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Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy

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bangladesh might have spend more than 10 mn in maintaining it.That shud be the reasong why its FREE.
The two initial conflicting reports that I posted regarding this matter should be sufficient in understanding the issue. It is unlikely that the Subs have been given to B'desh & that also, 'free'.

But IF they have been given for free to B'desh, it is merely a diplomatic gesture of goodwill from Pakistan.

As for B'desh, its Navy gets the opportunity to train on an underwater capability platform which they have not had access to in the past. Who knows what B'deshi Navy plans on acquiring in the future! Such matters are only revealed when the timing is right, otherwise they are only confined to confidential circles.
not long ago they just got license production of chinese type 81 rifle..... before that they are still using semi-automatic rifles...... lol (hope u can understand their difficult position: is not that they love india is that they are too weak.... have to put up and live under the shadow of india... and tats y they are so happy every time they get chinese and pakistani assistants hoping they can get a lift away from india influence... lol)
i dont know why they are helping bingo's..........................
airbus said:
i dont know why they are helping bingo's..........................

whom u are talkin about the indians or us i mean do u mean why we help them or india.

if u mean the later well u must knw better thn me :)

if u r talking about Pakistan well i think now is the time to clear their minds and have a good relation to stop them from being used by our adversary.
Jana said:
whom u are talkin about the indians or us i mean do u mean why we help them or india.

if u mean the later well u must knw better thn me :)

if u r talking about Pakistan well i think now is the time to clear their minds and have a good relation to stop them from being used by our adversary.

well Mam iam saying that why pakistani's are helping Bengali's.

[Mod Edit: Post edited. No name calling please]
airbus said:

well Mam iam saying that why pakistani's are helping Bengali's.

What do you mean?
Being a muslim nation and probably because of, as an ex-pakistan. Pakistan is also helping other countries like Srilanka, South africa, Libya, UAE and Zimbabwe, why?, To have and develope good relations and more importantly to keep peace.:army:
Srilanka and Bangladesh lack funds and have very weak defenece forces.
Even if we dump our obsolete weapons there, it always increases their capability.
Political and strategic returns make it worth for us to keep supporting them with our excessive materials.
airbus said:

well Mam iam saying that why pakistani's are helping Bengali's.

[Mod Edit: Post edited. No name calling please]

Jana has strong lobby here;) (I think it was NEo?)
A.Rahman said:
Jana has strong lobby here;) (I think it was NEo?)

Rahman what u mean by (i think it was NEo)m ;)

hey r u part of that strong lobby or not :rolleyes:

i think we should help Bangladesh to help her out of infulence of certain section.

If we can approach Isreal nothing wrong with helping Bangladesh let gone be bygone.

we must try to streanthen our roots in BD.
A.Rahman said:
Jana has strong lobby here;) (I think it was NEo?)
What did I do?
I'm totally inocent man! :angel:
Procurement of four submarines underway
By UNB, Dhaka
Mar 21, 2004, 11:54

Minister in Charge of Defense in parliament Maj (retd) Hafiz Uddin Ahmed told the House on Sunday that four submarines, 16 multi-role fighters and heavy equipment are in procurement process as part of modernizing the country's armed forces.

To give the country's navy a three-dimensional base, process is underway to procure four submarines by the year 2012, Hafiz said replying to a question from MM Shaheen. The minister said besides commissioning submarines and other war ships, two maritime patrol aircraft would also be added to the naval fleet. And to increase war-power of the existing ships, missiles, torpedo counter measure system, surface to air missiles capable of attacking from long distance and a helicopter that can operate from ships, would also be procured to modernize the Bangladesh Navy, he added.

Maj (retd) Hafiz informed the House that war ships and other weapons, which are under the process of purchase, would cost about Tk 1,911 crore of which four submarines would cost Tk 1,200 crore. He said an agreement has been signed with British Royal Navy for purchasing five offshore patrol vessels and in the meantime three of those already joined the fleet of Bangladesh Navy while two more would arrive by next May.

Besides, a big patrol vessel would be constructed at Khulna Shipyard and process is on to procure six patrol crafts and four missile corvettes, he said adding that a plan has also been taken to replace three old frigates which would be procured from friendly countries.

In the purchase list, surface to air missiles with base facilities, one helicopter and helicopter handling system and one torpedo counter measure system for DW 2000 H frigate and a combat data link for BN Osman are also there, he added.

He said a patrol craft, a hydrographic survey ship and two speedy gunboats from South Korea have been commissioned in the naval fleet.

The Defence Minister in charge in parliament said to modernize the Air Force, there is a plan to procure 16 multi-role fighters, 12 fighter trainer planes and three MI-17 helicopters within the current fiscal year.

Maj (retd) Hafiz Uddin said keeping pace with the present world, modernization of army is going on and as a part of that necessary arms, war vehicles and other modern heavy war equipment are in the process of purchase.

The cost for arms, fighter planes and other necessary equipment to be purchased for army and air force could not be ascertained as final agreement for the deals are yet to be signed, the minister added.

Replying to a question, Hafiz admitted that there is inadequate manpower in the armed forces and explained that financial constraints had barred them from going for more recruitment. "We don't believe in quantity, but in quality," he said adding that the personnel in the armed forces are getting good training from different military institutions.

Giving answer to another supplementary question from Ebadur Rahman Chowdhury, the minister said investigation had proved corruption by the previous Awami League government in purchasing frigate and MIG-29 fighter planes and charge sheet has been framed accusing former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her involvement in the deals.

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Which submarine should the BN acquire?

SSK Agosta 90B Class Attack Submarine, France
SSK Gotland Class (Type A19) Attack Submarine, Sweden
SSK Kilo Class (Type 636) Attack Submarine, Russia
SSK Kilo Class (Type 877EKM) Attack Submarine, Russia
SSK Type 039 (Song Class) Attack Submarine, China
U212 / U214 Attack Submarines, Germany
Other? [Please specify]
Such a small country like Bangladesh manages her funds the right way to meet its defence needs. However, it forgets to fund the millions of poor Bangladeshis in Bangladesh, including some of the Pakistanis who wouldn't get the rights to be Bangladeshis even after living there for 30 or more years.
Why are we continuing to discuss the Pakistani gift of Submarines to Bangladesh, when they have already landed in the Karachi Ship breaking industry? Unless there is a suggestion to sell them either the 70s or even 90s.
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