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India will be safe in Narendra Modi's hands : Sadhu Yadav

I am branding him as bigot because of his comments about Muslims in this country.. I do not have any pain if you call me traitor or anything you want.. I dont want to proove it to any one.. For some of you Modi may be bigger than the country.. Not me.. So yea, for me he is a bigot!!

So says the Emperor! :D

Seriously - for me he is not :yahoo:
I get a feeling Modi has been given too much of importance by media......

Think they thought he'll break through...fact is that all that I see now is theatrics- 5 rs entry, 'challenging'PM on Independence day etc. Whether or not Modi had his inaugural rally in hyderabad, BJP will not any votes in AP at all- the ground reality remains the same.
I am branding him as bigot because of his comments about Muslims in this country.. I do not have any pain if you call me traitor or anything you want.. I dont want to proove it to any one.. Not me.. So yea, for me he is a bigot!!

And what exactly is his comments about Muslims in this country ?...AM quiet curious ....

For some of you Modi may be bigger than the country..

Who exactly...and what makes you think that Modi is BIGGER than country for these people .. explain... How do you know what they think ?

Your are border line close to calling certain members extremists , please watch what you say , besides i do not want to give you an explanation on how people started making fun of the word "secular" . You should understand that people are very very upset at this vote bank politics and favoring minority Religions in every god damn thing . People can only withstand this one sided politics and favoritism for so long .
Think they thought he'll break through...fact is that all that I see now is theatrics- 5 rs entry, 'challenging'PM on Independence day etc. Whether or not Modi had his inaugural rally in hyderabad, BJP will not any votes in AP at all- the ground reality remains the same.

Did "Queen bee" cried for Tundas arrest??? :P

BJP will win few Seats in AP. They will take considerable share of Votes.. Pappu gonna suck in AP...
Can i ask you something?????? What stops you from flying your own country flag?????? Ashamed??

Because Pakistan has been annexed by South Korea. Pakistan as a nation does not exist any more...
So says the Emperor! :D

Seriously - for me he is not :yahoo:

Then tell me why members get personal when talking about Modi? Why did every one who opposes Modi automatically become traitor of the nation? Every one here criticizes every political leadership in our country and when it comes to Modi, people behave like some one touched the holy grail? If you support Modi its fine by me.. Its your choice.. But I have reservation about him and his methods..
Well I am not branding you a traitor. :D But branding Modi a bigot may also be objected to by people. Especially by Modi :D Though he never justifies his actions(which is what I do as well). Anyway your opinion is yours. I have (personally) no problem :D

That said the level of frustration is very high - especially among the youth. India wants a way out of the present dismal situation. Modi has fit the bill according to millions. Had it not been Modi it would have been someone else. So any insult against Modi is seen as an insult against the idea of a strong India. So the rest follows.
Then tell me why members get personal when talking about Modi? Why did every one who opposes Modi automatically become traitor of the nation? Every one here criticizes every political leadership in our country and when it comes to Modi, people behave like some one touched the holy grail? If you support Modi its fine by me.. Its your choice.. But I have reservation about him and his methods..
And what exactly is his comments about Muslims in this country ?...AM quiet curious ....

Well for a start blaming those innocents living in a refugee camp for the population boom and
comparing victims of Gujrat riot to the puppy got under the wheel of a car.. I dont think it shows his immense love for the Muslims here in India..

Who exactly...and what makes you think that Modi is BIGGER than country for these people .. explain... How do you know what they think ?

Already mentioned.. Modi is like a holy grail for some.. Those who criticse him will automatically become traitor of this countryy..

Your are border line close to calling certain members extremists , please watch what you say ,

I am in the border line calling them extremists.. There is no problem for branding us a traitors just because we belong to another religion...
besides i do not want to give you an explanation on how people started making fun of the word "secular" . You should understand that people are very very upset at this vote bank politics and favoring minority Religions in every god damn thing . People can only withstand this one sided politics and favoritism for so long .

Why exactly it is the fault of ours? I am all against vote bank politics and many ideologies of congress..Just because, they use it for vote bank, how secularism is bad? You do not have bash other religions to gain vote.. Manohar Parrikar won in Goa not because of vote bank politics.. People find him fit to rule the state.. If people find Modi fit to rule the nation, then they will elect him.. That does not mean that those who oppose him should keep silent.. We are in a democratic country and I have every right to criticize its leaders..
"living in a refugee camp for the population boom" - I have read this. Please provide a source that he said this. A video or an audio recording or any other respectable source that established it beyond reasonable doubt.
"puppy remark" - You know as well as I do that it was not meant to be demeaning. It may be crude but he did not equate any community with puppies. You know this.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-modis-hands-sadhu-yadav-5.html#ixzz2cVyqLtOC

Please never bring in religion. If someone else does, please report it. You are Indian. Just as I am. That is enough.

I am secular as well. That is why I won't vote for Congress. I would support Mr. Modi.
Well for a start blaming those innocents living in a refugee camp for the population boom and
comparing victims of Gujrat riot to the puppy got under the wheel of a car.. I dont think it shows his immense love for the Muslims here in India..

Already mentioned.. Modi is like a holy grail for some.. Those who criticse him will automatically become traitor of this countryy..

I am in the border line calling them extremists.. There is no problem for branding us a traitors just because we belong to another religion...

Why exactly it is the fault of ours? I am all against vote bank politics and many ideologies of congress..Just because, they use it for vote bank, how secularism is bad? You do not have bash other religions to gain vote.. Manohar Parrikar won in Goa not because of vote bank politics.. People find him fit to rule the state.. If people find Modi fit to rule the nation, then they will elect him.. That does not mean that those who oppose him should keep silent.. We are in a democratic country and I have every right to criticize its leaders..
Then tell me why members get personal when talking about Modi? Why did every one who opposes Modi automatically become traitor of the nation? Every one here criticizes every political leadership in our country and when it comes to Modi, people behave like some one touched the holy grail? If you support Modi its fine by me.. Its your choice.. But I have reservation about him and his methods..

We are opening two new threads everyday on Modi and discussing the same topic over and over again. Can we be more constructive and discuss- "If not Modi, then who should be"? Should the next PM be someone from Congress, BJP, or Third Front? Who should be that person? And most importantly; WHY?

Please contribute on that line, we are not going anywhere with this love Modi hate Modi thing.
Well for a start blaming those innocents living in a refugee camp for the population boom and
comparing victims of Gujrat riot to the puppy got under the wheel of a car.. I dont think it shows his immense love for the Muslims here in India..

OH boy .... you have no clue what he meant do you....Maybe you should listen to the entire conversation before making any remarks.....Maybe if you actually read his comments instead of seeing the media you would understand ... The puppy controversy is Nothing but people clutching at straws to blame Modi . There are two sides of the story you are only looking at one and am looking at the other side , adn anyone who understand simple hindi will look at from the side am looking at..

Give me a link to the refugee remark

Already mentioned.. Modi is like a holy grail for some.. Those who criticse him will automatically become traitor of this countryy

whom ? and why ?

I am in the border line calling them extremists.. There is no problem for branding us a traitors just because we belong to another religion...

Quote those posts where someone called you a traitor just because you belonged to another religion ....

Why exactly it is the fault of ours? I am all against vote bank politics and many ideologies of congress..Just because, they use it for vote bank, how secularism is bad? You do not have bash other religions to gain vote.. Manohar Parrikar won in Goa not because of vote bank politics.. People find him fit to rule the state.. If people find Modi fit to rule the nation, then they will elect him.. That does not mean that those who oppose him should keep silent.. We are in a democratic country and I have every right to criticize its leaders..

1. Where did i say its your fault ?
2. Secularism is not bad, people are making fun of this "supposedly" secular govt. because they seem to be heavily favoring Non Hindus ( which is directly against the principles of secularism), you will not understand until you experience it , until it effects you personally....
3. Where did Modi bash another Religion , he has been voted 3 consecutive times by Gujarati Muslims
4. Sure oppose him all you want, but oppose him with some reasoning and not of this age old Gujarat issue which is being blown out of proportion while the congress govt. has been directly involved in Innumerable massacres ...
Well I am not branding you a traitor. :D But branding Modi a bigot may also be objected to by people. Especially by Modi :D Though he never justifies his actions(which is what I do as well). Anyway your opinion is yours. I have (personally) no problem :D

I am not talking about you mate.. I was talking about the general tendencies in this forum..His hatred for muslims are shown in his speeches, just a rakhi from one Muslim women shouldnt make you blind

That said the level of frustration is very high - especially among the youth. India wants a way out of the present dismal situation. Modi has fit the bill according to millions. Had it not been Modi it would have been someone else. So any insult against Modi is seen as an insult against the idea of a strong India. So the rest follows

Yes, I understand.. I am also tired and frustrated by the current rule..But supporting Modi is like for the sake of development we are taking risk with the unity of this country.. Modi is a hype created by PR group..
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