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#Pakistanstandswithindia - An Irony

Global perceptions are getting better day by day and the time is not far when Pakistan will be seen like it was in pre 9/11 era.

The final nail in the coffin is the US departure from Afghanistan.

And no, except India, I don't think any other country has termed Pakistan a sponsor of terrorism.

Problem with Indians is that they believe what Indian media shows them.. same problem is with Pakistani liberals who think that world sees Pakistan with Indian eyes.
True. No other state has termed Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. However just because they have not termed Pakistan as such does not mean that their actions have not reflected change. Perceptions have led to changes - Companies don't invest in Pakistan even 1/10th of what they could/should on account of a large population. Tourists don't come to Pakistan. Pakistanis find it difficult to get visas even compared to Indians and Bangladeshis.

It remains to be seen if all this changes back for Pakistan.
According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others

It seems we have lost self respect and love for country, some people got paid from one way or another and they start these kind of campaigns to create soft corner for India (snake).

Our security establishment should stop this nonsense, India is hell bent on destroying Pakistan and some morons here are crying for those who will not hesitate to kill Muslims and specially Pakistanis when possible.
It's nothing but perception building.

Pakistanis are suffering from a bad perception about them built by India and the world that they want to show others they are good people.

You can say, the people who are involved in such trends are also suffering from inferiority complex. They feel good when 1 in 100 Indians thank them.... even if 99 still make a mockery of the offer being made out of desperation.

Sadly our liberals suffer from this inferiority complex the most.
Little man syndrome
According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others
In my opinion it will give us first ground towards exposing hindutva... we can not expose indian propagandists by being all negative about india.. this kindness and symphaty idk if it's real or fake can build a bridge for us to expose the hate spreaders in india..

Indian propagandists be it Hindutavis or their govt orgs all use propaganda to fool indians if we can show indian people the reality the be it Yati Narsinghanand or Gaurav Arya or whole f*cking Srivastva group all will be exposed easily
Our security establishment should stop this nonsense, India is hell bent on destroying Pakistan and some morons here are crying for those who will not hesitate to kill Muslims and specially Pakistanis when possible.

Thanks for reading.

This is the point I am trying to make. Our establishment states we are under attack through hybrid tactics and 5th gen warfare and at the same time, lets bury the past. What?

If the elite in this country thinks, it is impossible for Pakistan to develop without good relations with india they are simply hiding their own incompetence.
Perceptions are at their root grounded in reality. The actions of Pakistanis, not those of India and others build the perception of Pakistan.
Thats not true... there is a sophisticated brainwashing stuff going on in india..

From hindutava groups BJP... Yati Narsinghanand Saraswati or others all are doing their bit in propaganda..

Then we have like or Arya and lastly the fake news websites all of those websites co-ordinated and presented through ANI..

Anti Pakistan perception in india is a business which wins them a lot from elections to contracts..
Its a good move.

Its a kick in the teeth for Modi's G hatefull ideplogy and this will split india even more..

Well played PM khan
In my opinion it will give us first ground towards exposing hindutva... we can not expose indian propagandists by being all negative about india.. this kindness and symphaty idk if it's real or fake can build a bridge for us to expose the hate spreaders in india..

Indian propagandists be it Hindutavis or their govt orgs all use propaganda to fool indians if we can show indian people the reality the be it Yati Narsinghanand or Gaurav Arya or whole f*cking Srivastva group all will be exposed easily

Thanks for reading my post.

Does our good posture have any value? Has the world in any way appreciated us for trying to be nice?

One false flag and india will be ready to attack Pakistan.

It pains me that people who take head shots at 5 year old girls in LOC, are being humanized and many many Pakistanis stand with them.
Those trending #Pakistanstandswithindia are low level cheap liberals and the believers of Aman ki Asha, we have seen in past that in case of any natural or unnatural disaster Indian were jumping like monkeys. Wondering how can they (Pakistani liberals) forget all the wrong doings of Indian state to our Kashmiri Brothers and Sisters and all the ill-treatment of Muslim in rest of India.
My sympathies are with Indian but sorry I'm not one who is standing with you
It's nothing but perception building.

Pakistanis are suffering from a bad perception about them built by India and the world that they want to show others they are good people.

You can say, the people who are involved in such trends are also suffering from inferiority complex. They feel good when 1 in 100 Indians thank them.... even if 99 still make a mockery of the offer being made out of desperation.

Sadly our liberals suffer from this inferiority complex the most.
No , it is our Islamic upbringing that makes us different. Can you imagine how you would turn out if your religion told you drinking cow wee was ok?
We are talking about perceptions in countries other than in India and Pakistan. Those perceptions are grounded in events, like that of ObL being found in Pakistan, of people of Pakistani descent being involved in terror crimes.

You are trying to pass off global perceptions of Pakistan being what they are to just being Muslim. They're not. They are grounded in the actions committed by the Pakistani state and people.
That perception is only due to Islamophobia... if it really was terrorists why not check the list of most wanted terrorist how many are Pakistanis ? Out of all worldwide most wanted terrorists non of em is Pakistani but an indian is on it who currently resides outside india...

But I can understand as an indian you are presented this picture of Pakistanis looked at as terrorists.. and this is what brainwashing propaganda does to you..

And before blaming Pakistanis and Pakistan state you should go and check facts not just about us but also about india.. from Jammu Massacre by RSS to Gujrat, Malagaon and Delhi roits
That perception is only due to Islamophobia... if it really was terrorists why not check the list of most wanted terrorist how many are Pakistanis ? Out of all worldwide most wanted terrorists non of em is Pakistani but an indian is on it who currently resides outside india...

But I can understand as an indian you are presented this picture of Pakistanis looked at as terrorists.. and this is what brainwashing propaganda does to you..

And before blaming Pakistanis and Pakistan state you should go and check facts not just about us but also about india.. from Jammu Massacre by RSS to Gujrat, Malagaon and Delhi roits
Yes, I am sure that Osama bin Laden, the worlds most wanted terrorist, was not found living a few miles from the Pakistani military academy. That's just Islamophobia.

The London bombers also had nothing to do with Pakistan. That too is just Islamophobia.
True. No other state has termed Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. However just because they have not termed Pakistan as such does not mean that their actions have not reflected change. Perceptions have led to changes - Companies don't invest in Pakistan even 1/10th of what they could/should on account of a large population. Tourists don't come to Pakistan. Pakistanis find it difficult to get visas even compared to Indians and Bangladeshis.

It remains to be seen if all this changes back for Pakistan.
Lolx again non factual propaganda fed to you.. Pakistan didn't receive any investment due to corrupt looters sitting in power the likes of Nawaz Sharif who wanted their cut from all the investments which didn't go well with westerns..
And it was Khans image which brought in a record breaking investment to Pakistan..
Do you thinks Saudis didnt invest in Pakistan due to terrorism? Or was it Corrupt Nawaz ?

Secondly Tourists.. we have been seeing increase in tourism for past couple of years now that we have defeated the terrorism in Zarb e Azb.. believe me hum atitit bhavo k naam pe tourists ko choona nai lagate

And stuff is changing.. in both countries.. btw I hope we don't see Second Germany in india..
Lolx again non factual propaganda fed to you.. Pakistan didn't receive any investment due to corrupt looters sitting in power the likes of Nawaz Sharif who wanted their cut from all the investments which didn't go well with westerns..
And it was Khans image which brought in a record breaking investment to Pakistan..
Do you thinks Saudis didnt invest in Pakistan due to terrorism? Or was it Corrupt Nawaz ?

Secondly Tourists.. we have been seeing increase in tourism for past couple of years now that we have defeated the terrorism in Zarb e Azb.. believe me hum atitit bhavo k naam pe tourists ko choona nai lagate

And stuff is changing.. in both countries.. btw I hope we don't see Second Germany in india..
You must be joking. These same companies bend over backwards to do business in corrupt places from Africa to India but suddenly, only suddenly in the case of Pakistan, they backed out because of integrity.

Lastly, the only major investor you have now are the Chinese. And they committed their investment under Sharif did they not? Even here, largely they aren't setting up businesses, just building infrastructure on contract.

It seems to me you're just looking an easy excuses to blame Sharifs and Bhuttos and glorify Khan while ignoring the many other aspects which I mentioned.
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