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Indian Sikh Community Asks Pakistan For Help

A lot of Sikhs and Muslims were killed by each other, but majority helped each other, we were brothers before partition and lived together peacefully, you know who didn’t like this….
my great grandfather was saved by his Sikh best friends family during partition, Sikhs had come to kill Muslims in a village in Amritsar where my grandfather who was a baby at the time and great grandfather were living, the Sikh family hid them and eventually took them to the border and into Pakistan.
What you said is quite true but hardliners here are not ready to digest this truth.
Few rogue killing gangs of both Muslims and sikhs did not represent the entire population of both communities at that time.Infact as a Punjabi lifestyle wise there is hardly any difference between a Muslim and sikh.
A famous gangster from my native town killed several Hindu families during partition just for the sake of looting their money and jewellery.He took advantage of the situation and even rob the Muslim families. He was disliked and isolated by the entire Muslims of that area. Even today his third,fourth generation are criminals. That's the hard reality of so called Hindu,Muslim and sikh riots during partition 🤷
Muslims too have got much Sikh blood on their hands, including that of Sikh Gurus and their children. 1947 Genocide too was mutual. Sikhs may not be our friends but they might be a potential ally against a common and more dangerous enemy, that is Hindutva
He's a Pashtun. They have their own axes to grind with Sikhs.
Nothing wrong with extending moral and diplomatic support to an oppressed minority :-)

Pakistani leaders need to grow a pair and payback in kind, the best form of defence is offence.... The damage cause by northern alliance and indian influence has destroyed us for 20 years

There are multiple opportunities in this policy...offfensive defence..... the more bhangees are concerned with punjab the less attention they can give balochistan and durand line. And create a disruptive buffer between india - sikh punjab - kashmir - pakistan . Let indians be so pre-occupied with punjab that kashmir is given a new impetus

That doesnt mean arm the sikhs, but certainly empathise and do a few langar on the border. Its all about generating goodwill and creating a buffer.

Extend full sympathies to sikhs, support the farmers movement, offer more religious visits, more peole exchanges.
Finnaly someone talks sense. All of Northwest India should be a hotspot. Extending from Kashmir to Punjab to Jaisalmer and Kutch.
I’m not sure my friend who you are describing about we killed in Pakistan that can beat or come even close to these Punjabi Sikhs crimes against east punjabis Muslim inhabitants! they no longer exist there al killed and gone and still Sikhs soldiers continue now in IOK killings I’m in no hurry to offer Sikhs anything. They made there bed they must now lat lay in it
When Punjabi Muslims who bore the brunt of the attacks have moved on, why are you so butthurt?
He's a Pashtun. They have their own axes to grind with Sikhs.

No need to bring ethnicity into it. Many Punjabis also think the same. But the undeniable fact is that genocide, rape and forced displacements, in 1947, were committed by all the three communities including Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, and were primarily reciprocal and retributive in nature.
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No need to bring ethnicity into it. Many Punjabis also think the same. But the undeniable fact is that genocide, rape and forced displacements, in 1947, were committed by all the three communities including Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, and were primarily reciprocal and retributive in nature.

Secular hindus allowed muslims to live in india even after muslims voted for partition , muslims got their separate land , but majority of hindus remained peaceful and helped muslims live with d
Safety .
we didn’t kill far enough compared to your savagery behaviour.

congratulations on your core Muslims they are after all Indians. Where did you expect them leave to ?
Yeah people forget that...
Muslims/Hindus of border areas were exchanged

Others were always going to be Indians, it was seperate homeland for Muslim majority

Where violance shouldn't have happened and people didn't "have" to move

But it did happen and people did move, Border areas were largely emptied out
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Muslims too have got much Sikh blood on their hands, including that of Sikh Gurus and their children. 1947 Genocide too was mutual. Sikhs may not be our friends but they might be a potential ally against a common and more dangerous enemy, that is Hindutva

Sikhs are the biggest foot soldiers of the hindutva republic of India

They are not an ally
100% Support to Khalistan
Kahalistan , creation paves path to Kashmiri people uniting with Pakistan

consequences will not be in favour of pakistan .
Sikhs are the biggest foot soldiers of the hindutva republic of India

They are not an ally

Sikhs are patriotic indians , sikhism came in to force to fight tyranny of mughal rulers against hindus .
Secular hindus allowed muslims to live in india even after muslims voted for partition , muslims got their separate land
There is a problem with this statement. The Muslims who wanted partition moved to Pakistan and muslims who didn't remain in India. It wasn't an all muslim decision to want a separate country so Muslims in India became Indians and who moved/stayed with Pakistan became Pakistanis.
There is a problem with this statement. The Muslims who wanted partition moved to Pakistan and muslims who didn't remain in India. It wasn't an all muslim decision to want a separate country so Muslims in India became Indians and who moved/stayed with Pakistan became Pakistanis.

95 percent muslims voted for pakistan , those who did not go they knew their property and lands will not go to pakistan , after realising this sour truth they decided to become secular indian ..
95 percent muslims voted for pakistan , those who did not go they knew their property and lands will not go to pakistan , after realising this sour truth they decided to become secular indian ..
See this is where all the enmity will come into force when you believe that all muslims voted for a separate land and the ones that stayed were because of their property. Also pls tell me how did you reach to the number of 95% muslims voting for a separate country.
See this is where all the enmity will come into force when you believe that all muslims voted for a separate land and the ones that stayed were because of their property. Also pls tell me how did you reach to the number of 95% muslims voting for a separate country.
I said 95 percent muslims voted for partition .
That is why
Muslim league won in all muslim areas , except those areas which were in NWFP under influence of khan abdul gaffar khan .
I said 95 percent muslims voted for partition .
That is why
Muslim league won in all muslim areas , except those areas which were in NWFP under influence of khan abdul gaffar khan .
My question is where did you get this 95% number?

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