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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion


A real flying stealth prototype fighter jet... :) not like somthing else...
With real aerodynamics design and cockpit and well placed air intake and so on...
Isnt Fakour BVR a rip off of AIM-54 Phoenix ?
so far, no information has been published about Fakour missile. but similarities suggest it's a copy

When is the first test flight ?
defense minister said flight tests will be started after the taxi test, and this year it will fly.
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DSI ramp should be at entrance of intake not somewhere deep inside. Otherwise it wont divert anything.



Anyway I am not going to argue with stubborn kid anymore. If u want to think that this fat wing and canard thingy is supersonic - u are welcome.

When did I ever mention a DSI or claim that the F-313 had one? I mentioned an intake ramp, which is not a DSI. Which you seem to be confused about.

As for a thick wing or leading edge, i never claimed it was good for supersonic flight. I claimed a low spect ratio wing was.
@gambit what do you think about this birds stealth capability by its looks?
The rules for RCS are controls of:

1- Quantity of radiators
2- Array of radiators
3- Modes of radiation

There are no 'violations' of these rules, only the degrees of obedience to them.

Any body is a finite body where a radar signal must eventually leave this body. So for rules 1 and 2, the sphere is the most obedient. But there are no flying spheres. That leave the B-2 with its flying wing design is the next most obedient to rules 1 and 2. We want the least amount for rules 1 and 2.

For rule 3, we want as much control of as many modes of radiation as possible.

The bent wing tips on the Qaher made the design to have 8 major radiators compares to the F-22 with only 6 major structures. So if we are to go by visual cues alone, this design is less 'stealthy' than Western designs. Again, we are talking about visual cues only.
If it is indeed a stealth plane , the same advantage f35 enjoys this plane also enjoys but if it comes into line of sight then obviously the plane's abilities would be tested

Looks Legitimate plane

Even in the image hardly any reflection from the intakes pitch dark !!! No light reflection and the body also appears to be less reflective

This certainly gives the right impression of its size
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Engine nozzles are hidden to reduce radar detection. But they seem too small nothing like modern engine nozzles.
And the air inlets also look odd and small. Will they not produce too much drag and put too much strain on the airframe?.
Smaller size also means stealth.
Looks like a stealth ground attack jet to me. Not an interceptor or Air superiority fighter. Infiltrate enemy ground radars to take out marked targets silently. It wont be super sonic, wont carry big weapon load.
Its a big achievement if its not fake i have to admit.
And if i am not wrong even iran itslef dont claim it to be fighter jet.

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