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Why do Afghans and Taliban HATE Pakistan & The Solution?

they blame pakistan for the mess afghanistan is in. basically the belief is in 70s afghanistan was peaceful and prospering until pak army and politicians decided to support mujadeen against ussr and push Afghanistan into stone age.

but i dont hear curses towards saudis arabs who also supported mujadeen.
In reality they refused to accept our existence since 47. They were the only UN member to oppose our entrance to the UN. Even India voted yes. Then they spent the next few decades trying to invade us. Failed every time. Then the cousin of the King overthrew him for not being harsh enough on Pakistan. This lead to the soviet invasion and the rest is history.
Like I said, they played stupid games and won stupid prizes.
Let's agree to disagree on what Pakistan actually faced from Afghanistan as a danger.

Afghanistan is a landlocked nation, Only fact is: Two groups wanted their pro-government as their backyard.

it caused the destruction of Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan have every right to hate the responsible nations.
Lets do - since I specifically put USSR post Afghan occupation and that context post 79 applies.
No one here have the intellectual capacity to ask what we may have done to them to make them hate us so much. The below avg iq response is given by everyone, they hate us because they r bad, evil, dumb etc. No one actually even tends to see if our colonial establishment, which happily kills its own citizens, destroys its own peace, economy and society on orders of white master, may have something to do with it. Imagine how these colonial agents treat afghans when they treat own country like sh**.

They have always hated us BUT WHY SHOULD WE CARE

The point is we should treat a enemy like a enemy

Should we give a monkeys azz why the Hindus hate us?

The world gave a trillion to the afghans to fix themselves and these namak harams wasted it all

We can't destroy Pakistan to save these useless donkey people
Let's agree to disagree on what Pakistan actually faced from Afghanistan as a danger.

Afghanistan is a landlocked nation, Only fact is: Two groups wanted their pro-government as their backyard.

it caused the destruction of Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan have every right to hate the responsible nations.
It is extremely unfortunate what has happened in Afghanistan for the past 50 years. However, one needs to understand a few things before blaming Pakistan.

There was and still is no official border (Durand Line) with Afghanistan and this scenario complicates things. Since 1947, Pakistan is understand constant threat from their Western neighbor. There have been strong claims backed by the political leadership in Afghanistan to annex the whole or part of NWFP from Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a tribal society and they never had any government or political party at the national level that can unite the country. So they have this inherent risk of chaos and instability in their system of government. Any chaos in Afghanistan have direct impact on Pakistan. The creation of the USSR and its quest for warm waters makes things even more complicated. Ayub Khan famously predicted the Soviet invasion (check Shahab Nama). Throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, and again in the 00s till today, they actively backed the insurgency movements in Baluchistan and other parts of the country.

At the end, I think we mishandled the Afghan issue right from the start. For example, we completely mismanaged the refugee problem (which bit us back later). We never planned to rebuild Afghanistan as a country and as a society after Soviet withdrawal; instead, Zia (the butcher of Pakistan) was busy planning these militants in other conflicts. In later years, we foolishly backed and trained this group of savages (I would call them neo-khawarjis) with is wishful thinking they will bring peace to our western border and help Pakistan convert the Durand line into a formal international border.

Nation-building is a complex process, and I would not wholly blame the Afghan people for their situation. They never had the peace and stability to build society.
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It is extremely unfortunate what has happened in Afghanistan for the past 50 years. However, one needs to understand a few things before blaming Pakistan.

There was and still is no official border (Durand Line) with Afghanistan and this scenario complicates things. Since 1947, Pakistan is understand constant threat from their Western neighbor. There have been strong claims backed by the political leadership in Afghanistan to annex the whole or part of NWFP from Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a tribal society and they never had any government or political party at the national level that can unite the country. So they have this inherent risk of chaos and instability in their system of government. Any chaos in Afghanistan have direct impact on Pakistan. The creation of the USSR and its quest for warm waters makes things even more complicated. Ayub Khan famously predicted the Soviet invasion (check Shahab Nama). Throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, and again in the 00s till today, they actively backed the insurgency movements in Baluchistan and other parts of the country.

At the end, I think we mishandled the Afghan issue right from the start. For example, we completely mismanaged the refugee problem (which bit us back later). We never planned to rebuild Afghanistan as a country and as a society after Soviet withdrawal; instead, Zia (the butcher of Pakistan) was busy planning these militants in other conflicts. In later years, we foolishly backed and trained this group of savages (I would call them neo-khawarjis) with is wishful thinking they will bring peace to our western border and help Pakistan convert the Durand line into a formal international border.

Nation-building is a complex process, and I would not wholly blame the Afghan people for their situation. They never had the peace and stability to build society.

Sorry bro.

This USSR needing access to warm waters one is such a lame theory. One just has to take a look at the map. USSR already had access to warm waters of Black Sea. Why would it need to come all the way down to arabian sea?

I have question to you...

1. If USA not supported against Soviet then do you think that Pakistan was alone fighting the war with the help from few muslim countries?

2. Isn't Pakistan and india having border issues and there is no officially defined borders.. Still both countries do claims other parts?

3. There are many borders disputes around the world. Pakistan was not facing something unique challenges at western border.

The facts is Pakistan joined the war against soviet because there were several political reasons and opportunities by supporting to USA. Even Pakistan had enjoyed a positive relationship with USA during the time by getting dollars and military equipments.
Hatred for Pakistan is the only thing that unites a "nation" which is otherwise deeply fractured and divided on ethnic lines. The exact same goes for India and their hatred for Pakistan, they would be fighting and killing each other instead if Pakistan wasn't there.
Hatred for Pakistan is the only thing that unites a "nation" which is otherwise deeply fractured and divided on ethnic lines. The exact same goes for India and their hatred for Pakistan, they would be fighting and killing each other instead if Pakistan wasn't there.

Again it is your false perfection.

Mostly indians, do not even think and like to talk about Pakistan. Everyone is busy in his life for making it better.

No one really care whatever happens in Pakistan.

The best part is our school system. They teach the kids only about the knowledge education. They teach about only india and feel proud being an Indian... In our education, there is no where mention about Pakistan Or religious things.

The people or kids learn from society. Even I can post bunch of videos where small pakistani kids are talking and abusing to india.... Even they know nothing about history. ...... The same happens with indian kids.... Children from both the countries learn the hate relationship from their society.
Who is a Pakistani?

It seems keyboard warriors here feel they can alienate core constituents of what makes PA(fghania)ISTAN... who are the rest? Those who came from India? Baloch or Sindhis?
EACH! by the way faced the hammer from what is the state, Pakistan!
Come down the high horse...
There is nationalism in all constituent groups of what makes Pakistan...
Fight or quash them all... drop a nuke Will ya?
It was a Bangali bogey before Baloch, Sindhi and now Pashtun(Afghan!)
By the way, Kashmir is what Pakistan seeks... why?
Because it was part of the Raj?
Didn't Raj set boundaries across Pashtun lands as well?
Do you even understand what is going on?
For the macro you miss the big picture!
Brits left the great game at your doors... the empire than used you to draw the blood of Soviets formerly Russian Empire. The Empire came to install, impose it's will! ... it couldn't... but you the willful servants out in the dark, where to look ... keep pointing fingers at each other!

Keep at it!
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It is extremely unfortunate what has happened in Afghanistan for the past 50 years. However, one needs to understand a few things before blaming Pakistan.

There was and still is no official border (Durand Line) with Afghanistan and this scenario complicates things. Since 1947, Pakistan is understand constant threat from their Western neighbor. There have been strong claims backed by the political leadership in Afghanistan to annex the whole or part of NWFP from Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a tribal society and they never had any government or political party at the national level that can unite the country. So they have this inherent risk of chaos and instability in their system of government. Any chaos in Afghanistan have direct impact on Pakistan. The creation of the USSR and its quest for warm waters makes things even more complicated. Ayub Khan famously predicted the Soviet invasion (check Shahab Nama). Throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, and again in the 00s till today, they actively backed the insurgency movements in Baluchistan and other parts of the country.

At the end, I think we mishandled the Afghan issue right from the start. For example, we completely mismanaged the refugee problem (which bit us back later). We never planned to rebuild Afghanistan as a country and as a society after Soviet withdrawal; instead, Zia (the butcher of Pakistan) was busy planning these militants in other conflicts. In later years, we foolishly backed and trained this group of savages (I would call them neo-khawarjis) with is wishful thinking they will bring peace to our western border and help Pakistan convert the Durand line into a formal international border.

Nation-building is a complex process, and I would not wholly blame the Afghan people for their situation. They never had the peace and stability to build society.
I would say this is a pretty fair analysis, but to expect Pakistan to "rebuild" Afghanistan is ridiculous. We are not America, our primary and secondary goals all lie within building Pakistan.

There is no way you can expect a country like Pakistan to "rebuild" such a backwards tribal nation like Afghanistan, let alone even a small sized country.

The other stuff you mentioned is fair, quite a bit of mismanagement and perhaps supporting the wrong groups in Afghanistan.
I would say this is a pretty fair analysis, but to expect Pakistan to "rebuild" Afghanistan is ridiculous. We are not America, our primary and secondary goals all lie within building Pakistan.

There is no way you can expect a country like Pakistan to "rebuild" such a backwards tribal nation like Afghanistan, let alone even a small sized country.

The other stuff you mentioned is fair, quite a bit of mismanagement and perhaps supporting the wrong groups in Afghanistan.

Nobody said we should rebuild Afghanistan.. It is doing that itself. Afghanistan is already outpacing Pakistan..

Come 20 years from now Afghanistan will be far ahead of Pakistan in all areas and domains. They are a stabile government compared to us. They are not out to self-sabotage like we do here because of erractic political leadership and policies changing with the wind but this is not the case in Afghanistan. They will grow and develope at much faster rate.

Just look at the amount of construction Afghanistan has done since IEA took over including their military has made significiant growth bounds and leaps. Just 20 years Afghanistan will be far ahead of Pakistan. They have already rebuild the highways and roads that go as long as 1000 mile and building extra road network..

They are cerebral and patient which is an element not found within Pakistan. They can plan ahead towards a goal and achieved it.. Especially the IEA they are very cerebral and patient
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Sorry bro.

This USSR needing access to warm waters one is such a lame theory. One just has to take a look at the map. USSR already had access to warm waters of Black Sea. Why would it need to come all the way down to arabian sea?

I have question to you...

1. If USA not supported against Soviet then do you think that Pakistan was alone fighting the war with the help from few muslim countries?

2. Isn't Pakistan and india having border issues and there is no officially defined borders.. Still both countries do claims other parts?

3. There are many borders disputes around the world. Pakistan was not facing something unique challenges at western border.

The facts is Pakistan joined the war against soviet because there were several political reasons and opportunities by supporting to USA. Even Pakistan had enjoyed a positive relationship with USA during the time by getting dollars and military equipments.
Thanks for your feedback mate. Let me try to explain. :)

1. You need to look at Pakistan/Afghanistan border from historical point of view. During British Raj days or even before, this whole area was under constant conflict. Interestingly, the British never assign any name to this region, they called this region North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Perhaps a cursory look at the history of Durand Line would you provide you enough context.

2. If I remember correctly, President Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzenzinski once mentioned that the U.S. start backing and funding opposition groups back in the early 70s against the communist Afghan govt to start the insurgency with the aim to drag Soviets in the conflict. So, U.S involvement was there from the beginning. Without U.S, there would be no involvement from Pakistan or any other country.

2. India and Pakistan's LoC situation is completely different. There was no LoC prior to 1948 and both the countries shared international border.

3. Again, you need to look at the history of Durand Line. Lack of any credible central government in Afghanistan in all those years is the biggest hurdle in resolving the conflict.

Here is another side of the story, even way before Afghan conflict, Afghanistan was safe haven for all criminals, murderers, kidnappers, smugglers, car thief etc. Every child kidnapped from anywhere in Pakistan or every stolen car ended up either in the tribal area of Pakistan with strong links to Afghanistan or Afghanistan. Every drug, illegal guns, electronics and other luxury items were smuggled from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Rice, wheat and other products were smuggled to Afghanistan. These are some of the small observations but it will give you an idea. And I must say, you Indian's should thankful to Pakistan that it creates a buffer between Afghanistan and India otherwise things would be quiet messy for you guys. :)

One more thing, the administration and integration of our tribal areas (FATA) with the rest of the country is also linked with the resolution of permanent international border issue. This single issue has caused so many problems for the government over the past seven decades.
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I would say this is a pretty fair analysis, but to expect Pakistan to "rebuild" Afghanistan is ridiculous. We are not America, our primary and secondary goals all lie within building Pakistan.

There is no way you can expect a country like Pakistan to "rebuild" such a backwards tribal nation like Afghanistan, let alone even a small sized country.

The other stuff you mentioned is fair, quite a bit of mismanagement and perhaps supporting the wrong groups in Afghanistan.

Mate, thanks for your comments. I think there were many ways to help Afghanistan at that time. I agree we were not wealthy (but we had some influence over other Muslim countries at that time), but at least we can kick start the process by building schools, and hospitals, helping them to create institutions etc. I would say that had we done any rebuilding initiatives, the animosity and hatred against Pakistan would be less than now. The irony is, in the end, we as a country suffer the most.
Mate, thanks for your comments. I think there were many ways to help Afghanistan at that time. I agree we were not wealthy (but we had some influence over other Muslim countries at that time), but at least we can kick start the process by building schools, and hospitals, helping them to create institutions etc. I would say that had we done any rebuilding initiatives, the animosity and hatred against Pakistan would be less than now. The irony is, in the end, we as a country suffer the most.

So we build schools and hospitals for namak haram afghans and not our own people who need them?
So we build schools and hospitals for namak haram afghans and not our own people who need them?
sometimes you have to show the goodwill gesture to safe yourself from bigger problems.
sometimes you have to show the goodwill gesture to safe yourself from bigger problems.

I thought hosting millions of the mofo's as refugees would be enough of a gesture

But their is no changing the namak harams

Has anyone actually asked the question what good will gestures had the afghans ever given us?
What mercy or kindness have they ever shown us?
What steps have the afghans ever taken to help Pakistan or improve relations or make a good impression on our people?

I will be honest Afghans are worthless, it's time we look after ourselves and give afghans what they deserve and it certainly isn't more help

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