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Post your non Anatolian Turkish ancestry

@Serpentine well our kizi baha (girl's money ) is not same with bride price :D we it's money which given to bride with a lot of gold jewelry not to birds family :-) the girl can do what ever she like she can go to travel or she can add something she wants to new house she can buy more jewelry ...... it's all her money it's not our business

@Targon we do the ornaments/cloths on car too but it's have a lot of color not just red and we have "un sepelemek" :-) do you have "duvun chek" ? in sacrifice festival (ghurban bayrami) do you give your sacrificed's heart to damat side ? :D after marriage in the date of the marriage the damat side should send basket which have honey , sugar , apple ,Pears , and flowers to bride side for 2-3 years . do you do this ?:bounce:
@ASQ-1918 dude this is the way i call my family

father = dada
mother = nana
Sibling = doghon /doqon
brother = erkek doqon
sister = kiz doqon
father's father = kaka
father's mother = eje
father's sister = ejeke
father's brother = amja /amu
mother's father = baba/bava
mother's mother = mama
mother's sister = dayza
mother's brother = dayi
I meeting with girlfriend's mother this weekend. I'm already a bit nervous..... and this talk made me think about how we are going to do "Kız istemek" etc..... Uffff....... I don't wanna think about it for now. :D
lol idk why when i read your comment i just thinking about illidan whom says YOU ARE NOT PREPARED :rofl::lol: sinan i ill drive your car when the bip bip starts :D :lol: and ill dance like this :chilli:
I don't think so, or at least don't know any of them :D

@Sinan sizde de varmı abi anlamında "gaga" sözü ? yoksa sadece Dinar tarafına mı özgü acaba ?

Valla, benim dedem 12 yaşında çıkmış Afyon'dan astsubay yatılı okuluna yazılarak. Bütün yakın akrabalarım Ankara'da, sadece çok uzak akrabalar var Afyon'da. O yüzden Afyon'un örf, adet, vs. pek bilmem... :undecided:
lol idk why when i read your comment i just thinking about illidan whom says YOU ARE NOT PREPARED :rofl::lol: sinan i ill drive your car when the bip bip starts :D :lol: and ill dance like this :chilli:

I once said to GF, " if it were up to me. I wouldn't want "Düğün" "Nişan" etc.... We should just get into our car and drive to honeymoon".

Well, she clearly said that she wants düğün...... no escaping, i guess.... :undecided:

Do you mean Illidan Stormrage ? :unsure:

Yeap. :D
I meeting with girlfriend's mother this weekend. I'm already a bit nervous..... and this talk made me think about how we are going to do "Kız istemek" etc..... Uffff....... I don't wanna think about it for now. :D
That will be very awkward. I just cant imagine how it is going to be for me when the time comes.
Oh please you're saying that as if you actually know what a Girlfriend is ? :whistle:

Last I heard you were into Mugabe ! :lol:
Mugabe? this one?!
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