

Incredible work indeed, may the holy fire live long. In the famous Chinese novelist Jin Yong's masterpiece Tian Long Ba Bu, the mainline plot is about Zoroastrian, and thus many Chinese visiting Iran may also add Yazd as a destination to see Zoroastrian holy fire, it seems they should also go to India.

The Chinese have always been good to us bro.

As a people we appreciate all you are doing for our people in the middle east as well.

You are the hard backbone of their struggle, bought by our money.

Cheers, Doc
Sad that in India minorities like Parsis are getting alienated by the racist societies they once helped build up.

Parsis should do more against India.

I hate to agree with you. How is Bilawal doing?
How is Bilawal doing?

Bilawal is doing all he can for Niazi. Please be more patient.

Bilawal Niazi gath jorr of good cop bad cop friendly opposition is much appreciated globally.

Sindh should invite Indian Parsi business as India becomes more and more toxic to her citizens.

Ushta te.

Cheers, Doc
Is this your family?

No it's a inter racial faith center for Zoroastrians worldwide.

We allow mixed bloods here to learn about our ancient faith, usually their heritage from their mothers, and get a chance to pray before an Atash.

It's a lower grade Atash but still a Daremeher ...

Cheers, Doc
Kurds are the closest cousins of Baloch, one can see similarities in clothing, language and history.
Which Kurds?

At topic:

Of course, this is utter nonsense. In Kurdish and Turkish, 'Zerdüşt' is a derogatory term that is used to insult the other person. But you don't get this in your brain.

The likelihood of Kurds embracing your weird belief system is zero.
Which Kurds?

At topic:

Of course, this is utter nonsense. In Kurdish and Turkish, 'Zerdüşt' is a derogatory term that is used to insult the other person. But you don't get this in your brain.

The likelihood of Kurds embracing your weird belief system is zero.
Quoted the wrong person?

Project Parsi.

Lots of Iranians and Pakistanis in it.

Of course, Indians are the largest group.

Cheers, Doc


HPY 2019.

Holiday Program for Youth.

Cheers, Doc
The Chinese have always been good to us bro.

As a people we appreciate all you are doing for our people in the middle east as well.

You are the hard backbone of their struggle, bought by our money.

Cheers, Doc

I dont know much abt u guys. So who were not good to u? Why u guys had to migrate to india?
I dont know much abt u guys. So who were not good to u? Why u guys had to migrate to india?

The daddies of the Persian Iranis you see here. :)

And it continues to this day.

If you as a Pakistani know Parsis, you have an image of them.

You will be shocked the day you meet a real life Iranian Zoroastrian.

They are their dalits. Your churas and masihs.

Cheers, Doc
The daddies of the Persian Iranis you see here. :)

And it continues to this day.

If you as a Pakistani know Parsis, you have an image of them.

You will be shocked the day you meet a real life Iranian Zoroastrian.

They are their dalits. Your churas and masihs.

Cheers, Doc

Parsis in Pakistan are respected as far as i know, they were in karachi mostly. Jinnah had good links with parsis. I dont know about iranians though.
By the way churas and masihs are also now well accepted n respected. In a conservative area like KPK, here we give them meat on baqra eid and they usually give us chocolates and cakes on their Christmas.
Parsis in Pakistan are respected as far as i know, they were in karachi mostly. Jinnah had good links with parsis. I dont know about iranians though.
By the way churas and masihs are also now well accepted n respected. In a conservative area like KPK, here we give them meat on baqra eid and they usually give us chocolates and cakes on their Christmas.

It was just an example. I'm not a Pakistani so I'm just repeating what I've learned here.

Lower middle class to poor, peripheralized, subjugated, scared (you see it in their faces and eyes and how they talk to you the first time they come over). Their clothes.

Even our poor rural Parsis of Navsari and small villages in Gujarat are not like them.

Plus they are boisterous,happy, free, proud, and not fearful.

Thank you India. Jai Hind!

Cheers, Doc


A simple Google experiment.

I typed "Iran Zoroastrian" in an image search and this is the first result I got ...


I then typed out "India Parsi" in image search, and this is the first result I got ...


I then typed out "Pakistan Parsi"and got this ...


I then typed out "USA Parsi" and this is what I got ...


Not very scientific yeah ... but it is what it is.

Cheers, Doc
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