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Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

Be sure to tag me the day you'll see it really landing and take off. It might never happen. It was really an embarrassment when the Q313 was revealed and that Iranian medias were showing an rc toy as a flying Q313 with ridiculous sounds effects.

Prove your balls ... leave after that !

Dude I'm complimenting about how powerful Tunisia is industrially and militarily. I'm telling them how Tunisia's military industry is producing high end technologies for their homemade fighter jets, so you don't need to push back.

Stop replying bro ... you can't change losers nature !
Be sure to tag me the day you'll see it really landing and take off. It might never happen. It was really an embarrassment when the Q313 was revealed and that Iranian medias were showing an rc toy as a flying Q313 with ridiculous sounds effects.
Iran showed RC model as RC model, it's your biased media who love to fabricate the news.
What a beauty



Can you stop pretending you know what you are talking about?

We cant even see the inside of the intake but one thing is plainly obvious, and that is that the intakes are much further spaced then the engines meaning there has to be some 'diverter' or control of boundary layer. Even if it had no intake tunnel able to divert airflow it could just use an intake ramp. There is two problems, one as I said dart, we can't see inside the intake so there is no way of knowing anything at this point, even if we could see inside it would be speculation based on known aerodynamic laws.

Again you don't know what you are talking about. Short wings give an aircraft excellent role rate which is very important in maneuvering.

That "bizzare"shape is also an anhedral design that reduces stability and increases maneuvering.

View attachment 390801

You mentioned the aircraft not being supersonic and you also mentioned the wings. The wings on this aircraft are relatively short which generally allows for higher speeds. This was one of the factors that gave aircraft such as F-104 and Mig-21 excellent high speed performance.

View attachment 390800

In regards to the top mounted intakes, there is zero way you are qualified to speak on the matter and give a definite conclusion. Unless you have performed the complex aerodynamic calculations and ran the aircraft through wind tunnels. Have you?

Are you suggesting that the engines are joked of oxogen when the aircraft pulls up?

Interesting because LEREX create vortex airflow over the center fuselage/wings.

View attachment 390802
LOL you always love arguing with me and always lose.


1) There is no any intake ramp inside, nor a diverter.
2) Wings and canards are expressively fat even in terms of WW2 fighter.
3) No fighter in the word has top intakes for simple reason they are going to suffocate even at minor alpha.

This thingie is closer to a GEV than to a plane.
LOL you always love arguing with me and always lose.


1) There is no any intake ramp inside, nor a diverter.
2) Wings and canards are expressively fat even in terms of WW2 fighter.
3) No fighter in the word has top intakes for simple reason they are going to suffocate even at minor alpha.

This thingie is closer to a GEV than to a plane.

Are you scared ?
Ignore the trolls.

I'm interested what is being tested in this taxi test. The engines are likely the Owj engines which have been tested before. Taxi tests are usually to test engines.
LOL you always love arguing with me and always lose.


1) There is no any intake ramp inside, nor a diverter.
2) Wings and canards are expressively fat even in terms of WW2 fighter.
3) No fighter in the word has top intakes for simple reason they are going to suffocate even at minor alpha.

This thingie is closer to a GEV than to a plane.

Thanks for that enlightenment. :lol: you literally know nothing about anything esspecially aviation. Go make some paper airplanes and play in your sandbox.

How do you know how the inside of the intake looks like? How in gods name can you see if it has an intake ramp?

It reminds me of the time you claimed to have x ray vision because you magically knew what was or wasn't inside targets Russia bombed in Palmyra.

You looked like a fool with your earlier post. You did not even know the technical terms of anything you claimed and if you don't even know proper terminology then it shows you are talking out of your behind.
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