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#Pakistanstandswithindia - An Irony

According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

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Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others
You're overinterpretIng. Straightforward eliciting of a certain unavoidable reaction from Indians. It's quite funny watching them struggle to say "thank you Imran...but but but Pakistan is soon to collapse too". It reveals their hand quite nicely.
we are overwhelmed by the gesture . :coffee:
Keep grinding your teeth.
OBL was killed a decade ago.. when the border areas were not secure and passage was easy.. and quite a trick indians pull-up by mentioning millitary base when Obama trashed indian reporters twice for trying to link up Pakistan as a state with OBL being there..

On a second note OBL was a most wanted terrorist now one of top 10 is an indian..

And london bombers were British last time I checked.. yes they belonged to Pakistani families but they were born and raised in UK.. and were brainwashed by Al Qaeda..

And its funny for the likes of you to pull out old stuff from the closet while in reality Pakistan has moved on and is going towards a better future.. while india is another Germany in waiting..

Now its upto likes of you to choose who will the next hitler be... Yogi or Yati

very weak defence .
it will take decades to present a positive perception before the world. if everything goes right in afghanistan you may be succesful in washing your hands from past .
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You can stand your ground on overall issues but can also have moral high ground in circumstances which is affecting whole world.

Just look at the example of our Holy Prophet, lady used to throw garbage on him but when she stopped our Prophet went on to check her if she was sick, Let them throw garbage it just shows who they are.

West or other countries are not blind, biggest fault lies with Pakistan and Pakistani themselves. INDIA IS A BIG ECONOMY & they need india as fodder against China, hence you see change best way for Pakistan to get international support is to build its economy for nation which has 200+mil population only then Pakistan can fully utilise its proper power otherwise it will just stay a 3rd world country
Well for Shoaib Akhtar, he is a youtuber now, so he has to please his crowd. Majority of his subscribers are from India. Bhaiya roozi rooti hai, kuch tou uss ne kehna hai na...

after playing so many years , still roji roti ka sawal ?
tell him to eat namak roti and cut his youtube connection ...............:enjoy:
India just took advantage of post 9/11 situation, when most of the western countries got indulged in islamophobia... and Pakistan being a Muslim country gave enough fuel to India to take full advantage of the situation.

The two biggest beneficiaries of 9/11 were India and Israel. And perhaps some other countries like in east Europe. And I dare say both India and Israel were gloating about 9/11 while were shedding crocodiles tears. In a way I don't blame them: Pakistan failed to neutralize the Al-Qaida threat from Afghanistan, especially after USS Cole attack, and it was only a matter of time when Pakistan would be put on the spot-light--but for very wrong reasons. Pakistan had no strategic, let alone 'tactical' reasons to appease Al-Qaida: This was essentially an Arab-Israeli-American conflict. But being the chief patron of the Taliban govt in Afghanistan, Pakistan was framed.
Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

I vehemently disagree and here is why i believe so.

Who needs a reminder about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) story of helping a woman who threw garbage on him?

Do we need to remind ourselves that Prophet conquered Mecca and granted amnesty to people who did everything to hurt him and muslim, but when the time came he pardoned everyone including Hinda who ate liver of his beloved uncle?

I remember there was a story of scorpio and turtle in our curriculum. Scorpio got the back ride from turtle but continued to sting his shell but turtle carried on the journey in lake and did not give up his trait to help even his enemies.

We routinely see Pakistan army helping Sick/injured Afghan soldiers even when those people leave no chance to hurt Pakistan.

I can recount a story from 2002, when India was planning to invade Pakistan and one of their soldier fell in AJK however a Pakistani captain saw him and helped him to get back to India.

In 2016, the night India claimed a surgical strike in Pakistan, Chandu Chohan was caught by Pakistani soldiers. While Indian side was engaged in a smear campaign and all kind of propaganda, PA didn't hurt Chandu and provided him with food and shelter. PA had every right to shoot him or keep him hostage.

Honorable Edhi sb was threatened by people of MQM in Karachi, but he continued to treat and help MQM workers even after everything.

I am quoting a hadith here
You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness." - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 2125
In-book reference: Book 34, Hadith 77
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 3, Book 34, Hadith 335

No we Pakistanis are not in any inferiority complex nor we are trying to appease Indians or Westerners. It is our conviction that we are better than rest when it comes to empathy and compassion. This is basic human decency which we are very proud of.
I vehemently disagree and here is why i believe so.

Who needs a reminder about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) story of helping a woman who threw garbage on him?

Do we need to remind ourselves that Prophet conquered Mecca and granted amnesty to people who did everything to hurt him and muslim, but when the time came he pardoned everyone including Hinda who ate liver of his beloved uncle?

I remember there was a story of scorpio and turtle in our curriculum. Scorpio got the back ride from turtle but continued to sting his shell but turtle carried on the journey in lake and did not give up his trait to help even his enemies.

We routinely see Pakistan army helping Sick/injured Afghan soldiers even when those people leave no chance to hurt Pakistan.

I can recount a story from 2002, when India was planning to invade Pakistan and one of their soldier fell in AJK however a Pakistani captain saw him and helped him to get back to India.

In 2016, the night India claimed a surgical strike in Pakistan, Chandu Chohan was caught by Pakistani soldiers. While Indian side was engaged in a smear campaign and all kind of propaganda, PA didn't hurt Chandu and provided him with food and shelter. PA had every right to shoot him or keep him hostage.

Honorable Edhi sb was threatened by people of MQM in Karachi, but he continued to treat and help MQM workers even after everything.

I am quoting a hadith here
You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgivenaess and kindness." - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 2125
In-book reference: Book 34, Hadith 77
USC-MSA web (English) reference: Vol. 3, Book 34, Hadith 335

No we Pakistanis are not in any inferiority complex nor we are trying to appease Indians or Westerners. It is our conviction that we are better than rest when it comes to empathy and compassion. This is basic human decency which we are very proud of.

Beautiful words, full of prudence and sage, simply follow the sunnah and read about holy prophet, pbuh, life and deeds.

Why make your life complex and instill it with the virus of hate.

Hate the hateful ideology, and not humans.

Like it is said, I don't want to make my life miserable and devour it with hatred, let others hate me, I don't let hate destroy my life and good deeds, and my akhirah.
You need to learn to separate the average Indian person from the ruling elite. Average Indian has no desire to hate Pakistan and only does so because of the daily bull$hit fed to them by the Indian state media run by the elites. The average Indian is stuck in the cycle to keep head above water and live in their own world.

Those average Indians have elected BJP in power, it is delusional to think that average Indian dont hate Pakistan, they have showed time and again their true face since 1947, only so called liberals in Pakistan who have not studied history and have no connection in India cry for Aman ka Tamasha, Indians will never show their true face till appropriate time.
1. Nothing wrong with charity. The concept of Rahma is one of the most beautiful things we have in Islam. We are obliged to be merciful regardless of religion, ethnicity and other things. I for example give money to several (Muslim!) charities and some are also active in India.

2. Islam also obliges you to use your brain. Do we Pakistanis have enough for ourselves? You cannot go out and extinguish the candle light at your neighbours home while your own home is burning. Common sense people! My mother-in-law had to pay 8000 PKR for a PCR-test, how many Pakistanis can afford such an amount just for testing?

3. Given our recent history, Pakistan and India cannot get along. Our gesture is just a PR stunt, will be forgotten for good and never be appreciated. From a realpolitik standpoint this nothing good. India will continue to hate on Muslims and make the life of Kashmiris difficult. Help yourself and your kind first and then help people friendly to you! Stop the PR stunts, India was a poor country before Covid too, but there was no such Twitter trend in February 2019 (you know).

4. When a Pakistani shows sympathy towards Bosnians, Afghans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Indian Muslims or when a Pakistani even wants good relationships with Bangladesh, he will be condemned as too "Muslimy", "Ummah ka chumma" and "Pakistan first" you will hear everywhere. But helping our archenemy, the literal anti-Islam idol in this world is something good now? Please, gimmie a break!

Pakistan first, Hindus 1090293480239840th!
1. Nothing wrong with charity. The concept of Rahma is one of the most beautiful things we have in Islam. We are obliged to be merciful regardless of religion, ethnicity and other things. I for example give money to several (Muslim!) charities and some are also active in India.

2. Islam also obliges you to use your brain. Do we Pakistanis have enough for ourselves? You cannot go out and extinguish the candle light at your neighbours home while your own home is burning. Common sense people! My mother-in-law had to pay 8000 PKR for a PCR-test, how many Pakistanis can afford such an amount just for testing?

3. Given our recent history, Pakistan and India cannot get along. Our gesture is just a PR stunt, will be forgotten for good and never be appreciated. From a realpolitik standpoint this nothing good. India will continue to hate on Muslims and make the life of Kashmiris difficult. Help yourself and your kind first and then help people friendly to you! Stop the PR stunts, India was a poor country before Covid too, but there was no such Twitter trend in February 2019 (you know).

4. When a Pakistani shows sympathy towards Bosnians, Afghans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Indian Muslims or when a Pakistani even wants good relationships with Bangladesh, he will be condemned as too "Muslimy", "Ummah ka chumma" and "Pakistan first" you will hear everywhere. But helping our archenemy, the literal anti-Islam idol in this world is something good now? Please, gimmie a break!

Pakistan first, Hindus 1090293480239840th!
I see you are making a distinction between Pakistani and Hindu
after playing so many years , still roji roti ka sawal ?
tell him to eat namak roti and cut his youtube connection ...............:enjoy:

Some people like to earn more, some people are satisfied with less. You can see rest of retired Pakistani players, who at-most do commentary or be on some television program at that's it. This guy on the other hand is a youtuber, who makes video on any/every topic. Some times he becomes a marketing expert, some times he pretends to be lyrical genius, the guy is only in it for money from YouTube so he makes the content that is easily consumable for his audience(majority of which are from india).

Kuch laug saaday hotain hain, aur kuch laug shooday hotain hain... He is the later one.
1. Nothing wrong with charity. The concept of Rahma is one of the most beautiful things we have in Islam. We are obliged to be merciful regardless of religion, ethnicity and other things. I for example give money to several (Muslim!) charities and some are also active in India.

2. Islam also obliges you to use your brain. Do we Pakistanis have enough for ourselves? You cannot go out and extinguish the candle light at your neighbours home while your own home is burning. Common sense people! My mother-in-law had to pay 8000 PKR for a PCR-test, how many Pakistanis can afford such an amount just for testing?

3. Given our recent history, Pakistan and India cannot get along. Our gesture is just a PR stunt, will be forgotten for good and never be appreciated. From a realpolitik standpoint this nothing good. India will continue to hate on Muslims and make the life of Kashmiris difficult. Help yourself and your kind first and then help people friendly to you! Stop the PR stunts, India was a poor country before Covid too, but there was no such Twitter trend in February 2019 (you know).

4. When a Pakistani shows sympathy towards Bosnians, Afghans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Indian Muslims or when a Pakistani even wants good relationships with Bangladesh, he will be condemned as too "Muslimy", "Ummah ka chumma" and "Pakistan first" you will hear everywhere. But helping our archenemy, the literal anti-Islam idol in this world is something good now? Please, gimmie a break!

Pakistan first, Hindus 1090293480239840th!

we don't need your goodwill keep it for your people who are suffering and dying from corona .
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