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Pictures expose hate preacher Anjem Choudary as boozing party animal


Jan 28, 2012
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HATE preacher Anjem Choudary is today exposed as “the biggest hypocrite around” — by ex-student friends who knew him as a drunken, womanising buffoon called Andy.

Choudary’s old pals spoke out as the Muslim fanatic tried desperately to get embarrassing photos deleted off the internet.

The pictures show the young Choudary boozing, playing drinking games and laughing at a soft-**** mag.

One former student at Southampton University said: “He always turned up late for lectures, if he turned up at all, and sat at the back mucking about.

“He lived with some other guys who had the reputation for being the hard-drinking party crowd who did very little work. I used to see him stagger out of a nightclub pretty much every weekend.

“Choudary lived in an area of Southampton called St Mary’s, which back then was very seedy with a lot of prostitution and drugs. It is staggering that he’s pushing for sharia law. He is the biggest hypocrite and loser around.”

Dad-of-four Choudary, 46 — who gets £25,000 a year in benefits — has repeatedly called for the strict law in Britain, with all women forced to wear burkas, drinkers given 40 lashes in public and adulterers stoned to death for sex outside marriage.

One former pal added: “Before he grew his beard and turned to fundamentalism we knew him as Andy and he was famed for his party piece which was downing a pint of cider in seconds.”

The Sun is leading a campaign for Choudary to be arrested for his sick rants on terrorism.

The photos emerged after he said Brits live “like animals in a jungle” amid booze, gambling, prostitution and ****.

A follower revealed humiliated Choudary was furious at the images showing him flouting the strict laws. The source said: “Anjem is deeply embarrassed."







Haha, hypocrite moralist.
Only in UK - they will ban TV and Print ads that have too skinny of a model in it but will allow Islamist to roam and speak freely!

Only in UK - will you see huge crowd on non-muslims on the streets protesting against the EDL But will never see any Muslims ( groups) protesting Ajum chowdary and other Islamist.

Only in UK - will mosque offer tea to the EDL to have peaceful discussions . But will never harness its members to go on the streets and stand opposite and try to talk down the Islamist groups chanting hate against UK and rest of the world.
Attention seeking idiot. Thank you for showing us his real face. Lock this fool in jail for ever or best deport him to Pakistan.
Its a normal transformation process of many muslims who hits some life crisis ... many womanizing, boozing people later grow beard and become some kind of fundoo.. but most are harmless unlike Mr Chaudhry...
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