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Indian Sikh Community Asks Pakistan For Help


did you try and sell yours?
I am not proposing to sell unused weapons it is you .. so I suggested one of your unused weapon which you could sell.. Anyway Pakistan has already sold nuclear weapons in past...
I am not proposing to sell unused weapons it is you .. so I suggested one of your unused weapon which you could sell.. Anyway Pakistan has already sold nuclear weapons in past...


to who ?
they have got so much Muslim blood on there hands it will be so wrong of us to change this current miserable state they are in. They are looking at there total extinction in india of there state and race , good they have really earned this -
But we can use them against India. You shouldn't let emotion stop you from taking a political advantage.
Ask your Govt.... It found a scape goat in Your Father of nuclear tech..

On topic... Khalistan movement is active only outside India...

Khalistanis are funded by enemies of india , but our agencies take good care of enemies .
Problem is that this movement has hardly any life within India. It is mostly being carried on by diaspora. India successfully crushed the insurgency from 1984 to 1998.

Plus demographics settled it. Sikhs in Indian Punjab were/are a small majority to begin with. Even if 100% of the Indian Sikhs were to rise up, they wouldn't be enough. Look at the situation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir in contrast?? By all understanding, the Kashmir Valley, which is overwhelmingly Muslim, can't break away from India despite sharing a potentially more porous border with Pakistan than Indian Punjab does.
The Sikhs in India have to reconcile to be Indian citizens and I bet a lot of them are happy to be so.
Pakistani State and PDF shoudln't waste a second on the Indian Sikh situation. Compulsions of demographics still rule.
whether we like their history or not we need to help them..
Its understood we may not have hadsame heroes but we have a common enemy today

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