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Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy

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I personally think the way Pakistan and Bangladesh treat eachother is a sign of brotherhood and a small blink towards the past. :tup:
Gifts are there in many shapes or forms, Pakistan receives them too, it's a sign of goodwill for eachother.
Pakistan would like to see Bangladesh to be able to fend off any threat and especially the Indian threat, so hence why both nations co-operate in these manners.

You are 100% right Jihad, We after 71 we realised that its not possible to run 2 countries when there is a country like India sitting in between. IN 1971 POF used to make 2 things one uniforms for our troops and 12 bore round named Shaheen Cartoos. LG and SG. Than we decided that we should have our own ordinance Factory which should produce weapons and hardware for PAkistani forces. When we had ample amount in our stock Pakistan decided that its time to put our differences behind and help BD in any way Pakistan could. The first good will act was that PAF Academy and PMA will take BD cadets as fighter pilots and CAE. Quantity 5 each which cost PAF 1 million $$ per Cadet. PMA will take 10 to 15 cadets. PAF was expensive because of flying and we have sent over 85 fighter pilots since 1991. Navy takes only 1 cadet as there navy expands we will take more cadets and train them. PAF does not charge BD Cadet's but they charge Cadet's from Middle eastern Countries.
If you check the records from there ISPR there best officers and pilots are graduates from Pakistan Military establishments. And it makes us proud when we see them rise.:pakistan:
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What have you achive with this comment. Honestly. you are denonuncing pakistani product yet we are upgrading our tank and builiding ship with their help. This no way to discredit our brothers. What ever jf-17 is but it's being made in pakistani soil and that should be a great achivment by pak army.

This is no way to build brotherhood my bd brother..........

Well Said my bengali brother. It seems this Khaled is a "one in a billion" type of bengali.

I believe that if one of our bangladeshi brothers is upset with us for some reason or other---we do not need to get upset at them in return by giving them a piece of our mind.

If I remember correctly---Musharraf visited bangladesh during his tenure---a complaint of low quality product was put to him regarding the purchase of some defence equipment by bangladesh at that time---Musharraf looked into it---gave directive to cure the problem and instructed that the transaction which was of a few million dollars was to be completed free of charge.
Forget about him dude. He's some "Hardcore" Bengali Nationalist who's under the Illusion that Bangladesh is some 7th Generation Superpower. I'm sure that with his twisted nationalistic attitude, he plans to rule Pakistan with his Military's decades old T-69's. Apparently, they're even better than Al-Khalid.

dude, how many times you need to be mentioned that its not T-69 but T-69 Mk. II G Main Battle Tank, the upgraded version of T-69... you were also shown the differences between our T-69 Mk. II G MBT and your Al-Zarrar MBT... read the following posted by Khaled bhai...

The Al-Zarrar is no where near the T-69 Mk.II G, whatever you might say.
The T-69 Mk.II G is armed with a license built version of the M256 120mm smoothbore main gun, the gun on the T-69 Mk.II G is comparable to the guns on the M1A2 Abrams, Leopard-2 and Merkava-4 (which are the best MBTs in the world. The 125m gun on the Al-Zarrar and Al-Khalid by contrast is a lackluster system. The 125mm has superior range but the 120mm features greater accuracy and more powerful munitions. options

The principal difference between the Al Zarrar and the Bangladeshi T-69 Mk.II G are as follows:

* 120mm smoothbore main gun with FCS and automatic loader with ability to fire all NATO standard projectiles including specially modified Ukranian 120mm Reflek's ATGMs.
* 1,200 hp engine replacing the original 730hp engine standard of Bangladesh Army tanks.
* Front and side skirt ERA protection.
* Armour slab on glacis.

The Bangladesh Army's Type 69 Mk. II G MBT is the most powerful Type 69/Type 59 upgrade ever carried out. If you want to compare then let us start with the main armament. The Pakistani Al Zarrar MBT is equipped with a 125mm Russian smoothebore main gun that also equips the T-72 , which were made target practise by allied forces during the Gulf war, while the Bangladeshi Type 69 Mk. II G MBT is armed with a Chinese copy of the M256/L44 120mm smoothebore that is carried on the Leopard II, M1A2 and Merkava IV MBTs (the best MBTs in the world today). The Bangladeshi tank can also fire ATGMs unlike the Al Zarrar. Then you have the armoured protection. The Al-Zarrar lacks frontal armour protection for its hull, where as the Bangladeshi tank has got ERA slabs all throughout the front hull and surrounds of the turret. ERA is said to be optional for the Al-Zarrar.

The Al-Zarrar is also underpowered compared to the Type 69 Mk. II G MBT. The Bangladeshi tank is equipped with a 1,200hp engine, while the Al-Zarrar only has a 730hp engine. The 730hp engines used to equip the older Bangladeshi Type-69/59 MBTs.
The only thing that the T-69 Mk.II G has in common with the Al-Zarrar is the night time operations systems (night time driving and fighting systems). Otherwise everything else is superior.

The Type 69 Mk. II G should be confidently able to defeat all T-72, T-69, T-59, T-55/54 MBTs due to these reasons.
There are quite a few valid reasons why we decided to standardize the 120mm NATO standard smoothbore guns.

1. Superiority of 120mm smoothbore over Communist 125mm counterparts.
2. Denial of ammunition stockpiles to the enemy during war.
3. Compatibility with NATO/Western forces.

There were many rumours that Bangladesh Army would procure Pakistani built Al Zarrar upgrade kits for all T-59/69/79 MBTs. It is a fact that Pakistan aggressively marketed this tank to Bangladesh but the Army was probably not impressed with the tank and conditions put forward by the Pakistanis. They want $1.6 million (USD) for each Al-Zarrar MBT, meaning almost $600 million! Also Pakistan is viewed as an unstable country thus supply of spare parts might be a problem and the fact is Pakistan has to import most of the sophisticated components from overseas to build their tanks. These components are coming from China so why should the Bangladesh Army act foolishly by paying extra to the middle man when it can directly purchase the upgrade kits from the Chinese? Chinese technical teams provided support to their Bangladeshi counterparts and they jointly upgraded the tanks locally in a facility that is fully capable of building tanks and special military vehicles.

The Bangladesh Army also acquired license to manufacture MANPADS, rifles, artillery shells and other military equipment from China to decrease reliance on foreign countries. Currently the military is broadening its suppliers and acquiring more advanced military technologies from strategic partners such as Turkey who are offering a whole new gateway of modernization for our armed forces. Turkey will be the second largest defence supplier to Bangladesh soon after China as it is selling all kinds of modern military hardware to Bangladesh that other countries cannot sell or match in terms of quality, price and condition.

The Bangladesh Army's Type 69 Mk. II G MBTs are expected to fight mainly against Indian and Myanmarese T-72 MBTs. India has domestically manufactured T-72s, while Myanmar imported some 139 basic T-72S from somewhere.

Bangladeshi Type 69 Mk. II G: 120mm smoothbore main gun, 12.7mm HMG, 2 x 7.62mm GPMG, 6 x Smoke grenade launchers, 1,200 hp engine, ERA, FCS, LRF, BC, FSS, digital communications, GPS etc. Compared to the Bangladeshi upgraded tank the Al Zarrar's main downside is less powerful engine, inferior armament and armor and lack of crew comfort.

Unfortunately Bangladesh cannot export these tanks not because China will not allow them but because we need these tanks until every last one is replaced by Yatagan MBTs.
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Let's cut the discussion about T-69 II G tank and Al-Zarrar right here bro.It will cause some more flamed replies and the thread will erupt as volcano.Cool down.

The gifting thing was a false news.I only saw it in Indian DNA news,no where else.

I don't think Jf-17 is junk,it is good,although not as good as Su-30MKI.Pakistan offered us this bird and as far as cost and maintenance is considered,Bangladesh is capable of acquiring them.

Pakistan did gift us many hard wares as a sign of goodwill and I appreciate it.Recently defence ties with Pakistan increased with projects like building Fast missile crafts.I hope it continues.
Thanks to Sir MuradK,for mentioning about PMA.I didn't know about that.

I have another news,I think Bangladeshi sailors would learn a lot from this excercise.

BNS Abur Bakr off to Pakistan to join international naval exercise

Bangladesh Navy ship Abu Bakr has left south-eastern Chittagong coast for Pakistan to join international naval exercises codenamed Aman beginning March 5. Seventy-seven officers and 216 sailors of the BNS Abu Bakr will take part in the sea exercises under the command of Commander Selim Reza Harun.

A total of 11 countries, including big powers like USA, UK, France, China and Malaysia, observers from 32 countries will attend the 10-day-long event.

Meanwhile, the navy ship will make a goodwill call at the port of Colombo and Kochin in India during her voyage enroute to Pakistan.

“It is expected that friendship and diplomatic ties will be enhanced between Bangladesh and three other SAARC countries through this exercise and goodwill visit,” a Defence Ministry announcement said here Tuesday.

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All tanks are sitting duck, even reference comes from Gulf war. Plus every gun has its own advantage. For Pakistan its easy to operate both bores, because Pakistan doesn't import any ordinance,manufacture itself (POFs) and also non-allied NATO member. For Bangladash they have to import ordinance and their cost is too high.
Pakistan ultimate target is further enhancement of AlK and AlkII. Rest of tanks were just gap filling measure and use in Pak-Afghan terrain against insurgency.
Indeed, leon, no one is arguing that gifting of the Daphnes took place. All we were interested in was, khalid claiming that Bangladesh had rejected Pakistan's offer of assistance.

Anyways, I wish all my Bangladeshi brothers well. I hope BN procures the Type 209 sub. This could further broaden the relations between BN and PN.

Let's cut the discussion about T-69 II G tank and Al-Zarrar right here bro.It will cause some more flamed replies and the thread will erupt as volcano.Cool down.
The gifting thing was a false news.I only saw it in Indian DNA news,no where else.

okay... I appologize for that.

There is an issue with the 120mm and 125 mm tank gun. The answer is not as simple as the poster has stated that the iraqis had 125 mm and the opposition 120 mm won the battle----it was rather that the M1A1 120 mm gun had a mximum kill range of 4000 metres as compared to the russian tanks 125 mm gun with maximum kill range of 2500 meters and that also on a non M1A1 armour type tank. It had to get real close to score a frontal kill on the M1A1---how close---we don't know.

So, technically the american would out shoot the iraqi from way far out.
You are 100% right Jihad, We after 71 we realised that its not possible to run 2 countries when there is a country like India sitting in between. IN 1971 POF used to make 2 things one uniforms for our troops and 12 bore round named Shaheen Cartoos. LG and SG. Than we decided that we should have our own ordinance Factory which should produce weapons and hardware for PAkistani forces. When we had ample amount in our stock Pakistan decided that its time to put our differences behind and help BD in any way Pakistan could. The first good will act was that PAF Academy and PMA will take BD cadets as fighter pilots and CAE. Quantity 5 each which cost PAF 1 million $$ per Cadet. PMA will take 10 to 15 cadets. PAF was expensive because of flying and we have sent over 85 fighter pilots since 1991. Navy takes only 1 cadet as there navy expands we will take more cadets and train them. PAF does not charge BD Cadet's but they charge Cadet's from Middle eastern Countries.
If you check the records from there ISPR there best officers and pilots are graduates from Pakistan Military establishments. And it makes us proud when we see them rise.:pakistan:

Sir I definitely remember the Shaheen Kartoos for our 12 bore guns. I am sure Shaheen kartoos had a big hand in dwindling the number of partridges in at least some parts of Pakistan ;):lol:
Even since I have pointed out the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Zarrar, some of you have been twisting words and setting up false claims, which is a most unfortunate happening.

I have been for long saying BD and Pakistan should strengthen ties; possible even forming an alliance with China and Myanmar to contain India. I have suggested joint exercises, training and patrols. I have hailed the joint venture of PN and BN. I have never said Bangladesh and Pakistan should end defence relations.

1. I have only given a rough response as some members have said that anything Pakistan donates to Bangladesh will make Bangladesh stronger; no matter how inferior it is.

2. BD is not a dump yard that it will accept anything from other nations. Even than based on a fake news report. Bangladesh Navy HQ later denounced the claim made by the Indian media.

3. It is information from BAF sources that they have rejected procurement of JF-17. So it is not possible to just stick to internet news and information and pretend everything can be known from there. Initially it was believed that BAF would procure a large fleet of JF-17 to replace all existing aging combat aircraft as it is a modern multi-role fighter. It was later rejected as superior options were available; The Su-27 were being offered since 2005 and negotiations for its purchase began back in 1999. Also available was the J-10 option.

The JF-17 is major success for Pakistan. This is the first combat aircraft her industries have produced and it will be satisfying all Pakistani requirements. This is the main thing.

However the JF-17 is a failure in the international export market. Even China will not be procuring it; instead they will be using the J-10 and Su-30 and large numbers of F-7MG and F-7G. The only country which may procure the JF-17 other than Pakistan is Egypt. No other country is likely to procure it. It would have been excellent for Pakistan if they could export it as it will improve their economy and with feedback data they could build superior variants or successor models.

4. I have never said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Khalid; I said it was “roughly comparable.” Do not think that the Al-Khalid is the best MBT around; the T-84 Yatagan and some others are superior. I have said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Zarrar, T-55, T-64 and T-72.

5. Bangladesh has been satisfied with some Pakistani hardware including ATGMs and T-37C; PN and BN are strengthening relations. A lot of personnel are being trained in joint training courses in both countries.

6. Bangladesh is not satisfied with other hardware imported from Pakistan. In the late 90s BA procured a small number of 122mm MBRLs from Pakistan, they were not satisfied with it and have decided to not procure any more. Instead Type-90B MBRLs are being procured from China along with a large number of other artillery systems.

7. Bangladesh will not be procuring any Anza Mk.II MANPAD SAM. A production facility is under construction; when completed it will be capable of producing 10,000 SAMs per year, this will make export possible. BD is already mass producing the BD-08 Assault Rifle that is now the standard issue weapon.

8. Rule Pakistan? No thanks. Wait … Better pay some attention to the Taliban and Indian; they definitely need taken care of. I wish Pakistan best of luck to fight these bastards and enemies of humankind.

9. Copied insignias? Give evidence to back your claims.

While i will certainly not comment on the whole of your post, since its nothing more then a mere rant by a nationalist, however just one thing, JF-17 is failure in the export market, you got to be kidding. Dude apart from your hatred, let some sense prevail and once for a change just check out the number of countries that are interested in the purchase of JF-17. Your comment about China not procuring it shows how much information you really have got other then of course your liberation partners filled trash. Seriously go get a life and stop wasting Bandwidth.
Even since I have pointed out the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Zarrar, some of you have been twisting words and setting up false claims, which is a most unfortunate happening.

Personally I don't care if BD buys or does not buy Pakistani products. You check them out, if you do not like them then you do not buy. Secondly, Pakistan does not dump obsolete equipment anywhere. The party has to show an interest in it and that is the only time such things come up at the defence ministry. T-69MKII vs. Zarrar comparison needs to move away from mine is better than yours. Most people do not even understand the GSRs laid down by the two armies for each of these tanks. While I cannot say anything about the T-69MKII, all I know for the AZ is that it was considered a feasible and high Return on investment type of a project to overhaul, upgun and upgrade the systems on existing T-59 inventory which was nearing its end of life. For that purpose, the tank is fine given the theater it will be operating in. The idea is not for AZ to go up against the likes of Abrams and Challenger, rather T-72s etc. and for that it is fine.

I have been for long saying BD and Pakistan should strengthen ties; possible even forming an alliance with China and Myanmar to contain India. I have suggested joint exercises, training and patrols. I have hailed the joint venture of PN and BN. I have never said Bangladesh and Pakistan should end defence relations.

Most here are proponents of this kind of relationship. There is nothing to lose, only to gain from such dealings (the key thing is to put aside pride and respect each other).

1. I have only given a rough response as some members have said that anything Pakistan donates to Bangladesh will make Bangladesh stronger; no matter how inferior it is.

If that is the perception then its wrong for the Pakistanis to believe that. All Armies, including BD's, evaluate things on their merit. If you do not like it, you do not take it. Please also see my point about donations. We do not offer things which we cannot maintain ourselves. If the idea is broached by BD, then its something else, otherwise Pakistan has no reason to offer an older SSK which she herself is retiring. In the most desperate times for Bosnians, we sent them the newest hardware off the production lines and the same goes for the Sri Lankans. Why would we pass on sub-grade stuff to BD? There is a lot of rumor mongering going on in the press, sometimes back (4 yrs ago) the Indian media reported that 50,000 9mm rounds exported by PoF to the London Police were of inferior quality, in a week's time, no less than the representative of London Metropolitan police clarified that there were absolutely no issues with the ammo. So trust me on the point about quality, our exports are starting to ramp up, we will not pass on trash to others.

2. BD is not a dump yard that it will accept anything from other nations. Even than based on a fake news report. Bangladesh Navy HQ later denounced the claim made by the Indian media.


3. It is information from BAF sources that they have rejected procurement of JF-17. So it is not possible to just stick to internet news and information and pretend everything can be known from there. Initially it was believed that BAF would procure a large fleet of JF-17 to replace all existing aging combat aircraft as it is a modern multi-role fighter. It was later rejected as superior options were available; The Su-27 were being offered since 2005 and negotiations for its purchase began back in 1999. Also available was the J-10 option.

All possible, however what existed as an option (FC-1/JF-17) on paper in 2005 is different from what it is turning out to be now. You pick what is best for you but thus far I know of no serious evaluation of the JF-17 by the BAF. Maybe they do not want it, but if that is the case then its not based on the performance of the aircraft, rather other considerations which could include buying straight from Russia or even the West. Given what BAF have flown in the past and do so currently, JF-17 would be a good fit but then again then is an outside observation. Maybe there are plans afoot for something grander for the BAF.

However the JF-17 is a failure in the international export market. Even China will not be procuring it; instead they will be using the J-10 and Su-30 and large numbers of F-7MG and F-7G. The only country which may procure the JF-17 other than Pakistan is Egypt. No other country is likely to procure it. It would have been excellent for Pakistan if they could export it as it will improve their economy and with feedback data they could build superior variants or successor models.

How does an aircraft become an export failure without having even met IOC with the Air Force which has turned this concept into a reality with the help of the Chinese? China not buying it has nothing to do with the potential of the aircraft. China has to worry about potentially facing F/A-22 over Taiwan and as such their compulsions are different. If we had to face the likes of F/A-22, then JF-17 would certainly not be on our minds. Chinese will definitely buy FC-1s as they are much, much better than the considerable old inventory of F-7s. Even in the PAF service, the F-7s were never planned but were included as a stop gap measure. Chinese are faced with the same problem as everyone else..I.E. Cost! Yes they would like an Air Force entirely equipped with J-10 however each J-10 costs a lot more than the JF-17. So either you go for a high-lo mix or you whittle down the inventory.

Overall on this point you are extremely ill-informed. Thus far Azerbaijan and quite a few other, pragmatic air arms have shown interest in the aircraft. The idea is to appeal to the smaller, tactical airforces which do not want to be tied down with export restrictions and still have the ability to field BVR and other modern avionics. The key is that once the aircraft is operational in the PAF service, then only others would be interested in the aircraft. Chinese buying the aircraft provide an added incentive as it reduced the overall cost of the aircraft with their purchase.

4. I have never said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Khalid; I said it was “roughly comparable.” Do not think that the Al-Khalid is the best MBT around; the T-84 Yatagan and some others are superior. I have said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Zarrar, T-55, T-64 and T-72.

Who knows. We are all comparing specs on the paper and those too of tanks that are in service with Armies that have different general staff requirements for their tanks. Pakistan may favor more mobility and as such lighter armour for combat, whereas BD not being an ideal tank country, may opt for more armour. For our requirements, AK and AZ are fine. Maye the idea in BD is to do the same, have an in-house capability to upgrade own tanks and put them through next generation updates. Great! The more the merrier.

5. Bangladesh has been satisfied with some Pakistani hardware including ATGMs and T-37C; PN and BN are strengthening relations. A lot of personnel are being trained in joint training courses in both countries.

Exactly what we want.
6. Bangladesh is not satisfied with other hardware imported from Pakistan. In the late 90s BA procured a small number of 122mm MBRLs from Pakistan, they were not satisfied with it and have decided to not procure any more. Instead Type-90B MBRLs are being procured from China along with a large number of other artillery systems.

Market economy in action. You do not like the product, you do not buy it. I do want to point out that pretty similar 122mm MBRLs from Pakistan were extremely effective in use with the SL Army against the Tigers. End of last year, we sent them a rather large number of rounds for these same MBRLs. Thus again, requirements of the BD Army may be different. I stand by the quality issue. If there is a problem, Pakistan will typically rectify the problem by taking things back and replacing. Not sure what the basis for the dissatisfaction with the MBRL was?
7. Bangladesh will not be procuring any Anza Mk.II MANPAD SAM. A production facility is under construction; when completed it will be capable of producing 10,000 SAMs per year, this will make export possible. BD is already mass producing the BD-08 Assault Rifle that is now the standard issue weapon.

This is the Chinese model. What they have helped with in Pakistan, they are doing the same in BD. This is a good thing. You want to reduce dependence on the outside as much as possible.
2. BD is not a dump yard that it will accept anything from other nations. Even than based on a fake news report. Bangladesh Navy HQ later denounced the claim made by the Indian media.

3. It is information from BAF sources that they have rejected procurement of JF-17. So it is not possible to just stick to internet news and information and pretend everything can be known from there. Initially it was believed that BAF would procure a large fleet of JF-17 to replace all existing aging combat aircraft as it is a modern multi-role fighter. It was later rejected as superior options were available; The Su-27 were being offered since 2005 and negotiations for its purchase began back in 1999. Also available was the J-10 option.

The JF-17 is major success for Pakistan. This is the first combat aircraft her industries have produced and it will be satisfying all Pakistani requirements. This is the main thing.

However the JF-17 is a failure in the international export market. Even China will not be procuring it; instead they will be using the J-10 and Su-30 and large numbers of F-7MG and F-7G. The only country which may procure the JF-17 other than Pakistan is Egypt. No other country is likely to procure it. It would have been excellent for Pakistan if they could export it as it will improve their economy and with feedback data they could build superior variants or successor models.

4. I have never said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Khalid; I said it was “roughly comparable.” Do not think that the Al-Khalid is the best MBT around; the T-84 Yatagan and some others are superior. I have said that the T-69 Mk.II G is superior to the Al-Zarrar, T-55, T-64 and T-72.

7. Bangladesh will not be procuring any Anza Mk.II MANPAD SAM. A production facility is under construction; when completed it will be capable of producing 10,000 SAMs per year, this will make export possible. BD is already mass producing the BD-08 Assault Rifle that is now the standard issue weapon.

8. Rule Pakistan? No thanks. Wait … Better pay some attention to the Taliban and Indian; they definitely need taken care of. I wish Pakistan best of luck to fight these bastards and enemies of humankind.

no offense, but your post is just ridiculous. bangladesh has no choice but to be a dump for military equipment. your country most likely can't even afford the FC-1 (the only aircraft available for you) with all of its avionics. after all, you couldn't even afford the handful of MiG-29's lying around in your bases. JF-17 wasn't available to you to begin with, it's an aircraft specifically designed to meet Pakistan's needs, not yours or anyone elses. at most, you'll by lucky to acquire FC-1's coming straight out of China.

FC-1 along with JF-17 already have approximately 1075 orders, 800 FC-1's for international export, and 275 JF-17's for Pakistan. ( see Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan )

FC-1/JF-17 is anything but a failure in the international export market, it's considered to be the next F-16 actually. so let's humble your arrogance a bit, I understand Bangladesh is a dump and can't produce anything on its own except corruption and "paan", but there's no reason to take out your frustration on us.

second, J-10 is NOT available for you. Iran has even requested the J-10 from China, their tender was rejected even though China has already supplied them with AShM/Cruise missiles and they are an oil-producing nation with a GDP and budget much larger than Pakistan's. Bangladesh can't even afford it, and as of right now, China will NOT sell it to you. the Chinese know very well that India only has to pound Bangladesh with a few bombs for a little bit, and then will manage to get their hands on the J-10. Which is why the Chinese aren't going to sell you the aircraft.

Give evidence to back your claims.
yes, please do give evidence to back up your claims like I did with mine. especially with the J-10 and the "10,000 locally produced SAMs".

Lets stop this piss-off match. Not getting us anywhere. To tell someone that they are on the receiving end of junk will not make any friends. It actually does the exact opposite. You want the folks from BD to understand that Pakistan is a friend then the last thing you want to talk about is dumping your junk in their backyard. ;-)

Talk technicalities, but leave out the flames.
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