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#Pakistanstandswithindia - An Irony

If I'm not wrong, Pakistan too is getting vaccines from India so it's a nice gesture from India as well.
Actually you are wrong, Pakistan isn't getting anything from india
Which vaccines are you using?

I had come across these news:

According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others

Unfortunately there are too MANY begherat and treacherous Pakistanis who have sold their souls to the devil........... :disagree:
Which vaccines are you using?

I had come across these news:

The source you have used is indian. It is FAKE NEWS:

Which vaccines are you using?

I had come across these news:

Covax is an international developing nations support program administered by Gavi. It has zero connection with the state of India apart from an Indian based producer making the product, a British product made under license I might add, comparable to a BigMac. Gavi administrates, facilitates and allocates the Covax vaccine program. It is wholly independent from the Indian state and the process of Modi joining his hands together for vaccine diplomacy neighbours first etc.

Indian newspapers will of course say whatever they want to ease their perpetual inferiority complexes.

This process is quite distinct from the Indian state making deals to supply or gift vaccines to Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan etc.

Put simply, the state of India has neither the power to "give" nor the ability to "withhold" vaccines from the Gavi operated network. India didn't decide to "give" Pakistan anything.

Of course, an intelligent fellow like you knows all this already but you enjoy trolling all the same I suppose.
If I'm not wrong, Pakistan too is getting vaccines from India so it's a nice gesture from India as well.
Here's another eye opener for you:

"Coordinated by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the WHO, COVAX will achieve this by acting as a platform that will support the research, development and manufacturing of a wide range of COVID-19 vaccine candidates, and negotiate their pricing. All participating countries, regardless of income levels, will have equal access to these vaccines once they are developed. "

And you're here telling us this is some "nice gesture from India"?

Mercifully, India has nothing to do with deciding on any "gestures" that may benefit Pakistan.
Which vaccines are you using?

I had come across these news:

That's old news, we are not getting anything from you.
Covax is an international developing nations support program administered by Gavi. It has zero connection with the state of India apart from an Indian based producer making the product, a British product made under license I might add, comparable to a BigMac. Gavi administrates, facilitates and allocates the Covax vaccine program. It is wholly independent from the Indian state and the process of Modi joining his hands together for vaccine diplomacy neighbours first etc.

Indian newspapers will of course say whatever they want to ease their perpetual inferiority complexes.

This process is quite distinct from the Indian state making deals to supply or gift vaccines to Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan etc.

Put simply, the state of India has neither the power to "give" nor the ability to "withhold" vaccines from the Gavi operated network. India didn't decide to "give" Pakistan anything.

Of course, an intelligent fellow like you knows all this already but you enjoy trolling all the same I suppose.
If India doesn't have control over exports, can you please tell me what this article is about?

" The government of India is now holding back nearly all of the 2.4 million doses that the Serum Institute of India, the private company that is one of the world’s largest producers of the AstraZeneca vaccine, makes each day.

Just a few weeks ago, India was a major exporter of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and it was using that to exert influence in South Asia and around the world. More than 70 countries, from Djibouti to Britain, received vaccines made in India, with a total of more than 60 million doses. From mid January into March, not more than a few days passed between major vaccine shipments leaving India.

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a heavy-handed nationalist, has regulatory control over how many vaccine doses can be exported at any given time, and it seems India is going in the same direction as the European Union, which is moving to curb exports."

If India doesn't have control over exports, can you please tell me what this article is about?

" The government of India is now holding back nearly all of the 2.4 million doses that the Serum Institute of India, the private company that is one of the world’s largest producers of the AstraZeneca vaccine, makes each day.

Just a few weeks ago, India was a major exporter of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and it was using that to exert influence in South Asia and around the world. More than 70 countries, from Djibouti to Britain, received vaccines made in India, with a total of more than 60 million doses. From mid January into March, not more than a few days passed between major vaccine shipments leaving India.

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a heavy-handed nationalist, has regulatory control over how many vaccine doses can be exported at any given time, and it seems India is going in the same direction as the European Union, which is moving to curb exports."

This is a simple enough scenario.

It is simply breaching multiple contracts and promises in so doing. India cannot do this by virtue of its contractual obligations, both privately and otherwise. The state of India doesn't "give" or "withhold" vaccines under the Gavi coordinated program. Naturally, if SII has failed to provide the vaccines it is required to distribute because Modi has decided to commandeer the remaining stock, Gavi and private recipients may look elsewhere next time. It's pretty pathetic really.

Naturally, India is the nation where SII is located. Again, that still doesn't mean that India at any point decided to give vaccines to Pakistan. India has been contracted by a third party and has failed to deliver.
According to a BBC world service poll in 2017, 85% indians expressed a negative view for Pakistan.

Another Pew Research Poll in 2017 showed 63% indians supporting more military force on Kashmiris.

This was back in 2017.

According to TRT, an overwhelming majority of indians on social media unstintingly supported 5th August 2019 crackdown on Kashmir with most indians targeting Kashmiri women in a horrendous display of misogyny.

A long list of brutal terrorist attacks in Pakistan directly sponsored by the indian state and the most recent one which is still being heavily downplayed, continue. What if the Chinese delegation had been targeted? This could have jeopardize CPEC.

Quetta attack was never even trending but Pakistanstandswithindia was. Why?

Even President Obama's book mentions "The quickest route to national unity in India is expressing hostility toward Pakistan".

One is forced to ask as to why Pakistanis are going over the top to show sympathy to a people who despise Pakistanis themselves? From common people to Shoaib Akhtars to other celebrities to even the PM of Pakistan expressed his sympathy.

What could be the reason for this extreme behavior? Check out below

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Could it be that Pakistani society across the board be it anyone, is generally is so morally broken that it tries to feel good in helping an incorrigible enemy while completely ignoring its own people be it in any part of Pakistan and Ilegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)?

@Imran Khan, @N.Siddiqui, @Reichsmarschall, @kingQamaR @Death Professor, @masterchief_mirza @Dalit @Bilal. @Clutch ,@Vapnope @Chakar The Great @tman786 @313ghazi @Daghalodi @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Orca @PakistaniAtBahrain @TheSnakeEatingMarkhur @Thorough Pro and others
I agree that majority of Indians only hold a negative view of Pakistan. This wasn't the case always. Pakistan image took a beating in India post 2008. After that anchors like Arnab and politicians like Modi / Shah mainstreamed the idea that patriotism meant hating Pakistan. The quick spread of social media and cheap phones and data added fuel to the fire.
This is a simple enough scenario.

It is simply breaching multiple contracts and promises in so doing. India cannot do this by virtue of its contractual obligations, both privately and otherwise. The state of India doesn't "give" or "withhold" vaccines under the Gavi coordinated program. Naturally, if SII has failed to provide the vaccines it is required to distribute because Modi has decided to commandeer the remaining stock, Gavi and private recipients may look elsewhere next time. It's pretty pathetic really.

Naturally, India is the nation where SII is located. Again, that still doesn't mean that India at any point decided to give vaccines to Pakistan. India has been contracted by a third party and has failed to deliver.
This is untrue. Any Government can invoke an Emergency clause and prevent exports in light of domestic demand. SII's contract with Covax or AZ will have that fail safe.
#Pakistanstandswithindia --- I am certainly NOT one of them, nor is my family, nor are my friends, nor are my neighbours. And a lots of other people I know. I will never stand with these people who have murdered innocent Kashmirs .
I think we should emulate the Prophet and show empathy towards common helpless humans (Hindus or not) who are dying on footpaths instead of trying to emulate Indian Hindus who lets not forget were running headlines like "Pakistan Coronna ki maut marey ga" on their news channels during first and second wave.
Pakistani's stand with Kashmiri's and not Indians.
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