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#Pakistanstandswithindia - An Irony

Yes, I am sure that Osama bin Laden, the worlds most wanted terrorist, was not found living a few miles from the Pakistani military academy. That's just Islamophobia.

The London bombers also had nothing to do with Pakistan. That too is just Islamophobia.
OBL was killed a decade ago.. when the border areas were not secure and passage was easy.. and quite a trick indians pull-up by mentioning millitary base when Obama trashed indian reporters twice for trying to link up Pakistan as a state with OBL being there..

On a second note OBL was a most wanted terrorist now one of top 10 is an indian..

And london bombers were British last time I checked.. yes they belonged to Pakistani families but they were born and raised in UK.. and were brainwashed by Al Qaeda..

And its funny for the likes of you to pull out old stuff from the closet while in reality Pakistan has moved on and is going towards a better future.. while india is another Germany in waiting..

Now its upto likes of you to choose who will the next hitler be... Yogi or Yati
You must be joking. These same companies bend over backwards to do business in corrupt places from Africa to India but suddenly, only suddenly in the case of Pakistan, they backed out because of integrity.

Lastly, the only major investor you have now are the Chinese. And they committed their investment under Sharif did they not? Even here, largely they aren't setting up businesses, just building infrastructure on contract.

It seems to me you're just looking an easy excuses to blame Sharifs and Bhuttos and glorify Khan while ignoring the many other aspects which I mentioned.
Well I am not joking.. they do business in Africa and india due to govt being supportive while in Pakistan govt did not support em and asked for kickbacks to even let them in..

And to your surprise Chinese started their commitment back in late 50s.. again in 90s they boosted and CPEC was started under Zardari not nawaz.. both were corrupt which is why they asked assurance from army.. and ever wondered why was CPEC so slow under nawaz ?

And I am not looking for easy excuse by naming Zardari and Nawaz (who more than 90% Pakistanis believe were corrupt including majority of their supporters) and glorifying Khan ? How so ?
And aspects you mentioned are based on baseless propaganda by the likes of Srivastvas now tell me Srivastva is conspiracy against indians like you backed by west ?
It seems we have lost self respect and love for country, some people got paid from one way or another and they start these kind of campaigns to create soft corner for India (snake).

Our security establishment should stop this nonsense, India is hell bent on destroying Pakistan and some morons here are crying for those who will not hesitate to kill Muslims and specially Pakistanis when possible.

You need to learn to separate the average Indian person from the ruling elite. Average Indian has no desire to hate Pakistan and only does so because of the daily bull$hit fed to them by the Indian state media run by the elites. The average Indian is stuck in the cycle to keep head above water and live in their own world.
Yes, I am sure that Osama bin Laden, the worlds most wanted terrorist, was not found living a few miles from the Pakistani military academy. That's just Islamophobia.

The London bombers also had nothing to do with Pakistan. That too is just Islamophobia.

Perceptions are often grounded in reality, but often those are outdated realities, like the ones you are spouting.

It looks like you are living about 10-15 years in the past. In the last 5-10 years the focus has been on groups like ISIS that were primarily based in MENA. Terrorist attacks with links to Pakistan have almost been non-existent. You guys try to make Pakistan appear unique, when in fact Pakistan is one of many countries that faces this issue. This points to Islamophobia rather than something unique Pakistan faces.

With respect to OBL, only Indians continue to talk about him religiously. Almost no one else ever talks about him. Says it all.

I can imagine though that ISIS must have been very painful for Indians, since their narrative around Pakistan and attacks having links to Pakistan fell apart in like no time.
OBL was killed a decade ago.. when the border areas were not secure and passage was easy.. and quite a trick indians pull-up by mentioning millitary base when Obama trashed indian reporters twice for trying to link up Pakistan as a state with OBL being there..

On a second note OBL was a most wanted terrorist now one of top 10 is an indian..

And london bombers were British last time I checked.. yes they belonged to Pakistani families but they were born and raised in UK.. and were brainwashed by Al Qaeda..

And its funny for the likes of you to pull out old stuff from the closet while in reality Pakistan has moved on and is going towards a better future.. while india is another Germany in waiting..

Now its upto likes of you to choose who will the next hitler be... Yogi or Yati
Sure. ObL could have gone to other countries including Arab ones which would have been more natural for him, but he chose Pakistan and close to the military academy. That says it all really. Your current PM called Osama bin Laden a martyr.

Secondly, London bombers were dual passport holders. Again, wonder why its usually the Pakistanis who are involved in terror acts. There's anjem choudary as well.

The United States' State Sponsors of Terrorism designation list describes Pakistan as a "terrorist safe haven" where individual terrorists and terrorist groups are able to organize, plan, raise funds, communicate, recruit, train, transit, and operate in relative security because of inadequate/supportive governance, political will, or both

I'll repeat once again, Pakistan and Pakistanis are responsible for their global perception, not India, not Islamophobia or anything else.
True. No other state has termed Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. However just because they have not termed Pakistan as such does not mean that their actions have not reflected change. Perceptions have led to changes - Companies don't invest in Pakistan even 1/10th of what they could/should on account of a large population. Tourists don't come to Pakistan. Pakistanis find it difficult to get visas even compared to Indians and Bangladeshis.

It remains to be seen if all this changes back for Pakistan.
Tourists don't come to Pakistan? Another example of outdated perception. You must be living a decade in the past and have no idea how much changed in the last 3-4 years, notwithstanding decline in tourism due to the pandemic.

Pakistan finding it difficult to get visa is mostly a fabricated reality that Indians have created with little or no basis. That's actually a false perception.
Sure. ObL could have gone to other countries including Arab ones which would have been more natural for him, but he chose Pakistan and close to the military academy. That says it all really. Your current PM called Osama bin Laden a martyr.

Secondly, London bombers were dual passport holders. Again, wonder why its usually the Pakistanis who are involved in terror acts. There's anjem choudary as well.

The United States' State Sponsors of Terrorism designation list describes Pakistan as a "terrorist safe haven" where individual terrorists and terrorist groups are able to organize, plan, raise funds, communicate, recruit, train, transit, and operate in relative security because of inadequate/supportive governance, political will, or both

I'll repeat once again, Pakistan and Pakistanis are responsible for their global perception, not India, not Islamophobia or anything else.

Dude, I think you need a time machine to go back into the past such that what you are saying makes sense. Nearly everything you are talking about are things no one cares about anymore. The link you are providing is from 2015 as well.

Terrorist incidents usually involve Pakistanis? Again, are you still living in 2010? Did you miss the entire boat on ISIS? In the last 5-10 years very few incidents had any link to Pakistan.
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i dont know why i was tagged because i made my opinion clear in a prior thread.

we have a lot of people in Pakistan with bleeding heart syndrome. we are a nation that is just dying to give the RSS agenda supporting Indians a nice big sloppy kiss while those same indians kill us in Quetta and all over Pakistan on a daily basis. we even give them Pakistani platforms to come and air their propaganda and lies. some Pakistanis are so "fair" that despite all their lies, they are never perma-banned. the indians are the same scum that vote in the BJP who are openly anti-islam and anti-pakistan. so i apply the actions of bjp to the majority of indians.

as for the corona disaster in India, it makes me happy. if they invested in hospitals instead of sponsoring terrorists daily in Pakistan then they wouldnt have had to go through all this. jaise karne vaise bharni. the bigger the corona disaster, the more india is distracted and has to deal with its internal issues. helping them out now would be like helping India out when Pakistan and Benazir Bhutto gave them the list of Sikhs when the Khalistan insurgency was at at its peak. f*ck them, let them burn. where were the goddamn indians and their sympathy when there were daily bomb blasts in Balochistan only a few years back? where was their sympathy when Kashmiris get killed daily on both sides of the LOC? where was their sympathy when terrorist scum they supported (like TTP) was killing us from the inside?

until Kashmir gets its rights and India stops terrorism in Pakistan, India is our enemy and we should show them no sympathy, nor give them any quarter. when india learns to behave, then we can treat them as humans. till then, indians are even worse than animals.
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In India hatred against Pakistan is spread by the state and political parties to win elections while in Pakistan we don't and as a Muslim, its right to have a soft heart and an ability to empathize.

It is incorrect analysis that some Pakistanis are trying to improve their image through such social trends as towards India and Kashmir, our stances are unanimous, open and clear. As a Nation, do not try to appease India.
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Sure. ObL could have gone to other countries including Arab ones which would have been more natural for him, but he chose Pakistan and close to the military academy. That says it all really. Your current PM called Osama bin Laden a martyr.

Secondly, London bombers were dual passport holders. Again, wonder why its usually the Pakistanis who are involved in terror acts. There's anjem choudary as well.

The United States' State Sponsors of Terrorism designation list describes Pakistan as a "terrorist safe haven" where individual terrorists and terrorist groups are able to organize, plan, raise funds, communicate, recruit, train, transit, and operate in relative security because of inadequate/supportive governance, political will, or both

I'll repeat once again, Pakistan and Pakistanis are responsible for their global perception, not India, not Islamophobia or anything else.
First of all Osama spent a lifetime in Afghanistan first against Soviets then against Americans...it was easy for him to hide in KPK/ExFata due to porus border..

And again putting close to millitary base wont help indians especially after being trashed by Obama to link Pakistan as a state with OBL..

And yes OBL for his fight against soviet union to protect Pakistan makes him a martyr.. he was printed as a hero by US newspapers for that..

Secondly London bombers were born and bred Britishers.. by that logic hundereds of ISIS fighters have indian passports.. and Pakistan usually involved in terrorist acts ? You pulled up incidents from 2011 and 2005 makes it usually doesnt it ?

As for usually why dont you look at india.. full of hindutavi terrorists from PM to CMs like Yogi and MPs like Pragya.. and even commons like Yati.. all with links to terrorist acts..

And report you provided itself clearly outlines to 2009-2017.. remind me what year are we in ? Maybe you are still living in 2000s or 2010s

and Pakistans perception is good if we take away the negative indian propaganda which clearly has brainwashed the likes of you.. or Islamophobia..
First of all Osama spent a lifetime in Afghanistan first against Soviets then against Americans...it was easy for him to hide in KPK/ExFata due to porus border..

And again putting close to millitary base wont help indians especially after being trashed by Obama to link Pakistan as a state with OBL..

And yes OBL for his fight against soviet union to protect Pakistan makes him a martyr.. he was printed as a hero by US newspapers for that..

Secondly London bombers were born and bred Britishers.. by that logic hundereds of ISIS fighters have indian passports.. and Pakistan usually involved in terrorist acts ? You pulled up incidents from 2011 and 2005 makes it usually doesnt it ?

As for usually why dont you look at india.. full of hindutavi terrorists from PM to CMs like Yogi and MPs like Pragya.. and even commons like Yati.. all with links to terrorist acts..

And report you provided itself clearly outlines to 2009-2017.. remind me what year are we in ? Maybe you are still living in 2000s or 2010s

and Pakistans perception is good if we take away the negative indian propaganda which clearly has brainwashed the likes of you.. or Islamophobia..
This guy is living in 2010 or thereabouts. Almost none of what he says is applicable to 2021.
We can still hate the state India, the Indian establishment, without actually hating the common indians, this comes naturally to humans, hate is taught and indoctrinated through media and narrative building.

And looking at the social media platforms and Indians and Pakistanis comments, hatred in Pakistan for India is on a lower side than vice versa, and this is a good thing.

Hate devours people and nations. Look at the current India, the intolerance and Hindu-Muslim radicalization and the results. Pakistanis can never be that consumed with hate.

As Nelson mandela has said, hate is taught and used by the politicians, humans by nature are not hateful. Love comes more naturally than hate.
According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others

Instead of commenting on whether sympathy should have been shown or not, I would rather like to expand on the overall appeasement psychi of the nation.

From 2001 till around 2015 were very hard years for us. Pakistani nation was demonized in the entire world as if we are worse than lepers. Nobody wanted to touch us with a ten foot pole. Day in day out every international newspaper, every TV channel was working on a one point agenda, bash Pakistan and its people. This took a toll on the collective self esteem of the nation and gave rise to the defeatist mentality. People have an innate urge to prove to the outside world that we are not as bad as you have been portraying us.

Since last 2-3 years, things have started to change. You can hear occasional voice praising some aspect of Pakistan. It will take some time and efforts to regain self belief and confidence to navigate through the world with our heads held high.
i dont know why i was tagged because i made my opinion clear in a prior thread.

we have a lot of people in Pakistan with bleeding heart syndrome. we are a nation that is just dying to give the RSS agenda supporting Indians a nice big sloppy kiss while those same indians kill us in Quetta and all over Pakistan on a daily basis. we even give them Pakistani platforms to come and air their propaganda and lies. some Pakistanis are so "fair" that despite all their lies, they are never perma-banned. the indians are the same scum that vote in the BJP who are openly anti-islam and anti-pakistan. so i apply the actions of bjp to the majority of indians.

as for the corona disaster in India, it makes me happy. if they invested in hospitals instead of sponsoring terrorists daily in Pakistan then they wouldnt have had to go through all this. jaise karne vaise bharni. the bigger the corona disaster, the more india is distracted and has to deal with its internal issues. helping them out now would be like helping India out when Pakistan and Benazir Bhutto gave them the list of Sikhs when the Khalistan insurgency was at at its peak. f*ck them, let them burn. where were the goddamn indians and their sympathy when there were daily bomb blasts in Balochistan only a few years back? where was their sympathy when Kashmiris get killed daily on both sides of the LOC? where was their sympathy when terrorist scum they supported (like TTP) was killing us from the inside?

until Kashmir gets its rights and India stops terrorism in Pakistan, India is our enemy and we should show them no sympathy, nor give them any quarter. when india learns to behave, then we can treat them as humans. till then, indians are evem worse than animals.

Should we call these smelly Pakistani vermin then? They seem no less disgusting.
According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others

we are overwhelmed by the gesture . :coffee:
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