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Pakistani flags appear in Srinagar city, others parts of Kashmir

They hoist pak flags and cry when get shot. :lol:
Btw....No surprises in increasing number of unmarked graves. :angel:

yes unarmed Kashmiri civilians wave Pakistan flags and brave occupation forces shoot them and put them in the mass graves you talk about

but at least now you know why they defy and resist and wont accept your hegemony over them :meeting:
:pakistan: Kashmiris will never surrender to India. Kashmiris are Pakistanis infact :pakistan:
Kashmiris will never surredner to india..
how can own countermen surrender to own country,:-)
If you say they are pakistan..please see your media and international survey report
Kashmiris DON'T want to join Pakistan - With Facts
We have already seen the biggest surrender after WWII. History might repeat itself ;)

I was expecting this reply from a degenerate Indian. anyway your opinions dont matter to anyone..hell why m i even replying to some stupid brainwashed hindu .. buzz off :coffee:
yes unarmed Kashmiri civilians wave Pakistan flags and brave occupation forces shoot them and put them in the mass graves you talk about

but at least now you know why they defy and resist and wont accept your hegemony over them :meeting:
if we were Occupied force ..
we would not have discuses this on PDF..
we are sometime so pathetic that
basterd who did bomb blast want proper food on ramzan and go to court...
Tihar refutes Yasin Bhatkal's charge of ill treatment - The Times of India
Tihar refutes Yasin Bhatkal's charge of ill treatment
TNN | Jul 26, 2014, 03.16AM ISTNEW DELHI: Tihar jail administration on Friday accused Indian Mujahideen (IM) co-founder Yasin Bhatkal of filing false complaints and refuted allegations that he is being mistreated in jail.

In its report, the jail authorities denied Bhatkal's claim that he was not provided proper food even in the holy month of Ramzan or that he was being treated "worse than animal", saying the "accused is provided food as per norms."
Disposing of Bhatkal's plea, the court then observed that no action was required to be taken at this stage and that he could take up his grievance with the judge who inspects the jail regularly.

"It has been further pointed out (in the report) that applicant is in a habit of filing false complaints before different courts. In this regard, copies of several complaints have been annexed along with the report," additional sessions judge Raj Kapoor said.

On Bhatkal's allegation that he had been kept in solitary confinement, the prison administration pointed out he is a "high risk inmate, therefore, the timing with respect to taking him out of cell has been determined."

Bhatkal had alleged that he is presently lodged in Jail No.2 of Tihar jail and has not seen sunlight except during his transportation for the purpose of production before court. He also claimed he has been observing fast during Ramzan but was not provided timely and proper food in the jail.

The court, after going through the report, observed that no action was required to be taken at this stage since Bhatkal is a "high security inmate".

"Since applicant (Bhatkal) is a high security inmate, in view of this, his taking out of cell or his lodging is being regulated, therefore, to my view no action is required at this stage," the judge said.

"However, for the purpose of internal management, a visiting judge has been appointed by the district and sessions Judge-I. If applicant feels any grievance, he shall take necessary steps by invoking the indulgence of visiting judge of Central Jail no.2," the judge said while disposing of Bhatkal's plea. Bhatkal, arrested for his alleged role in various terror strikes across India, had claimed in his application that he was being "treated even worse than an animal" and he was not having access to fresh air.

Bhatkal and his aide Asadullah Akhtar were arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) from Indo-Nepal border on the night of August 28, last year. They were wanted for their alleged roles in a string of terror attacks in the country.

According to the probe agencies, 30-year-old Bhatkal was earlier associated with banned outfit Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and had played a key role in several terror strikes in the country.

I was expecting this reply from a degenerate Indian. anyway your opinions dont matter to anyone..hell why m i even replying to some stupid brainwashed hindu .. buzz off :coffee:
was it not fact..
Degenrated indian will not change facts
shall i tell you who are brainwashed...
So what ?
Any way it is light years better than two decades ago.
Look at the flag orientation like they are insulting Pak flag.
And we are now implementing the rehabliation of KPs in Kashmir.So after 2 decades the remainings of near extincted so called Kashmir groups will completely extincted like dodo.
And perhaps demographic changes may create a better Kashmir after one decade
So what ?
Any way it is light years better than two decades ago.
Look at the flag orientation like they are insulting Pak flag.
And we are now implementing the rehabliation of KPs in Kashmir.So after 2 decades the remainings of near extincted so called Kashmir groups will completely extincted like dodo.
And perhaps demographic changes may create a better Kashmir after one decade
they wanted india to face music of Terrorisam in kashmir with 1000 bleed cute tune..
but seems Alllah is on our side..
unfortunately (for pak people) and fortunelty (for indina peole )
Innoncet pak people listing Loud orchestra of terrorism with woofers

I find that the intent is all that matters, not so much the time or location.
intent of few cant be taken as wish of majority
I find that the intent is all that matters, not so much the time or location.

I haven't still understood what is valuable inside Kashmir. As I said before, a pile of rocks administered by Al Qaeda wannabes.

It is not a Tamil Nadu, or Maharashtra or Karnataka where India's IT or industrial capabilities. If those states tried to secede I can understand the reaction, as those states contribute a lot oin terms of industry, IT, science and agriculture.

I think it all comes down to pride.

You know, like if India gives the Kashmir valley Independence Pakistan will claim to have vanquished those 'dark skinned, idol worshipping Hindus.'

The Indian side will be like 'see! once a back stabbing terrorist always back stabbing terrorist.

To be honest, I can't see any budging from India, unless there is seismic shift in generational attitude or India just runs ot of money in a catastrophic way.

India is not going to be militarily be budged in Kashmir. Not due to it being super proficient. But this ability of being a glutton for punishment.

We dont mind keep struggling :) Freedom is something which comes with a high cost.

India is occupying Kashmir and thats a fact also that Kashmiris are NOT happy with Indian occupation.

On the other hand i wish if both countries sit and make some wise decision which is acceptable to all three sides because i personally feel there will be a 4th sides too in coming years and that will be NOT good for India and Pakistan

personally, I think keeping Kashmir was a mistake.
Not surprising or the firs time isnt.. Even on PDF FB page you will see Kashmiris from IOK.. Celebrating and reminding us of their loyality to the nation .
am not following...plz explain

isn't it evident? these guys raise pakistani flag, will not india take it as being traitors? why they are trying to politically marginaliing themselves when they know that it will keep them in misery, they should become good indian citizens and peaceful and throw down all their insurgency and militancy

behaving like that is only costing them and not pakistanis, not other indians, only hurting themselves
I haven't still understood what is valuable inside Kashmir. As I said before, a pile of rocks administered by Al Qaeda wannabes.

It is not a Tamil Nadu, or Maharashtra or Karnataka where India's IT or industrial capabilities. If those states tried to secede I can understand the reaction, as those states contribute a lot oin terms of industry, IT, science and agriculture.

I think it all comes down to pride.

You know, like if India gives the Kashmir valley Independence Pakistan will claim to have vanquished those 'dark skinned, idol worshipping Hindus.'

The Indian side will be like 'see! once a back stabbing terrorist always back stabbing terrorist.

To be honest, I can't see any budging from India, unless there is seismic shift in generational attitude or India just runs ot of money in a catastrophic way.

India is not going to be militarily be budged in Kashmir. Not due to it being super proficient. But this ability of being a glutton for punishment.

personally, I think keeping Kashmir was a mistake.
I would like to see Kashmir as completely independent. Let the Kashmiris decide what path they want to take. After all these years of fighting, the last group of people who's opinions are almost always dismissed (unless it suits propaganda) are the Kashmiri people's.

intent of few cant be taken as wish of majority
And vice versa. But we'll never know the true intent of the majority unless a referendum takes place, and India has made it clear that it will never allow such a thing.
isn't it evident? these guys raise pakistani flag, will not india take it as being traitors? why they are trying to politically marginaliing themselves when they know that it will keep them in misery, they should become good indian citizens and peaceful and throw down all their insurgency and militancy

behaving like that is only costing them and not pakistanis, not other indians, only hurting themselves

Just like you MQM walas behave.

Keep your bhaya mentality to yourself
I would like to see Kashmir as completely independent. Let the Kashmiris decide what path they want to take. After all these years of fighting, the last group of people who's opinions are almost always dismissed (unless it suits propaganda) are the Kashmiri people's.

And vice versa. But we'll never know the true intent of the majority unless a referendum takes place, and India has made it clear that it will never allow such a thing.
true...rue intent of the majority unless a referendum
how india will allowed Referundum when its destotrd by design by pak state sponsered mujahid , freedom figter aka Terrrist
Kashmiri Pandits offered three choices by Radical Islamists » Indian Defence Review
25 years after exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley, questions over returnremain

Let say...
if we trubed the table...instead of pandits .. muslim were the case
wil pak allowed in Azad Kashmir in same situation ?
if ISIS call referudum today in iraq will it provide true mandate ?
india called referdum in ORIGINAL situation of kashmir ...where ALL kashmiris .. hinud or muslim will take call..
but Terrorist made it impossible and will reamin distant dream if not imposibel

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