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It was traditionally 3 days here :D(nobody does it today), rich people like Sultans would have a 40 day wedding(kırk gün kırk gece)

What is kojove ?

These blonde and red haired mummies from East Turkistan are not Turks, before Uyghurs conquered the region, today's East Turkistan was home to a native Indo-European population, thats why today Uyghurs have some significiant levels of genetic mixture.
The point is, Turks don't necessary have to have Greek or European blood to be able to have blondism. Europeans are trying to claim that. Especially Greeks when they see light or blonde Turk while they look like an orc themselves. It is euro-centrism. By the way, I also have relatives with red or blonde hair combined with amber eyes.

By the way, Indo-European is not an ethinicity but language group. Hell even Indians are indo-european speakers. It is just language, not relatedness.
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It was traditionally 3 days here :D(nobody does it today), rich people like Sultans would have a 40 day wedding(kırk gün kırk gece)

What is kojove ?
today it's very expansive to take such marriage cuz of it people removing some part of our traditionally marriage to make it shouter and cheaper

What is kojove ?
kojove or Gochove(i hop you get it ) it's root came from göçmek it's day girl should go to husband house it's start like this
from morning the bride side should Ready their house for guests
when the guest arraive the womens go to women side the mans go to mans side after dancing and celebrating and singing turkmen tradition Poetry they have do some tradition to bride i know nothing of it you should ask it from turkmen females in mans side we run agh'saghal council and celebrit the this holy day than we the grooms father give kiz baha (girl's money ) to birds father . the money should givin to bride it's her money the amount of the money is unknowing to every one except two fathers whom agree about it before all these the money amount should remain secret even after marriage than when the womens done we made long line of cars on head of the line there is bride and groom car which decorated by turkmen tradition things one of the girls in Bride's car have ring and she ringing it when the cars start to move and bib bib bibib bib :D the festival is over for all males of Bride side but females will go to husbands house and feast there too (they do some impotent tradition including "annaqi geydirmek"and "ghizil dakinmak" they also sing tradition Poetry) and after they eat dinner there is bedding ceremony (we don't take it today) and bal bla bla our tiradtions is very long and im lazy :lol: i note that we cant sing randomly Poetry every "marasem" has it's own tradition Poetry :azn: i hop you get it or im lazy to explain more :D

edit : the kiz baha is same with persian mehriye but we should give it in the day we marry but persian i think should give it when they are divorcing idk i just see it in movies :D maybe kiz baha and mehriye is not same at all
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Sounds close our "Gelin alma/Kız alma"

Male side goes to bride's house, bride's side waits there, they dance ,have fun and pray, I don't know all the details but they take the bride and return to male side's house, of course they make convoys with cars and bip bip just like you :D since there were no cars before, they would go on foot, alongside with musicians, bride would ride a horse like this
today it's very expansive to take such marriage cuz of it people removing some part of our traditionally marriage to make it shouter and cheaper

kojove or Gochove(i hop you get it ) it's root came from göçmek it's day girl should go to husband house it's start like this
from morning the bride side should Ready their house for guests
when the guest arraive the womens go to women side the mans go to mans side after dancing and celebrating we turkmen tradition Poetry they have do some tiridition to bride i know nothing of it you should ask it from turkmen females in mans side we run agh'saghal council and celebrit the this holy day than we the grooms father give kiz baha (girl's money ) to birds father . the money should givin to bride it's her money the amount of the money is unknowing to every one except two fathers whom agree about it before all these the money amount should remain secret even after marriage than when the womens done we made long line of cars on head of the line there is bride and groom car which decorated by turkmen tradition things one of the girls in Bride's car have ring and she ringing it when the cars start to move and bib bib bibib bib :D the festival is over for all males of Bride side but females will go to husbands house and feast there too (they do some impotent tradition including "annaqi geydirmek"and "ghizil dakinmak" they also sing tradition Poetry) and after they eat dinner there is bedding ceremony (we don't take it today) and bal bla bla our tiradtions is very long and im lazy :lol: i note that we cant sing randomly Poetry every "marasem" has it's own tradition Poetry :azn: i hop you get it or im lazy to explain more :D

edit : the kiz baha is same with persian mehriye but we should give it in the day we marry but persian i think should give it when they are divorcing idk i just see it in movies :D maybe kiz baha and mehriye is not same at all
Nope, they are not the same dude. I think Persians do the same and give the Shir Baha, as they call it, before or during the wedding, and mehriyeh is another thing which is a religious law, and usually they pay it when they want to divorce. @Serpentine , Am I right?
@Targon , @ghara ghan

Do you guys use the term "Küreken" (Küregen)? Its equivelant of "Damat".

Another thing, in my native region, besides "Ata", we use "Qağa" for father, do you have any similar usage?
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@Targon we have some colored "parche" on bride and groom' car do yo have un sepelemek ? :D we do this on both car before they move but in husbend house in "annaqi geydirmek" when we put charghad on head of bride we do the un sepelemek again this time in bride's head
Nope, they are not the same dude. I think Persians do the same and give the Shir Baha, as they call it, before or during the wedding, and mehriyeh is another thing which is a religious law, and usually they pay it when they want to divorce. @Serpentine , Am I right?

ُShir Baha is becoming too obsolete, I haven't seen anyone paying it in cities anymore, but in some rural areas, it's still given.
It has nothing to do with Persians specifically, it also exists in Jewish traditions and some ancient civilizations.
Today it's practiced in countries like Thailand, Afghanistan and some countries in Central Asia and Africa.

Bride price - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope, they are not the same dude. I think Persians do the same and give the Shir Baha, as they call it, before or during the wedding, and mehriyeh is another thing which is a religious law, and usually they pay it when they want to divorce. @Serpentine , Am I right?

This from an Islamic Fiqh book I have (Masail Al-Qudoori)


A Mahr was stipulated and then he divorced her. Is the entire amount wajib (Obligatory)?

If he had sex, or died with her in his marriage even without sex, then she is entitled to the entire mahr. If he divorced her without sex or khalwah sahihah then she is entitled to half of the mahr. Allah says: " If you divorce them before touching them and you had stipulated an amount then it is half that amount."
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Btw during Gelin alma, sometimes bride's side don't open the door, some motherf.cker from bride side says he wants money otherwise he would not open the door :D

Well they put some red ornaments/cloths on car, about un sepelemek, I didn't heard but as I said I don't know all the deails :D

Wait a minute, I just remembered some people at my grandpa's village(especially old guys) were calling each other gaga :D just searched it in google and indeed its used in at that region and some other regions.
We also say "Güvey" other then Damat, I don't know any other word.

May be regionally I don't know.

These are the following terms used among us: Kürəkən, Yeznə, Göyü.

Different from region to region, our villages only use Kürəkən.
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