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Pakistanis should take up Yoga

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That happens to be Commie view\Suzzana Roy view. not what you proclaim as to be mainstreamview stream view.

You should use the full title: "commie sickular Kongressi" view.

Hey look, another yoga pose.

Oops, that's ancient Egypt.

How about this one?

Nope. Ancient Mexico!
The yoga interpretation of that seal is controversial.
The mainstream view is that the figure represents a harvest deity and the "arms" are plants.

What controversial? :cheesy: Yoga has identical meditation exercise. Is it an attempt to show that modern Indian culture(or that of Hindus) has no cultural similarity with that of Indus valley Civilization as Pakistanis always try to prove. :cheesy:
The yoga interpretation of that seal is controversial.
The mainstream view is that the figure represents a harvest deity and the "arms" are plants.

That's an interesting way to look at it, but I dont know how people come to such conclusion with very little detail. Then again, Im not a trained archaeologist. I guess they have to be creative about it. To me I dont what the hell it's supposed to be with just that image.

The oral tradition of story telling about Ramayan and Mahabharata existed beyond 1500 B.C

Manas: Religious texts of India, Ramayana

even though some biased views to undermine Hindus are there in this article.

It's nonsense bro.

You have no idea if the story existed 1500+ years ago. It definitely wasn't before the Indus civ, that is for certain. These things occurred when the center of civ was shifting from the Indus to the gangetic plain.
You should use the full title: "commie sickular Kongressi" view.

Hey look, another yoga pose.

Oops, that's ancient Egypt.

How about this one?

Nope. Ancient Mexico!

There is no tradition of Yoga in the mentioned countries you have mentioned.

Yoga was developed and practiced in Ancient India, logic fail !!

Evidence needs to be established correctly I agree with you on that.
You should use the full title: "commie sickular Kongressi" view.

Hey look, another yoga pose.

Oops, that's ancient Egypt.

How about this one?

Nope. Ancient Mexico!

Oops, do these figures in way indicate this Yogic tantra may have not traveled from India to Mexico and Egypt. You got any proof that Egypt was in no contact with Hindu India. And if it was so how come, your Arab forefathers were actively in touch with us.
Is it an attempt to show that modern Indian culture(or that of Hindus) has no cultural similarity with that of Indus valley Civilization as Pakistanis always try to prove. :cheesy:

It is to point out that the IVC seals are not considered to be yoga poses by most historians. Nothing more than that.

Yoga was developed and practiced in Ancient India, logic fail !!

From Patanjali onwards, we are OK. But links to the IVC are pure conjecture.
Narrow minded as pakistani's are...yoga can never become popular in middle class of pakistan.Their hindu phobia is too strong for them to accept a meditation technique good for them.
That's an interesting way to look at it, but I dont know how people come to such conclusion with very little detail. Then again, Im not a trained archaeologist. I guess they have to be creative about it. To me I dont what the hell it's supposed to be with just that image.

Pakistanis will make every attempt to deny the fact that the part of Indus valley civilization still live among modern Indians.
It is to point out that the IVC seals are not considered to be yoga poses by most historians. Nothing more than that.

I honestly think they are.



There's even a continuation of the same pose in art, until it was replaced.
Yoga is 100% Hindu thing which get extends in the Buddhism and Jainism also.

A muslim can't do yoga.

I wonder if muslim are slaves to their religion which prohibits any free thinking.In india there are songs like "Khudha ke bande hai hum","Yaa ali rahema a ali" and other popular muslim things accepted by hindus.Does that make them less hindus.Islam from the image that it project appears to be least tolerant of things not in its circular.
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